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Everything posted by Cerbera100

  1. Cerbera100

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Random... Thats got to be one of the most bizarre listings that I've ever seen!
  2. Cerbera100

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Why would anyone pay that much for a 1 in a billion chance of getting the real one - then have to give it back because its stolen property! I picked my '33' penny (along with '54 penny, and '45 silver 3d) from Gary Phelps for £15 each! What do we reckon... adjusted 5 or transplanted 3?
  3. Cerbera100

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Why would anyone pay that much for a 1 in a billion chance of getting the real one - then have to give it back because its stolen property! I picked my '33' penny (along with '54 penny, and '45 silver 3d) from Gary Phelps for £15 each! What do we reckon... adjusted 5 or transplanted 3?
  4. Cerbera100

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    My friendly note to him: Dear jsp69jsp, I suppose you've noticed that the picture you've supplied is not a 1940 penny, but one of 1900?! Also, the 'penny' has been in circulation since the mid-900's AD, so 1940 isn't exactly old! - cerbera100 His reply... Dear cerbera100, so this isnt a question about the penny at all, just you telling me pointless information thanks - jsp69jsp So apparently informing someone that their title, image and description are utterly wrong is 'pointless information'... Do wonders never cease?! Question is, do I reply, and if so how?!
  5. Cerbera100

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Dare we ask why?! The reflection part I mean, I'd suggest that the disappearance is due in part to the 'common' man believing inflammable to mean 'unflammable' rather than very flammable! As my 6th form Chemistry teacher once joked - 'this asbestos stuff is wonderful, completely inflammable'!
  6. Two reasons really... Firstly, the die alignment is as per the pictures (ie about 50degrees out!)... Second, the severe lack of detail on the hair - could be wear but the front of the tiara is much better... Also, when 'in hand' it just feels wrong!
  7. Cerbera100

    Value Trends

    Party pooper! Thats gotta be a typo... unfortunately, the proof-reading exercise on the book seems to get less important with each passing year! And Peckris - I apologise, that wasnt the drive I was making... If I came across as callous, I assure you that was not intended. Unfortunately, there are a contingent of cheating, lying, work-shy layabouts - my ex-next door neighbour being a prime example. Claiming in the region of £30k of benefits (including IB for a dodgy knee - supposed work-place accedent, I know he was talking to the ambulance chasers) as well well as working cashinand at the local builders merchant as a hod-carrier! He only got busted when the SS went round - or should that be social services - and found him off on holiday the next day... for three weeks... to Aspen... with his own personalised skis/boots etc! You also make a fantastically valid point about there not being enough jobs full-stop without 'creating' more applicants!
  8. Cerbera100

    Coin Collectors Map GB

    And a link added to www.readingcoinclub.co.uk for you!
  9. Cerbera100

    Coin Collectors Map GB

    In the interests of fairness, can I request that DNW are added?! I used to work there, so am slightly biased
  10. Cerbera100

    Value Trends

    Do you think we've drifted off topic a little?! All of two replies and we're talking politics!
  11. Which raised the question, how to tell a aUnc circulation piece from one thats come out of a BUnc set and gone round the houses a couple of times!
  12. Cerbera100

    Value Trends

    I couldn't have said it better myself! When children are getting paid to go to school, teenage girls are getting paid to get pregnant and asylum-seekers have the right to live in multi-million pound mansions in Chelsea, something is wrong! I'm all for debt reduction, but feel that DC and GO are attacking it arse-about-face - cutting NHS/Police etc budgets whilst still p1ssing money away on social benefits! We also need to take a significantly firmer line on foreign-national (serious) convicts... Rather than giving them free board and lodgings for X day/weeks (do sentences still run into months and years?!) we need to send the back to where they came from and revoke their right to ever enter the UK again! Apologies - I too will put my soap-box away!
  13. Cerbera100

    round 20p

    could be an unplated penny blank... should be about 20mm if so...
  14. Cerbera100

    round 20p

    150kb max file size... you'll need to either make the photo smaller, or upload to somewhere like photobox and post the link! Welcome!
  15. Cerbera100

    Wanted 1938 Farthing £50

    Says Rob quickly hiding the hammer and chisel! Personally, I prefer a hacksaw around the seal... less splintery bits!
  16. Cerbera100

    Coin Collectors Map GB

    You've not missed me out, so thats all good!
  17. First is the threehalfpence that Sion mentioned - 1843 as you say! In condition, a pound or two if you're lucky! Other is a threepence of George V - I'm guessing 1917, but could be any 1st coinage (1910-1920) 3d given the blurring of the pic!). Even in tip-top condition these dont fetch much more than £10-15, and in VF a few pence... even with the blurring, this is almost certainly closer to the VF end of the market! Very nice little pieces (especially the threehalfpence - weirdest denomination coin in 1500 years of Sterling!) but nothing to retire on... sorry!
  18. Cerbera100

    Royal Mail

    You'll have to bear in ming that the £6 charge to you will certainly include a £2 (or there abouts) 'admin' fee! Sounds like someone put a 1st class stamp and a SD sticker on the same envelope! Why is it your problem and not the sender... God only knows, but then life is a b1tch! If you don't know what it is, ignore it and it'll be returned to sender after a couple of weeks anyway!
  19. Show off. lol - exactly what I was thinking! Nice penny though - Azda's that is... Sorry Jay, yours is a touch umm beaten up?!
  20. Cerbera100

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Sorry, me again! Link How?! I know its not a circulation date, but the whole set isnt worth that!
  21. Cerbera100

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    eBay... Really? £500?! I struggled to get 500p last time I sold one of these! I like how she's put 'mule' in the title so it comes up when people search for the 20p!
  22. No no no... its blatantly HMS Queen Elizabeth...! I think you need to get your glasses checked!
  23. Cerbera100

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    'SuPr Rar!!! Silvo embossed - ony 1 none!
  24. Brilliant? That's an understatement. That seller ought to be a comedy writer. Perhaps he really is! My favourite part : If you don’t want to drive it you can just sit in the driver’s seat and I can make engine noises but there will be an additional fee for this. Even better that he goes on to say 'I can also make airplane noises my Airbus A380 is very impressive, helicopters are harder but I can try if that is your thing'! Pure genius! Woohoo! Post 100!
  25. Cerbera100

    Jelly Bean

    awesome... not the story, the link!