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Everything posted by 1949threepence

  1. Seriously though, I think somebody's just added one too many 0's.
  2. I wonder if anyone has ever asked Michael Freeman what he thinks about these "A's" being conveniently added to different types by different auction houses? Maybe it's the toning.......
  3. Well as far as lot 109 is concerned, they say this:- Obviously that will carry considerable weight in terms of provenance. Although neither lot 109, nor 112 look anything other than currency strikes to me. Maybe in hand they might look more convincing. As you say Chris, we must defer to the experts.
  4. There you go, Chris ETA: How are you meant to meaningfully view the item, with those tichy little photos? Also, with lot 116 how do they know it's from 1902 if it's a blank piece of metal? Not sure this is a completely convincing explanation:- A bag of pennies from 1902, doesn't necessarily mean they were all minted in 1902. Not specified that it was a mint bag.
  5. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    Sacrilege !!! - but nice one anyway. Neat capture, Jon.
  6. Just thinking - interesting that these occur in just 2 years, 40 years apart, 1863 and 1903. Both also feature different types of threes, with the 1863 having a straight horizontal top and straight side bar at a 45 degree angle, before the normal curved base. No three after that, until 1937, featured such a three. Moreover, the open quality is pretty much identical in both years. Haven't read anything about why these open 3's occurred. Looked, but found nothing. Maybe I'm missing something somewhere. Anybody got any thoughts?
  7. 1949threepence

    Open 3 pennies

    It's a plausible consideration, Chris.
  8. Definitely "detracts". What a super coin it would be otherwise.
  9. 1949threepence

    Open 3 pennies

    Very interesting. Thanks for the replies, gents. I knew there were some subtle differences in the 1863 open three, especially with regard to the serif (or spike, as Gouby calls it). But none, as far as I know in the 1903 one. Nevertheless, the basic shape of the open 3 is pretty much the same in both cases. I'm still somewhat perplexed as to why they bothered, especially in the case of the 1903. But that goes with the territory on old coins where detailed records no longer exist. With the 1863, there's the possible experimentation aspect to lend considerable credence to, as Jerry alludes to.
  10. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    Yep, definitely an F10.
  11. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    Don't think you missed anything other than it was a very nice coin. Choice piece, well worth the money.
  12. Wrong on every level. But it won't stop the Cooper/Letwin amendment being voted on this week. If that gets voted through then we won't leave without a deal. Always assuming that the EU accepts a request to extend article 50.
  13. Agreed. There's no point as they're not actually improving the system. If anything, some of the OS "upgrades" are actually inferior to the product they replace. Moreover, you're left to guess what is what. For example, when I first got Windows 7 as a replacement to XP, it took me several weeks to find out why the "prtScn" key no longer worked to get a screenshot. It had been replaced by "snipping tool", in accessories. The user is treated as though s/he has psychic powers. Also, everybody instantly knows that snipping tool means screenshot, rather than something used for cropping pics. It's so blindingly obvious isn't it My mobile products are all android, and I deliberately avoided downloading and installing their new sub systems, such as nougat etc, as from "lollipop" onwards, many users were complaining that the upgrade completely "bricked" their devices - "bricked" being a term for wrecked, in case you haven't already encountered it.
  14. 1949threepence

    403 error

    What's even more worrying - and forgive my naivety here - is that they are now producing pennies artificially worn. For example, the 1933 fake shown in the link, looks as though it has been in circulation for 35 years or so. I didn't even realise fake circulation wear was possible. link to "worn" 1933 fake penny
  15. That's truly irritating. I also agree with Rob on this business of incessantly re-naming things for the sake of it. Trying to master computers is a tough enough business for the ordinary bog standard user (ie: the overwhelming majority) as it is, without further confusing the issue. I also dislike Windows 10, which we use at work. I'll stick with Windows 7 until it no longer received upgrades.
  16. Well done, Jon. I know it was a superb specimen, which he got from LCA. Not through auction, but from their choice English coins for direct sale. Can't recall the exact price he paid, but it was quite expensive.
  17. 1949threepence

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    It's completely inane. OK as a joke once in a while, but too many now. Makes the seller look like a complete idiot.
  18. Well there's F***kall on Rockall, so not far off.
  19. Thanks Chris. I remember the game Matt @Nordle11 had when he was looking for a decent specimen. So thought I would snap it up. Not surprisingly David Craddock was asking £135 for it. Well worth it though.
  20. Received an e mail earlier today from LCA, saying that they had added more pictures. Tried to go back into the March catalogue, but nothing doing. Can't get in. Just a blank page. Anybody else had an issue with it?
  21. There won't effectively be a hard border. Irish and Northern Irish tradesmen have already said they'll just use the back roads in and out.
  22. Also pleased with this 1904 penny I got from David Craddock. It's not the easiest date to get in tip top condition. Uncirculated with 95% lustre - ever so lightly toning. Unfortunately, evidence of a fingerprint on the reverse, and there is a small carbon spot on the obverse. Think I've finally resolved the colour disparity.
  23. 8 Labour resignations, now 3 Conservative ones. Worryingly frank statements from both sides. Extremists in both parties. With Brexit, the cliff edge of no deal gets ever closer. Now just 37 days away. Yet still Westminster clings to the obviously vain hope that the EU will give way on the backstop and re-open the deal for further negotiation. How unrealistically full of their own arrogant self importance our politicians are. What a complete and utter crumbling sad shambles our country has become.
  24. 1949threepence

    1913 penny - Freeman 175 & 176

    Pleased to say, got one of them at least, a F175. Not the most scintillating looking specimen in the world, as a bit dirty in places. But about GEF with residual lustre. Managed to get it for just £50 flat from David Craddock. Actually, there's a bit of a back story behind this as I'd e mailed David to ask for the 175 and two others off his list. Then in the meantime I discovered that Pete @PWA 1967 had also asked to buy the 175, ahead of my request. As I'd not heard anything back from David, I decided to call him to confirm whether the other two coins were still available. It was then - incredibly - that he told me that he'd already packed up all three coins ready to send to me. It turned out that he'd bought two F175's at York Coin Fair last month. So Pete's got one, and I've got the other.