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Everything posted by argentumandcoins

  1. argentumandcoins

    How is everyone?

    Chris, the VAT rules are causing me a headache or two! The Global Accounting scheme means that whatever is my stock cost price at date of registration (August 2010) becomes a negative equity. Each sale under £500 (UK and EU only) is a positive equity thus reducing my negative balance. All sales of over £500 on individual items must have an entry in a stock book showing cost price and sale price, with 20% due on the profit (these items are under the VAT Margin Scheme ). All invoices of mine must show that I am not charging VAT to the customer but I am registered. Any item of over £500 that I cannot provide a receipt for cannot be listed under the margin scheme and is liable for VAT at 20% on the full sale price. Some gold is zero rated and some isn't. These are the simplified rules !!!! As for your question.... sorry I am lost! VAT plus income tax plus ebay extortion plus customers wanting discount plus rising stock purchase costs plus rocketing fuel costs = slim pickings on the profit front At least the collection is growing though!! John. Apologies John,I didn't realise you had it so bad . I'm lucky in that I can invoice monthly (or whatever) and add my 20% and then my accountant (quarterly) sorts out my flat rate based on turnover (which is a lesser %)He also invoices me quarterly for his services at this time so everyone is happy and I have a few hours left to pour over coins,decorate and say loving things to Mrs Peter. I can imagine due to the nature of the beast yours is a nightmare...Move to the Isle of Man or somewhere or sell your coins really cheaply to keep under the threshold...now there's a thought. If it wasn't for the Sally Army my family and I would be starving Peter. I just wish the youngest was nearly 4 instead of 2 and at least the workhouse would take him then!
  2. argentumandcoins

    How is everyone?

    Chris, the VAT rules are causing me a headache or two! The Global Accounting scheme means that whatever is my stock cost price at date of registration (August 2010) becomes a negative equity. Each sale under £500 (UK and EU only) is a positive equity thus reducing my negative balance. All sales of over £500 on individual items must have an entry in a stock book showing cost price and sale price, with 20% due on the profit (these items are under the VAT Margin Scheme ). All invoices of mine must show that I am not charging VAT to the customer but I am registered. Any item of over £500 that I cannot provide a receipt for cannot be listed under the margin scheme and is liable for VAT at 20% on the full sale price. Some gold is zero rated and some isn't. These are the simplified rules !!!! As for your question.... sorry I am lost! VAT plus income tax plus ebay extortion plus customers wanting discount plus rising stock purchase costs plus rocketing fuel costs = slim pickings on the profit front At least the collection is growing though!! John.
  3. argentumandcoins

    How is everyone?

    I too am spending a great deal of time, rather than money, on old cars - but it was ever thus. On the other hand, a friend is threatening to pay me to restore his MGB to health, so that might at least supplement my meagre income as a coin dealer... Keep it meagre as long as you can Derek. I have had to register for VAT and it's a right pain in the arse! My accountant does mine and its a nice way to earn a few £ for nothing (claiming 20% and only paying less as a small business ) My accountants charge a small fortune just for my year end stuff so the VAT returns will be down to me. After nearly having a coronary upon speaking to 2 HMRC advisors (one tosser I wish had been sitting before me) I was reliably informed by another dealer that I should use the Global Accounting Scheme. HMRC told me I had to pay 20% on everything and being as though my registration was backdated to last August Anyway, I don't and can't charge VAT to my customers or I am liable for the full rate. I have next month set aside to sort the mess out otherwise I am right in the sh**e with HMRC and I really don't want to upset those chaps. Who said working for yourself was easy??????????
  4. argentumandcoins

    How is everyone?

    I too am spending a great deal of time, rather than money, on old cars - but it was ever thus. On the other hand, a friend is threatening to pay me to restore his MGB to health, so that might at least supplement my meagre income as a coin dealer... Keep it meagre as long as you can Derek. I have had to register for VAT and it's a right pain in the arse!
  5. argentumandcoins

    How is everyone?

    Apparently, a 168-year-old newspaper got shut down, someone dropped a mobile phone and someone else picked it up and broke into the voice mail on it, David Cameron & Ed Miliband & Nick Clegg got outraged in unison, somebody paid the police something for some reason or other, some ginger-haired tart resigned, and there's a decrepit Australian who's a bit pissed off by it all. Oh and the worst famine ever in Africa, and some European economies have gone bust with rioters on the streets. Bin Laden got found and terminated. Apart from that, I'm still looking for a 1903 open 3 penny.
  6. argentumandcoins

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Definitely worthy of a premium bid. He states that "No Chemicals are used to tone my coins" I wonder what he is using? Shite by the look of it
  7. argentumandcoins

    How is everyone?

