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Everything posted by scott

  1. new one on me, only seen colon stops on a single example of a class 1c
  2. bought this a while back because of the slightly smaller looking 5, had a look again a few weeks later and noted the R in Victoria has been replaced by a B, you can see the the tail of the R but the letter is clearly a B
  3. scott

    Cobs and Milled Reales

    Have a few, hard to find books on the Spanish coins themselves outside of Spain.
  4. its in the bottom right of the obverse. when i saw it i thought it was, but i need some other eyes over it
  5. Also yea, I can’t tell if it’s stamped in but there is something that feels different there
  6. Sometimes, sometimes not, just a curious one in a bulk lot
  7. I have a cut quarter for some time, and have seen the various number of pellets after the mint on the shortcross coinage, i did get an article on york issue mintmarks for earlier monarchs, and seen pictures of shortcross with mintmarks, however cant find a picture of one ending in OR with 4 pellets in a diamond. any clues?
  8. so some talk on a facebook group about Edward I class 1c pennies, and punctuation, led to me photographing mine, posted all in a group, mainly to compare and was informed of something, (they are quite knowledgeable) I own 4 1c's as part of my Edward I collection, this one I bought a few years ago and only went for it due to the the reverse N's being different. I was informed it was a class 1C/D mule, which is logical after its mentioned, as the 1D pennies had larger lettering, as this reverse does, from what I am told about this particular variation is that there only ONE other example known, in the British Museum, has anyone seen any more of these... anywhere?
  9. wow good spot, glad i got mine from a bulk lot where the coin was pictured (badly) or i may have gone for it trying to get an example. but it does say one coin at random from the picture... so if you bought all the coins individually?
  10. it feels weird, hearing and seeing the king and charles III in announcements, we knew it was happen, but its so sudden
  11. its there, Its worn, I have the Jamaican 1882 as well, worn but nothing where the H should be, but other details of similar depth are there.
  12. what about the 1967 halfpenny with the obverse used on 1961s?
  13. the 2008 Ironside 2p 10,600,000 minted and 2017 10,900,000 according to the royal mint site
  14. scott

    Antiques Roadshow - Coins

    they rarely show coins on there, only seen 1 collection of coins on there that was going a few years back
  15. 1992 dot to dot, the 2008 old design 10p... couple of scarce 2ps as well
  16. 1861 halfpennies have plenty of broken letters as well
  17. scott

    Come on ENGLAND

    its coming home... and the royal mint will make 50ps of all the players and manager probably... :/
  18. scott

    What is this coin?

    National bank Ukraine 1 Hryvnia Bullion coin, worth far more then face value
  19. scott

    Several Ships are missing

    obverse 5 is an odd one, I got a 5+g 1861 penny, noted stuff in the place, not letters but what looks like border teeth. hard to explain.
  20. in a bulk buy I got the other day, in the new coins thread £2 for this, an 1879 narrow, a decent 1937 and average 1874 i havn't checked yet
  21. scott

    what will they think of next???

    ideas for post brexit currency
  22. you still can't I dug out an old halfpenny from William III which i bought a few years ago as 1696... I saw it as 6 recut with a 5.. others saw just 1696, others saw 1695, if i angle it I can see either 95 or 96... then someone said 5 over 4.. which also possible. the subliminal recognition I know best is the George V modified Effigy... give me a coin with that head on head side I can see it right away, however give me a 1926 reverse side, takes me a few minutes to recognize it. I got some token in Bulgaria a few years back, with the Pentacle of Soloman on one side, the other side re carved to have the P with the X through the tail.. but with 2 X, no idea what that is... and only found 1 example of the token in the first place.... on a polish forum :/, wonder what this is for.
  23. scott

    Unusual pound coin?

    I have found a few "thick rim" ones, someone on a facebook forum found one with the edge milling UNDER the hologram.
  24. scott

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    convenient angle as well