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Everything posted by VickySilver

  1. VickySilver

    Noble Sale 104

    Yes, that is what I was saying, some nice specimens of less rare dates - I have previously won some nice bits from their auctions... Do share pictures of your winnings if you are able.
  2. VickySilver

    Pcgs Vs Cgs

    Wasn't Fargo in North Dakota? There's a city by that name there... If you want tension, try the PCGS boards and check out when the subject of "Wild Toners" comes up. It seems mercifully that is a less common subject recently however.
  3. VickySilver

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Not to change topics, but I want to congratulate all who have found worthwhile bits on the 'bay. I think I have not gotten an interesting "Brit Bit" there for close to 3 or 4 YEARS, excepting that supposedly (?) error 2011 matte Britannia. Well, come to think of it, that really does not fit the glove... Comedy and crap we have, but nothing decent for me.
  4. The venue to sell, perhaps not so much to buy... There are some nice bits, but as was said, please do expect plenty of others to have the same idea. I remember the day when often DNW bits went low!!! A bit worrisome to me when I paid 6x estimate (won the lot), but it was clear where prices were going. What I can't figure out is why London Coins do not follow suit.
  5. VickySilver

    Pcgs Vs Cgs

    Goodness, let Peace be amongst us. Even though I have been guilty of a bit of nonsense, now and then,….. I go up and down with regards to my feelings toward the TPGs, but one thing I think PCGS is good at is grading things like 19th C. Liberty Seated Coinage. I am not always a fan of their Brit grading, even of the latter milled bits. However, as I think I somehow managed to post one time, I have FOUR (!!!) 1935 specimen crowns of "gem" appearance. One is raw, one is PCGS65, one is CGS85, and another NGC65. Winner was PCGS! NGC second with perhaps a tie between raw and CGS ( which had developed a sad verdigris WITHIN their holder) but even without that was still a trailer...
  6. VickySilver

    Pcgs Vs Cgs

    Oh boy, another can of worms with the OP?
  7. Hmm, interesting bit there Bernie. I know of a set (whole in the USA) and believe it was sold by Heritage many years ago & still whole. I have seen the separate shilling, florin, halfpenny and half crown, all with the 1924 date as you say. Will try to obtain a picture of the penny if I can but it must surely be the same as yours. I am in wonder at how so many proofs and patterns were squirreled away at Pretoria - they let that stuff go for virtual scrap when majority government took over. A "gentleman" in the East [uK] brought many of them over but ran into a couple of legal problems as I remember. I think 7k might have been rather a bargain!
  8. Bernie, is that pictured 1922 from the 1922/24 specimen set?
  9. I guess everybody else has had a shot at divergence: the OP title reminds me of a chant from the New Orleans Mardi Gras - "show us your t-ts"!
  10. Yes, Neil's point is well taken. However, I think Spink is losing "cred" by not having a broader operation and are now relying on fading memories to keep them ahead of the pack of other auctioneers. There used to be a certain magic (or nearly so) to getting a coin off the SNC in their distinctive marked white envelope with descriptive round, often with provenances, etc. included. I guess those are the good ole days.....
  11. Gary, was that edge inscription omission on the currency type to which you refer?
  12. Yes, good stuff. Gary beat me to the answer, except I would downgrade the contrast of the devices. The coin has some proof like fields but not the full proof prep - this is a bit unusual for the currency strikes but I would not be surprised if there was a transitional piece or two. The strikes to my view a bit better than currency as well. Don't forget to check the edges for inscription errors/omissions. If you find one on a currency I know somebody (hint, hint) that would reward you for such!
  13. PS - I think it is harder to find a "gem" quality normal currency than the specimen. I have seen a couple with lovely swirling lustre.
  14. Yes, I second the "cheap and easy" - sounds a bit provacative at that - and have at least four of them: - raw -CGS 85 -PCGS 65 -NGC 65 And the winner is? ? ? ? ? Drumroll, please.... PCGS! I showed the CGS on these Boards before, complete with a bit of worsening Verd.
  15. But just what is Rev. of 1927 - would the Rev, dies of that year (1927) all come from the same master matrix, etc.?
  16. Think I may be able to find an image of the specimen somewhere & have a look as well. My recall is also ME obverse though...
  17. Hey now BRG, please do not give away all my secrets! LOL…As always, just know your coins be it them or the latest sales at DNW that, with online bidding, has also in some cases gone insane. Who is buying at those prices??
  18. Some sharp edges on the milling in places but the obverse in particular is not compelling as a proof IMO.
  19. No! LOL!! Is yours of the New Coinage variety or the older? A proof should have sharper edges, milling and devices with at least (generally) a modicum of reflective surface to the fields. Often not much of a cameo effect though... Post pictures if you can.
  20. VickySilver

    Don't You Hate It When.......

    My issue with them, and I am overall Neutral with respect to the major TPGs is that they are INCONSISTENT. I won' t elaborate except by PM but I have seen some really terrible inconsistent grading - I don' t usually however find too many problems with attribution of later milled with the possible exception of examples like the 1850/46 (sic) shilling that is most surely IMO 50/49. I think they have become a bit imaginative with the 1887-1893 gold two and five pound coins in MS and PF as well. I find worst of all the up and down grading of matte proofs 1902-1965, including the Churchill satin piece.
  21. VickySilver

    Don't You Hate It When.......

    Well, my point was that he won THEIR (PCGS) contest for grading…LOL.
  22. Uh, IMO 2325 looks like its been cleaned with residue twixt lettering. Don't see "BBITTANIAR" though.
  23. VickySilver

    Don't You Hate It When.......

    There can be a kind of reverse psychology at play with sellers such as Centsles. He is rejected by many but will tell you on occasion he has a very nice bit. About one year ago, I got a very rare Panama pattern for about 1/2 it's expected sale price or less. He did grade it Proof 68 and it slabbed out by PCGS as "64" which was about right in my book, if even a bit harsh. I bought a more common Vicky YH halfpenny at a good price previously as well. Interestingly, and possibly more damning is that I believe the seller WON a PCGS grading contest some years ago, so presumably knows what he is doing with his overgrading...