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Everything posted by 1949threepence

  1. 1949threepence

    403 'forbidden'

    Yep, working fine.
  2. 1949threepence

    403 'forbidden'

    Do you not copy and paste links into the box? Try that.
  3. Too thin Pete. Obv 8 ribbon is thicker, as in Terry's first example. I agree though, it can be a sod to tell the difference sometimes, especially with the naked eye and on worn coins. That's why I also look at the nose - admittedly not easy at first glance either. ETA: and with there evidently being more than one type of Obv 7 ribbon, that merely adds to the potential confusion. I'd add a pic of my F71 obv, but I'm at work so haven't got access to my coins.
  4. You are probably already aware of this, but just in case not, there are quite a number of bronze pennies in the DNW auction of 20th - 21st February - being the last part of the Hiram Brown collection.
  5. Yes....for me, there's an interesting looking Freeman 21 1861 penny, which, were it not for significant flan flaws, would be a very nice piece. Also an 1861 "8 over wiry 6" Gouby AA. Not sure whether this could be classed as a F33A or not, to be honest. 1253 Penny 1861 8 over wiry 6, Gouby AA dies D+d, of the same style as the overdate pictures in Gouby page 41, with the underlying digit similarly positioned, but of a more wiry style Fair £50 - £100
  6. 1949threepence

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Hmmm....quite possibly the most strangely "doctored" 1926 ME ever https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/George-V-1926-Penny-Modified-Effigy-Doctored/323663497164?hash=item4b5bd907cc:g:8gsAAOSwSe5cQftJ
  7. Sound as a pound genuine.
  8. It's an obverse 7 Freeman 70, Paddy. Here's an obverse 8 - the difference is very subtle, but note the slightly straighter, longer nose, with a shorter gap between nose and lip:-
  9. 1949threepence

    1886 Victoria one pence

    Well I hope you succeed, Josh. Good luck !
  10. 1949threepence

    1863 penny stumpy 'Y'.

    Another one on this F24:-
  11. 1949threepence

    Bulk Lots at auctions

    Occasionally there's going to be a diamond in the rough, but far more often than not, I'd say you're going to be disappointed. I'd only buy/bid if I had the opportunity to look through them first - as in a dealer's bowl at a coin fair type scenario.
  12. 1949threepence

    1886 Victoria one pence

    Nice you say............
  13. Well it's certainly creative, but it's also highly misleading as it's not the author's decision, and therefore factually incorrect.
  14. Interesting that DNW have re-named the F10 N over sideways N (Z) as a F10A, in their auctions. It isn’t noted as such in the latest Freeman (2016). So they've seemingly done that off their own bat. Unless they know something we don't.
  15. Exactly my thought before I saw your post.
  16. 1949threepence

    Mintage figures

    Of course, they use the MM/DD/YY format in the States, and it's caused some massive confusion between us and them, as far as dates before the 13th of the month are concerned. For example we would take 5.8.19 as being 5th August 2019, but in the States, it would be May 8th 2019.
  17. What you saw was the planet Venus.........👾
  18. 1949threepence

    Mintage figures

    Another one - in talking about the cold weather, both here and in the States, why, when talking about minimum temperatures, are the newsreaders saying "temperatures could reach as low as -16C"? It's "fall as low" - reach is for maximum temperatures. At least the weather forecasters use the correct terminology.
  19. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    Interesting. Have you got a photo of the letter, Pete?
  20. 1949threepence

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Oh Shelly..........laugh? I nearly did.
  21. 1949threepence

    Mintage Figures A-Z 10p 2018

    I can say that when a friend of mine toured The Royal Mint last year and struck a commemorative £2 coin for me, the result was appalling. The die was so worn that most of the lettering and the date is simply not there.
  22. Another issue this country faces is the lack of skilled labour in certain fields, such as construction, plumbing, electrics. All vital components of basic infrastructure support, which cannot be robotised. Too many generations have been aspiring to university education in academic subjects, leaving a deficit in essential skills. As older workers with those essential skills retired, this has left an increasing deficit, which up until now, has been filled by EU migrant workers. Obviously, this skills deficit will be worsened, to a greater or lesser extent, by our exit from the EU I partially blame the schools system. When I hear what my sister's and brother in law's kids have been taught (niece & nephew aged 12 and 15), I am horrified at the strong politically correct bias, and the downgrading of practical subjects such as woodwork and metalwork, which were on the syllabus when I left school in 1994. This may be due to lack of teachers with the skill to actually teach those subjects. For anyone now leaving school, I'd say there is far more money to be made, both short and long term by various practical apprenticeships, and therefore plugging a skills gap, than by going to university to get a two a penny degree in an often worthless subject, and saddling themselves with massive tuition fees debt.
  23. 1949threepence

    50 Years of the 50p (Set)

    Crikey, I was a bit slow there. Not surprised they went so quickly.