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Everything posted by 1949threepence

  1. 1949threepence

    Coin News Article

    If you define "current" as the upcoming month as opposed to the present one, then yes.
  2. 1949threepence

    Coin News Article

    It's the April issue Chris. When I saw the first few lines of your post above, I thought you were about to say you'd be in town on Friday to sign your article for buyers
  3. 1949threepence


    post deleted
  4. 1949threepence

    penny 1908 f164 rev.jpg

  5. 1949threepence

    penny 1908 f164 obv.jpg

  6. 1949threepence

    1913 penny - Freeman 175 & 176

    September 2009 Jon, so not that far off 10 years ago. £500 was a bit OTT for that one. I like the way they describe it as "buckled", like a bike wheel......or is it merely "out of true"?
  7. 1949threepence

    1913 penny - Freeman 175 & 176

    I suppose either Lee or Neil at the time. But fine is way too optimistic for that coin.
  8. 1949threepence

    1913 penny - Freeman 175 & 176

    It's here Jon
  9. 1949threepence

    1913 penny - Freeman 175 & 176

    There's davidrj's, which I see you've now got. But have you got the one posted on that thread by Gary on 25.4.14. I can't see that one. Maybe I'm overlooking it. So yes, two, as opposed to "a few".
  10. I don't think that's the case at all. Many respondents on forums will split the quote in a long post, into a series of smaller quotes, so they can address the various points individually. I've done the same myself on other forums. The problem on this forum is that the entire quote is boxed. So you have to go into the quote itself to respond to the separate points individually. Hence Chris was making his response in a different colour to distinguish between quote and response.
  11. That's looking suspiciously like a 164A - very neat capture, Jon. Well played that man. Better than average specimen as well
  12. 1949threepence

    1913 penny - Freeman 175 & 176

    Not to worry, scrub that one Gary. That's great Pete, and will help Richard ( @secret santa ) with his new rarest penny slot for the F176. A few new specimens on there - link to thread
  13. 1949threepence

    1913 penny - Freeman 175 & 176

    Gary, were they identified by the e bay sellers as F176's, or did you alone discern the fact from the pics of apparently plain 1913 pennies?
  14. 1949threepence

    1913 penny - Freeman 175 & 176

    Yep, just compared side by side. 100% definitely the same coin, Pete.
  15. 1949threepence

    1913 penny - Freeman 175 & 176

    Absolutely Terry - and of the F90 examples shown on Richard's rarest penny site, not one is above fine. As you say the Workman one, touted as a 176, went for £200, but is in fact a 174. The Copthorne specimen, which is uncirculated and very nice, only fetched £260.
  16. 1949threepence

    1913 penny - Freeman 175 & 176

    Exactly what I thought, Chris. Indeed, I'm not sure they're known as a key date variety even now. Although, they absolutely are. Underrated. Maybe the rarity No Freeman accorded to them means they're somewhat overlooked. Even those high grade 176's sold at LCA didn't go for very much in the grand scheme of things.
  17. 1949threepence

    1913 penny - Freeman 175 & 176

    It's incredibly easy to make a mistake with attribution. You can stare and stare at a given coin and come up with different conclusions every time you look. If you Google 1908 pennies, and look at the LCA result for that, you'll see many, many misattributions for that year. Pennies passed as either F164 or F165, when they're actually 166. Although making a mistake with the 164, is pretty bad judgement, as that one is very obviously different.
  18. 1949threepence

    1913 penny - Freeman 175 & 176

    Beauty !!!
  19. 1949threepence

    1913 penny - Freeman 175 & 176

    I must admit Jon, I've looked at pretty much all the unattributed 1913's on e bay over the last few months, and not one of them has been a 175 or 176. The one I did get was attributed, as described. It's quite a painstaking task, as many of them are quite worn, or the photography is poor. So it's difficult to tell eitherway. Didn't notice with yours until you pointed it out, as I couldn't see the border teeth below the 1 of the date. Although looking again it's obviously it's the wrong obverse for a 176.
  20. 1949threepence

    1913 penny - Freeman 175 & 176

    Very true, Pete. In fact some dealers (Rendel Ingram) don't have a clue what they are, just list as say 1908 or 1913, and when asked what Freeman types they are, send you a pic for you to work out.
  21. 1949threepence

    1913 penny - Freeman 175 & 176

    I've now managed to obtain a 176 as well. Not much of a one to be honest, only straight fine. But purchased from topcarp1 (Stephen/John Jerrams), whose remarks about the coins he sells, are always well worth a read. This is what he said about this particular sale:- He's absolutely right, of course. Despite Freeman's rarity listing as N and R for the 175 and 176 respectively, I think they are much scarcer than that. This 176 will do until (and if) a better one becomes available, and I can get it.
  22. The question is now stark. What happens next? Parliament is paralysed, but life and events are not. They will carry on regardless. We have to end up somewhere even if parliament is incapable of deciding. Will it ultimately be exit on WTO terms, be that 29th March or 30th June? As far as Mrs May's address to the nation, I think she expresses the frustration of so many people with this ongoing paralysis - parliament contemplating its navel as she said yesterday.
  23. I noticed that idiot Wishart asking "when will she develop a backbone", and calling her "weak, weak , weak". She's actually anything but weak.
  24. That woman has my maximum respect. I don't think anybody could have given more effort, or taken more hostility and abuse than she has, in her efforts to deliver the will of the people. I mean, let's be honest, the vast majority of individuals would have long since folded against such an onslaught.