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Everything posted by argentumandcoins

  1. argentumandcoins

    PFK auction.

    It was a nice one, hammered at £230 + 18% premium.
  2. argentumandcoins

    PFK auction.

    The prices were brutal. If anybody wants to consign the next sale will be first week in December. I am already sorting out my bulk dross to submit!!!
  3. argentumandcoins

    Cannot wait till my birthday

    Happy birthday young Patrick. Enjoy your day at the coin shop
  4. argentumandcoins

    Athenian Owls

    The answer to that question is no then. I've been collecting coins for over 20 years and well i've I don't have any of the first four coins. I do have some 1967 pennies but they were a gift, there's no way on earth I'd actually buy one! I suppose it shows our collecting bias. Every coin you list is copper or bronze and I've never collected copper or bronze coins. If I had made the list it would look more like this; Elizabeth II florin George VI florin Bun Head Penny Brass Threepence Wren Farthing 1967 halfpenny Elizabeth II shilling And the only reason I list these is because these are the coins most people in the UK who aren't collectors are likely to ask the question 'i've found an old coin, what's it worth?' That and most of us probably have a few of them lying around (unspent change in the case of the florins and shillings from about 20 odd years ago), even if we don't actually collect any of them per say. My nomination for the ugliest predecimal coin Sorry Peck but I don't like the look of dear old Lizzies Thrupenny bits
  5. argentumandcoins

    a use for '67 pennies

    There's just one slight snag with all of the above..........who do you think is ever going to police or enforce the legislation? I suspect it was put in place to stop the currency of the realm being decimated if the metal price rose significantly above the face value of the coin in question and only then would it be enacted against major players who attempted to release their equity. It's just the same sort of thing as putting a stamp on an envelope upside down isn't it (I think there is something in statute about that being treasonable but I may be wrong)? A point in Law that isn't worth the parchment it was printed on.
  6. argentumandcoins

    Latest Acquisition

    i always preffered the frosted description, cameo just sounds like a bar of soup am i right in thinking cameo may be an american term for frosted? I think it more than likely comes from the jewellery trade, where a cameo portrait is a raised portrait, on a brooch for example and is usually of a different finish to the rest of the object (usually shells such as cowry or conch). Whether it was adopted by the Americans for coins or not I could not tell you.
  7. argentumandcoins

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1986-2-Thistle-Coin-Very-Rare-/180708677069?pt=UK_Coins_BritishDecimal_RL&hash=item2a131395cd A plastic sleeve is included with this very rare coin though!
  8. argentumandcoins

    Royal Mint Trial Coins Die

    Yes these are the trials coins , I am the actual bidder on this item, but just cannot find any information or books on these Royal Mint trials, I have looked through many auction archives and have found many different types. but still looking for more information. Have you tried contacting the Royal Mint?
  9. Hello Jon, Condolences. No need for photographs as they are roughly worth their scrap weight. Add all of the weights from the certificates and check the spot price to find the value. Most sets are 12 or 24 coin sets and most are 0.925 standard silver. Based on that supposition the value will be between £250 and £500. John.
  10. argentumandcoins

    Royal Mint Trial Coins Die

    Try a search on the major London coin auction sites (I think DNW in particular had a sale with a lot of trial strike pieces recently). Their archives usually have detailed descriptions and hammer prices together with pictures in most cases.
  11. If I was selling I would expect to take around £180 for an example that clean (might have it in stock a while though). The last second edition I sold was in mint state and I took £225 for it I think. Hope that helps.
  12. argentumandcoins

    1841 Half Crown

    I would guess Victorian, ie made to deceive in currency transactions. It looks too crude to be an attempt at conning a collector. It would be interesting to know the weight and metal composition.
  13. argentumandcoins

    1841 Half Crown

    Sorry to have to tell you that it isn't what it purports to be. It's a copy. If it was right I would have had it in the blink of an eye, even in that state.
  14. argentumandcoins

    Game grading!

    Easy; Shite, shite and self serving shites... and I would definitely slab every single politician I could lay hands on (nice big granite slabs should do it!)
  15. Drop me a PM if you get no takers and I'll make you a low ball offer
  16. argentumandcoins

    1693 Farthing

    I have no reason to doubt the source Dave. Small obscure sales regularly turn up sleepers and because they are obscure the prices are usually much more appetising than in the London salerooms. The cataloguer is a militaria man and really knows his stuff, but he is not so hot on coins so even if it was a forgery he would not have known or expected it to be so. It may be a genuine piece, but I won't gamble on maybes unless they are coming at stupidly low prices. John.
  17. argentumandcoins

    1693 Farthing

    It was a poor sale overall and I had no interest even at £40 in the 93. I might be wrong, but, they might all be forgeries. For only a handful of known examples they have to have been trial pieces or patterns? If that is/was the case surely the work would have been of a higher standard? I'm no expert in the field but that's my thoughts for what they're worth!
  18. argentumandcoins

    1693 Farthing

    That's the one! Have I missed out on a 'bargain', or had a lucky escape? It looked genuine to me, but given that a VF specimen went for £9,500, I felt that anything above £2,000 for this one in Good Fair, maybe NF was as far as I wanted to go. Sometimes filling a gap isn't always a case of 'at any cost' and for me this was one such occasion. Hey ho. I console myself with the thought that this issue wasn't really a circulation piece and that's what I collect, rather than all the other trials, proofs and assorted types. But I've still got the dolly and the pins!!!! I had a good look at it and did not think it was genuine. Looked like tooling on the exergue although I didn't put it under a scope. There was also a lot of grime in and around the date but not on the legends. I understand all of the 9's on these look enlarged but it looked too bad to be a pattern piece. I may be wrong but a £2360 price is a long way to go for a coin you hadn't inspected first hand! If it's any consolation there was no interest in the room with book against phone all the way from £40!
  19. argentumandcoins

    1693 Farthing

    The one in Carlisle at the saleroom I work in part time?
  20. argentumandcoins

    avnt a clue need help

    What do you want to know? History? Value? Grade? Pictures would be necessary if either of the last two are required. Ok i will try and take some pics and attatch them i want to know everything Sadly I think it is not possible for any of us humans to be able to know everything
  21. Without pictures your valuation is between £2 and £80 retail. A simple check on ebay will be your best bet.
  22. Rob, the implication is that Steve had the coin improved before slabbing and putting through his own auction. Or do PCGS improve coins now before they slab them? With all of the minor marks/nicks and hairlines surely that should have gone through as an impaired proof on their system anyway???? On the subject of Forgeries I was stung through my own stupid fault recently. I saw and bought 12 Chinese/Japanese 50 Cent sized coins in auction. I was in a rush and didn't do my usual checks as they all looked right. As soon as I stuck the magnet on them the horrible truth was revealed. They are obviously old Chinese forgeries as most of the stuff I have had recently is non ferrous. The auctioneer was good enough to cancel the transaction but it could have been a very expensive lesson....
  23. argentumandcoins

    Sun and Mail hacked

    It wouldn't bother me if they closed them all down. I take my news from the BBC website or TV as it seems to be the closest thing you can get to unbiased reporting. As for the SUN..... do you really care if Jordan flashed her knickers whilst getting into a car, or if Simon Cowell was nice to an old lady in Harrods???
  24. argentumandcoins

    ID-ing Arabic coins, reward offered.

    Being an ex traffic cop I can finish your ad for you Chris.... "One careful owner and 40 careless drivers"
  25. argentumandcoins

    How is everyone?

    God bless you m'lud.