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Everything posted by 1949threepence

  1. 1949threepence

    A typical tabloid story

    It's only when you do have reasonably good knowledge of a given topic, that you realise the sheer volume of utter tripe peddled by the tabloid media on a daily basis. Whether in ignorance or by deliberate design.
  2. Dominic Raab has just said that the ball is in the court of the EU.....is this guy for real? The EU in the shape of Juncker and Barnier have made it abundantly clear that the deal is not up for re-negotiation. I'd say all balls were in the UK court. Parliament say they don't want a no deal scenario, but vote against the only deal in town. I truly believe their puffed up arrogance is now showing these people in their true colours. Two choices, vote for the deal, or a disorderly brexit. There is the third one, a second referendum. Whether that will happen Christ alone knows.
  3. Although looking unlikely, at least as far as the current public face of the EU is concerned, I sincerely hope that they do give some ground on formally re-negotiating the backstop issue. The problem being, of course, the Irish Republic itself. They are just as stubborn and intransigent as the Northern Ireland unionists. If only some common ground could be reached between the two sides. With that said, Ireland would suffer even more than the UK in the event of a no deal, as they rely on the UK as a goods route from the EU.
  4. 1949threepence

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Well, the seller never replied to my message, but he has the grace to withdraw the item concerned My message read as follows:-
  5. 1949threepence

    SPINK AUCTION - 29/01/19

    Had a look at the catalogue, but saw nothing that interested me personally.
  6. I'm not sure what he was thinking about there, but I think hell would freeze over before that happened.
  7. 1949threepence

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Crikey, and I thought I had a problem with photography colour contrast between obverse and reverse !!!
  8. The situation gets more insane by the day. Parliament will be voting on a possible move not to exit with no deal. But at the same time they won't accept the only deal on offer, which the EU have again re-iterated is not up for further debate. Seems to me there are many MP's who just cannot get their head round the hard fact that the EU is a brick wall which will not budge.
  9. 1949threepence

    1863 penny stumpy 'Y'.

    The Y of penny does seem to be affected sometimes. Take a look at the Incomplete Y on my F25:-
  10. 1949threepence

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    The forgers are even slabbing their own fakes now - take a look
  11. 1949threepence

    1913 penny - Freeman 175 & 176

    Thanks Chris. They're not easy to find. However, I've made a note in my calendar to check the next CCA on 15th April. I see the next auction is 26th April. Looking at LCA, they've only had two decent 175 specimens in 14 years (one in 2016 and one in 2017), although a few more 176's.
  12. I just won't be bothering with them. The entire operation is confusing, frustrating and time consuming. As I said earlier though, their call. Up to them how they run their business. I'll be sticking with the rest, especially DNW, which is a joy to use at all levels.
  13. Nothing to do with us then guv. Fair enough. Just so long as you realise that inevitably, given the Baldwin name, customers are going to still believe you are one and the same concern, as opposed to two uncommunicative, divorced, separate ones. Dropping the Baldwin name might help, given your resolute denial of accountability.
  14. There has to be a second referendum. Has to be. Parliament is paralysed as we hurtle manically towards the cliff edge.
  15. I bet whoever lost it was cursing at the time.......Nice find
  16. Well I know Theresa's quite a tall woman, but even so, the Queen is certainly quite diminutive in stature.
  17. Looks as though dnw are doing this. Part 1 (which admittedly doesn't contain a massive amount) is on their catalogue for 13th/14th June 2018 auction. Whether succeeding parts will be added to this or subsequent auctions - well who knows at this stage? link
  18. The next and possibly final part of this collection is up for bidding on 20th/21st February, link here. Apart from a very nice Freeman 147, a bit disappointing - for me anyway. Although anybody in the early stages of a bun collection might find it interesting, as there are some high grade specimens on offer. Elsewhere in the auction, there is a F39A in VF.
  19. Re: emboldened text above - that assertion is factually incorrect. Even on the first page of this part of your website here not only are currency denominations chaotically mixed up together, but additionally, the first penny on the first page is dated 1862, another further down is dated 1858, and another beyond that, dated 1861. By logical definition that is not chronological order. There is no confusion about the app. Any confusion clearly rests with you, as my paragraph above illustrates. If you're going to promote an app, it is odd not to make it available for all devices. Especially since it's conversely possible to access the website via tablet or smartphone, without the need for an app. As far as the quality of your photographs, you might like to examine the high resolution archive images available on LCA, DNW or Colin Cooke. But.......your call at the end of the day. Just be aware that cyber footfall to your website and thus your auctions, will be lower than if the valid criticisms were sympathetically taken on board, rather than condescendingly dismissed. That's all I have to say on this issue.
  20. Well you clearly overlooked this post, or have chosen to disregard it as of no importance. Also, why not develop an app which is also PC compatible? They do exist. You might also want to read through this thread posted in November 2017 and also critical of your website. Nothing has changed since then.
  21. Agreed, I'm sure David Cameron never expected for one second that the leave vote would succeed, and thus never even looked into the complexities/chaotic result of a clean break, to consider and pass on to the public. If he had so done, I'm pretty sure the outcome would have been different.
  22. Indeed, and both we and them underestimated its complexity.
  23. They'd have no choice than to accept it and act accordingly. I can't imagine the issue would be put to the electorate again, without a copper bottomed guarantee that the ultimate outcome would this time be immediately respected without further delay. The remaining extension to article 50 would no doubt be allowed to run its course, then we'd be completely out.
  24. No, not at all. That's a very fair way of doing it. Although No 3 could be "If deal, Mrs May's deal (or Norway/Canada +++) choose whichever" - given that no deal is, by default, WTO Of course, if we do go down the 2nd referendum road, I can only imagine the arguments and in-fighting which will result over the wording and choice of questions.