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Everything posted by 1949threepence

  1. 1949threepence


    I don't think there's as many as that. I'd say it was about R14 (251 to 500 extant, overall), although it's vanishingly rare in high grade. Yep, the DNW one isn't too bad a specimen at all, although how they can possibly know it's the discovery piece, I've no idea. No provenance is mentioned.
  2. 1949threepence

    Victoria Penny 1867

    Cracked dies (along with die clashes) are very common in pennies from the 1860's and 70's. It's not uncommon to see the same die crack in one penny from a given year, show even more prominently and lengthier, in another from the same year, as the crack deteriorates further. The mints had a lot of problems with cracked and broken dies in the early days of bronze coinage.
  3. Thanks Jon, not e bay, no...............oh well, as you've asked, I might as well tell the back story on this one, which is a bit circuitous. You might remember that during December 2018, a forum member posted his collection of 20th century coins. The thread is here. As suggested by Gary, the collection was indeed, at some subsequent point, left with Colin Cooke to dispose of - a fact confirmed to me by another forum member a few months back - and for a long time just seemed to be sitting there. There were several pennies I was directly interested in, including the aforesaid 164A, so I contacted Lee Brownson and asked if there was likely to be an auction of them anytime soon. Lee replied to say that there was not enough value in the collection for an auction, but if I let him know which coins I was interested in, together with a suggested price, he'd see what he could do. So I e mailed details of the four specimens I was interested in, and Lee replied to say that it might be a couple of weeks or so before things were sorted, but he'd taken a note, and would get back to me. Towards the end of July, I received an e mail from Lee to say that Gary's entire collection had been sold to a single buyer, but Lee had held back the 164A for me. Buyer wanted the others I'd requested. That's how I got it. I hope I'm not speaking out of turn here, but I can't imagine it's a state secret. I've certainly not been asked not to say how I came by the coin.
  4. 1949threepence

    Peter Nichols cabinets

    The maker is "Smiths". No idea what the model is, but it says "Smiths 30 hours" very faintly on the clock face. I actually bought it from a jumble sale many years ago. It came with a receipt, which unfortunately I've long since lost. But I do remember some of the details on it. Dated 10.5.35 and I think the name of the shop was Frank Mason, certainly something Mason: address was definitely Carrington Street, Nottingham. I wish I still had it to hand, as it might well have had the name of the model on it. Sorry I can't be more helpful.
  5. 1949threepence

    Peter Nichols cabinets

    A photograph of my Nicholls Mascle (bought 2010 direct from Peter Nicholls). Mahogany. The wood is slightly darker than yours, but the cabinet looks otherwise identical.
  6. 1949threepence

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I see what you did there. Neat
  7. 1949threepence

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    He'd probably argue that's what he meant, if confronted, Bob. If it was just that coin, I'm sure we'd give him the benefit of the doubt.
  8. 1949threepence

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    They mostly seem to be one full grade above what they should be.
  9. 1949threepence

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Well he is technically correct. It is R8. But it's nowhere near aEF. No more than fine in my book. He's also neglected to mention that it's a F22 (4 + D) Started off at 99p - if he'd got the grade right that would be fair enough.
  10. 1949threepence

    What is the Actual Mintage of the 1983 Two "NEW PENCE"?

    Or if the "make offer" facility was available.
  11. 1949threepence

    1983 'Mule' New Pence in BU Annual set

    Very interesting. Thanks.
  12. Nobody ever did answer this question. Does anybody happen to know? Thanks in advance.
  13. Thing is, if I saw some dream item, I'd pay the extra. But if it was something that I would quite like, but not that bothered about, the 29% overall addition would probably put me off.
  14. 1949threepence

    September 2019 LCA catalogue now up

    LCA do make technical errors. If you look at their 1908 pennies, there are no less than three 166's misattributed as 165's, and a 165, wrongly ID'd as a 164.
  15. To be honest, we won't need any more new 1 or 2p's for quite a few years to come. I also think the decline in the use of cash, will plateau out quite soon. Can't ever see it being completely abandoned. After all how else could we get cut price jobs for 'cash'? I really don't like the thought of cash disappearing. I don't think people appreciate the impact it will have on our freedoms.
  16. The sort of e bay finds you dream about Terry, and which only turn up very, very occasionally.
  17. Thanks Richard. To be honest, I've never really bothered with cropping, so consequently never mastered the art. I'll have to look into it, see how it works.
  18. I've managed to get a 164A - nice specimen. Although the 164A's are showing up in increasing numbers now, it's quite noticeable that they are nearly all sub fine. This one is about GF/NVF and issue free. Similar grade to Jon's earlier this year, but obviously not a patch on the one Terry posted about the end of 2017. That was superb.
  19. 1949threepence

    penny 1874h F76

    Blake, just make whatever bid you want using this e mail address - info@londoncoins.co.uk - giving all your details: name, address, e mail address. Describe the coin and supply the lot No. That's what I did on my first bid with LCA. I was automatically given a bidder number at that point (well either immediately, or when I'd won the coin). Or when you've made your bid, call LCA and speak to Semra Cetin. Ask for acknowledgement, and how you get your bidder number.
  20. 1949threepence

    September 2019 LCA catalogue now up

    No it's not you. They've omitted to take pics of a good number, which is disappointing. Won't bid on something I can't see.
  21. 1949threepence

    September 2019 LCA catalogue now up

    I agree Jerry, that one is far from convincing. Thanks Ian, that's interesting. It was Jack Relph who sold a number of other pennies on e bay back in June. I think I can say fairly conclusively that the F39A at least, was sold at the DNW auction, as it was a job lot of 1862 pennies (lot 981). Definitely the same coin as the one identified then. Not sure about the rest - with the exception of the F38 which I bought from him. That too was among that job lot of 1862's. Obviously, he could have combined coins from different sources. This is the e bay message I received from Jack at the time:-
  22. 1949threepence

    September 2019 LCA catalogue now up

    Incidentally, I think the F39A at lot No 1981, is the same one as shown in this post from a month or two back (note the EK at 12 o'clock) . I reckon it was amongst those bought at DNW, most probably by Jack Relph of Coopers Coins. Quite plausibly the "remnants" (for want of a better word) of the Hiram Brown collection. Although the word remnants fails to do them justice.
  23. 1949threepence

    penny 1874h F76

    Sorry, should have quoted you so you get an alert. See my post above.
  24. 1949threepence

    penny 1874h F76

    Take a look at lot No 1994 in the September 2019, LCA. Might be just up your street.
  25. Some great buys there, Jerry, especially the 169 which is obviously an absolute sod to get. £500 was a bargain price.