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Gary D

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Everything posted by Gary D

  1. Gary D

    First English Hammered Coin

    Me, I thought he said he brought the Brussels hoard, bet that didn't come cheap.
  2. According to my bank manager brother the writing is on the wall for free banking here in the UK. He thinks it will be a thing of the past in 5-10 years.
  3. Gary D

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    ...plink, ting ting ting ting ting. Oh dear, it seems to have rolled under the table. Let me just.. hmm. No, there's now a filthy great scratch on it, sorry. Heads or tails? Hard to tell. The cat was sick on it and then it picked up a load of fluff. I'm not touching it with a bargepole. I think the 5 second rule might apply here, mind you that could help with the toning?fo Are you suggesting that this is a dud Peck, because I wouldn't have a Scooby! For the only example the seller recalls seeing on ebay how come there's another one on for £1000 less with a much better obverse.
  4. Got one Azda, your about 6 months behind on the trend Good, so perhaps you could elucidate. I can see how you will get enough friction to hold it on the front, but how is it anchored at the back? Clenched between the cheeks, or tied down by a tent peg stuck up your a**e? Velcro, it must all be done will Velcro.
  5. Gary D


    Join the que. I don't think they even left the mlnt like that. The nearest you will get is a VIP proof.
  6. You could try Googling picture resizer. Windows do a very good one for XP so I'm sure there must be others.
  7. Gary D

    1935 Threepence

    The point I was trying to make is that the differences between the 6ds was attributed to the process of forming the die. This same process would have also been used on the 3d and all other coins for that matter. If when the die is being produced from the hub too little pressure is used the resulting coins from that die will tend to show thinner features with boarder fields just as described in the original post and Davies example of the 6d.
  8. Gary D

    Stranger Than Strange

    I bet he didn't come out smelling of roses
  9. Gary D

    1935 Threepence

    Davies lists two varieties for the 1935 sixpence. His description sounds very much like what is being seen here. He suggests that the fault was with the hubbing process. I assume not enough pressure was used to get a good transfer into the die.
  10. Gary D

    Edward Vii Half Crown/florin

    How about this one. A little wear to Ebwards cheek but I'd say about EF for observe and probably a bit better on the reverse. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/400712017873?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  11. A better indicator is the width of the rims, wide and narrow as with the observe. Best seen side by side.
  12. Gary D

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Good grief! But you can get one that doesn't look like it's just been dug up for £14.99
  13. If you have another perfect one I'll have one as well. Given the multitude of them around it's surprisingly difficult to find a top notch one.
  14. Gary D

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I've bought a couple of coins from him and have just set up a snipe for my maximum. I recall getting my last coin from him for under my snipe so I was happy.
  15. Gary D

    I've Gone And Done It.

    Spink don't list this rare variety so value is a bit finger in the air.
  16. Gary D

    I've Gone And Done It.

    Well, I've taken the plunge and just sent off my first coin to be slabbed. I have a spare F176 in GEF that I purchased about 5 years ago from Neil out of the Crocker collection. It was red at the time but now it's mostly chocolate and as I've upgraded I want to sell it, so as a bit of an experiment I thought I'd get it slabbed by CGS. CGS has only one graded so far at a 40 so mine should go to top pop, hopefully at a 65 or better. Once slabbed my intention is to sell it. Now raw, ebay would hardly give it a look, although slabbed may get a bit more interest. Most likely I would auction it, probably London Coin would be the best venue.
  17. Gary D

    I've Gone And Done It.

    Not sure. My original idea was through London Coins. I did wonder about trying a BIN on Ebay just to see if I get a bite.
  18. Gary D

    I've Gone And Done It.

    The penny is back now and top pop a CGS75. Now to sell it and see if slabbing it makes any difference.
  19. It sounds like you need to go into control panel/internet options and reset your home page to google.
  20. Gary D

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    What's 3 years amongst friends.
  21. It's what the good old 3d was made of. I thought that was brass? They were called 'brass threepences'! Your right Pecks I don't know where I got that from. They are Nickel Brass.
  22. Gary D

    Very Special 10Yr Anniversary

    Where does the time go. I'm up for 10 years next year. I guess there must have been a few members added between Tom to me. How do I tell my membership number?
  23. Gary D

    100K Posts

    I feel a new account coming on.
  24. I wonder if they would be able to prevent ghosting with all that metal being sucked out of the obverse. I guess it would also be the first coin in modern times with two busts. Sucked out of the reverse, you mean? I was assuming queenie would still be on the other side, hence two busts