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    Thankyou Jelida I have look at the auction you quoted. and they are still commanding a high price in some auctions. I have found many at a reasonable prices , and manage to acquire over 50 crowns in .925 silver some with a silver stamp on edge some not I know the there were 20 Obverses and 27 Reverses . From the original sale on Wednesday 11th July 2001 I was giving a list from Peter Jackson of another 28 different types, there are also many more , The Outlines types link to many different Obverses also George III


    Absolutely Beautiful, thankyou for the pictures first one i have seen close up, awesome piece , i am still looking researching and cataloguing pieces , a massive job but if i only achieve cataloguing different pieces , i be happy once again thankyou. Tony


    Thats fine i guess coivd 19 is causing problems for us all , i do have Krause Unusual coin book. There are so many different types and Metals and Piedfort , but i am having some success now and have over 120 different types . So it is a slow progress but with help form many collectors , it is slowly coming together. Tony


    Thankyou VickySilver for your reply Look forward to see them . i have about 250 types , i did purchase the test pieces with the word model on the reverse and how Peter Jackson listed them from type 1 to 28,. I do have many Silver pieces , i find them so intriguing and beautiful . but now trying to write a book on they many different types, i find prices vary so much on the same piece, i guess dealers see them all differently, as for the Gold types they are just a dream, but still would like to know as much as i can about them. So any information will be greatly appreciated Regards Tony


    Hello i have posted here before, but not for a while Looking for as much information on INA PATINA PATTERN CROWNS I do have many of these crowns, i purchase the test pieces first which had MODEL on the reverse from Peter Jackson through Glen Ward, and started to write a book on them, but took a break for a few years . So i started up again. PICTURES and any paperwork would be great Tony

    Empire Settlement coins and others

    Thankyou everyone for all the information i have been buying a few items on the internet , seems to be a lot of countries that we touch , any ideas to where i can get different types at a reasonable price Tony
  7. Hello After collecting models for many years . i decided to go in a different direction. I decided to collect British Empire Commonwealth settlement or where we touch base in all countries , but beside the easiest types . i love to know. know how many countries we touched . or are there lists , Basically i am starting from nothing , but willing to learn Tony

    Royal mint trial coins

    Thank you for your reply, yes I have found Joanna Tinsley sale , and downloaded all information some useful information and price guides. I have swept the internet for as much pictures and information as I can. Tony

    Royal mint trial coins

    Hello I like collecting unusual coin , and now I like to collect royal mint trial die I have acquired about 10 now , but I find them elusive or ridiculously priced . I would be grateful for any information , or even if there our any for sale A K Barter , = Tony

    Royal Mint Trial Coins Die

    Yes these are the trials coins , I am the actual bidder on this item, but just cannot find any information or books on these Royal Mint trials, I have looked through many auction archives and have found many different types. but still looking for more information. Have you tried contacting the Royal Mint? I think that this is proably my only option, once again thankyou for your advice. Regards Tony.

    Royal Mint Trial Coins Die

    Thankyou for your help, i have downloaded probably everything from most coin auction archives. Regards Tony.

    Royal Mint Trial Coins Die

    Yes these are the trials coins , I am the actual bidder on this item, but just cannot find any information or books on these Royal Mint trials, I have looked through many auction archives and have found many different types. but still looking for more information.

    Royal Mint Trial Coins Die

    Try a search on the major London coin auction sites (I think DNW in particular had a sale with a lot of trial strike pieces recently). Their archives usually have detailed descriptions and hammer prices together with pictures in most cases. Thankyou for your reply, i have used their site on many occasions and you are correct about their archives , I have printed all information on there sales on trial coins.

    Royal Mint Trial Coins Die

    I don't collect these, but many years ago I picked up a tiny copper with lustre - on the obverse was a baby's head and the legend ALBERT PoW (which as we all know stands for Prisoner of War ), while on the reverse is the legend arranged in horizontal rows TWELVE PENCE MAKE 1 SHILLING. Can't help you much further I'm afraid, but I'm sure there are one or two here who know more? Thankyou for your reply , Yes these were teaching coins by Onions , and there were many different types.

    Royal Mint Trial Coins Die

    Hello I am very interested in any Royal Mint Trial coins I have several of these but cannot find any information on any of thes coins , also, metals, mintages, edge types,and dates. I am a model coin collector and would like to add as many different types as possible. thankyou for any information and pictures in advance. Tony.