    National debt is increasing (nearly as quickly as the cost of living). England are well on the way to being number 1 in world cricket. The summer was nearly here and then it went again. Kylie still looks fit. Oh and Scotland still can't beat an egg never mind another national team at anything (apart from curling) SORRY DAVE
  8. argentumandcoins

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    5 centuries old?? I think a 5 crept infront of the actual price whilst typing? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1677-Charles-II-4D-Four-Pence-Groat-AU-/160619670195?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2565adaab3
  9. argentumandcoins

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1844-Star-Stops-crown-High-Grade-Rare-/270778993376?pt=UK_Coins_BritishMilled_RL&hash=item3f0baf8ae0 I do like shite and briney bright and shiny coins!
  10. argentumandcoins

    One for the Farthing boys

    I am very varied in my collecting habits: Copper & bronze farthings James I & Charles I farthing tokens Encased farthings Overseas farthings Farthing love tokens Hammered farthings Model farthings BWA 1/10 penny coins (don't know how that one came about, but they are a small denomination) I think I may have a problem You're eating too many beans...... oh sorry my mistake, I thought you said farting
  11. argentumandcoins

    One for the Farthing boys

    I will gladly send the original pictures to anybody who wants them so you can see just how good the alteration is. I wouldn't like to guess when or why it was done but it certainly has some age to it.
  12. argentumandcoins

    One for the Farthing boys

    I never noticed the date!!! Has it definitely been doctored? I can see that around the numeral/exergue line looks a bit rough Throw a figure at me and we can work from there 6 Grand?......... or you can trade me something I could sell from your vast amount of spare stock. Definitely altered. There is a small piece of extra metal at the top under magnification. The exergue has carefully been cut away to give a larger area to work the top of the 6 into and the whole area around the 6 is pitted. It had me going for a while (thought I had an ultra rare mule!!!)
  13. argentumandcoins

    One for the Farthing boys

    Fascinating piece of trench art there, must have been a bloke, because he has erased Mary!! Never seen anything like that before, are you selling John? I do collect love tokens in the form of farthings, got a few but nothing that early. Wonder if the N was removed or the result of a filled die.... I never noticed the N Colin. I couldn't work out why the date has been altered to 1696? A very good job on it mind as the 4 is all but unrecognisable. Everything can be for sale (other than pennies and halfcrowns) but, I wouldn't have any idea what a fair price would be on it.
  14. argentumandcoins

    Midlands Coin Fair

    The 1863 die 4 and open 3 both have the same sized numerals as the standard date. For die 2 and 3 others will have to help (bernie/gary schindler)
  15. argentumandcoins

    Midlands Coin Fair

    I haven't measured it but the die 4 I posted on here last year looks to have standard sized numerals. I can get the old man to measure it tomorrow if you wish? Could do. Freeman isn't too helpful because the different images in the book aren't to the same scale, but even allowing for that the die number numerals look markedly smaller than the open 3 numerals. I suppose it could be an optical illusion, but I don't think so as all three above are reverse G which should have the same sized exergue. I'll give him a call A.M. and sort it out.
  16. argentumandcoins

    1902 Half Crown

    Most dealers will negotiate with customers and most prices have a discount built in because nobody ever wants to pay the asking price! The best advice I can give on "going rate or fair price" is that you should only ever pay a price that you are comfortable with. Spink, CCGB, Coin Yearbook etc are only guides, which are usually based on compounded figures from the previous year(s) or somebodies gut feeling. Dealers asking prices are based on hard cash transactions ie. purchase price subtracted from selling price leaves a profit.
  17. argentumandcoins

    Midlands Coin Fair

    I haven't measured it but the die 4 I posted on here last year looks to have standard sized numerals. I can get the old man to measure it tomorrow if you wish?
  18. argentumandcoins

    1902 Half Crown

    I take it you've had a look on my site then! All I will say about Spink prices is try phoning them and buying a coin at the price they quote.....
  19. argentumandcoins

    Useful links (members posts)

    I used to like chips with my SPAM and maybe an egg or 2. I then found that SPAM did not agree with me and decided to stop eating SPAM as I preferred corned beef, but not with eggs. SPAM is not good for you Sir, but eggs are. I can therefore offer you a large amount of SPAM if you are interested in my offer?
  20. argentumandcoins

    hi everyone, im new here.

    Welcome James and enjoy the site.
  21. argentumandcoins

    GeorgeIII shilling 1820

    Welcome back young Patrick. Looking forward to 6 weeks off school?
  22. argentumandcoins

    Old Editions of Spink & Seaby

    2002 prices 400 500 600 800 Proof 2250
  23. argentumandcoins

    Flat disc collectors alert!

    Whilst I realise their rarity might make them an attractive proposition to some, for me, they're just not worth sticking in a collection tray. If I didn't have a good example already I would buy it. Trying to assemble an all known type and variety set means you have to take the rough and the smooth on occasion. I appreciate your point but this poor 63 is worth more than the nice slabbed penny that you bought last month. The determining factors being availability and demand. I doubt that you will find many (if any) open 3's for sale anywhere. I'd take a poor die 2,3 or 5, slender 3, 1933 etc etc as they are holes in my trays, so if you have any spare you know where to send them!
  24. argentumandcoins

    Flat disc collectors alert!

    As I told my wife when we first met "sometimes you just have to take what you can get pet" 11 to 20 known i think i read, probably rarer that the 1903 open 3, so you may be quite correct in your statement John, one sold recently on ebay by alfnail, think it was AVF or less, went for 500-600 quid or there abouts, let us know when its on fleabay It's not mine Dave. It's in an auction.