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Everything posted by 1949threepence

  1. We did make suggestions about 12 months ago - and if you have read this thread you will note that I made a very specific criticism a couple or so days ago. The shortcomings of your website have been made manifestly obvious already.
  2. Nor on mine. When I try I'm only given the option of loading onto my tablet. There is a drop down marker but there is nothing on it, bar the option to choose my tablet. I'd prefer to use my PC for auctions, not a tablet or smartphone which aren't as stable at critical moments. ETA: here's what I get on my PC when clicking the drop down button:-
  3. Precisely - and whatever option is presented to parliament, there won't be a majority to support it. They just can't agree. Whatever her shortcomings are, Mrs May is absolutely spot on in saying that those opposing her deal are quick to say what they don't want, but pretty much absent in giving any substantive view as to what they do want. In conclusion, as parliament are evidently incapable in arriving at a consensus, and collectively (all sides) have manifestly failed to end the uncertainty for both the general public and businesses, it is now incumbent on them to throw the issue open to the electorate in the form of a second referendum, or "people's vote", whatever it may be called. I just don't see any other way forward. Of course, if it does come to a second referendum, the next thing they will fail to agree on are the questions, and the precise form of wording, as each camp jockeys for position in favour of questions which will suit their side. One will want the WTO option dropped, and the other will want the remain option dropped.
  4. How else could it reasonably be done? The electorate are infinitely more aware of the full ramifications of Brexit now, than ever they were in 2016, and given the closeness of the vote then, it's entirely possible that a sizeable section of the 2016 leave vote, would now choose to vote remain. Moreover, there was a demographic split in voter intentions then, with the young predominantly voting remain, and the leave vote rising gradually as the demographic got older. Given that it will be younger voters who will be saddled longest with the outcome of Brexit, it's really only fair that the latest cohort to have reached 18 since June 2016, are also allowed to consider the remain option in a second referendum.
  5. The union should be solid, but isn't. Scotland wants a different outcome to England.....and the Northern Irish question - complex beyond belief.
  6. No 7 - just so !!! There has to be a 2nd referendum, with three options, a) remain, b) go with Mrs May's deal, c) leave on WTO terms. Slenderest majority of the three wins.
  7. What a mess. Where do we go from here?
  8. No, I prefer LCA. Whilst they too are far from perfect, at least their coins are set out in a logically sequential and chronological order. BSJ are a mixed up hotch potch, often with the same coin appearing on successive pages. Dreadful.
  9. Note to self: Avoid BSJ auctions at all costs, in order to preserve sanity.
  10. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    Yes, I noticed that Richard. Curious. Thanks Gents - very useful info and much appreciated.
  11. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    Thanks Pete. I vaguely recall reading the same at some point, but also can't remember where or when. Several years ago at least.
  12. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    I'm referring directly to Page 426 of Peck, and specifically to BM1699 - an 1874H (Freeman 73). What is the general opinion on the "grained edge" referred to (as extremely rare) by Peck? Are these a myth? Or if they do exist, were they elaborately tooled, post minting? At the back of my mind I seem to remember that Freeman mentioned them in his 1970 edition, but dropped them for the 1985 one.
  13. Based on the detail available, NEF/GVF. A larger pic would help, especially of the reverse.
  14. 1949threepence

    Peter Nichols cabinets

    I see your point, but a Hatton Garden event is an extremely unlikely occurrence in a small town provincial bank. To my mind the coins, or indeed any valuables, would be at far greater risk in an unoccupied house.
  15. 1949threepence

    1860 pattern penny by moore

    I see it's noted as a Freeman 827, and he has them as R16 (51 to 100 specimens believed to exist). That's from page 190 of his book "The Bronze Coinage of Great Britain" - 1985 edition.
  16. 1949threepence

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    In fact there is no such postcode. There's a BL7 but not an 8LD. There's a Walwyn Close in Trafford, but that's M32. It's obviously a made up address.
  17. Really nice issue free coin, pretty much flawless in fact, apart from a small minor L shape by the Queen's mouth, which doesn't detract. I always think the F18 is somewhat scarcer than the R13 Freeman ascribes to it. A similar looking one of slightly inferior grade, went for £300 hammer at the June 2017 LCA (lot 2850).
  18. Actually, I disagree. The seller's get out clause is in his description, particularly the bit in bold:- He could argue that in his subjective opinion it is very high grade, but that the onus was on the buyer to decide whether in fact that was the case, based on the pics. It all depends on how you define "very high grade". Note he hasn't used a more definitive term like "GEF".
  19. 1949threepence

    Peter Nichols cabinets

    Good thinking. I note @Coys55 says his safe is also bolted to the floor.
  20. 1949threepence

    Peter Nichols cabinets

    Absolutely. I did go into the branch in person to ask, as other forms of communication are a dead loss. When I asked what the reason was for not being able to deposit my coins there, all the guy on the counter was able to tell me is that it was a "policy decision", which doesn't really tell me a lot as to the true reasons.
  21. 1949threepence

    Peter Nichols cabinets

    That's what I thought too. I might start making some enquiries about a safe. I think it may well be the most effective way forward. I can't see any burglars being so desperate that they'd attach explosive to it, and blow the door off. Far more likely they'd give up and clear off.
  22. 1949threepence

    Peter Nichols cabinets

    Indeed. The friend/neighbour option I'd already discounted, as it's not fair on them. The work one is still a possibility. However, getting a safe is actually a very sound idea. Either that or finding such a clever place to hide them, no intruders would ever guess where they were. Easier said than done. I did contact the bank about whether I could deposit the coins there, and they said they couldn't - which surprised me. Especially as I was quite prepared to pay.
  23. I think you've got a point with the "very high grade". This guy is an experienced seller of coins and should be able to offer a realistic actual grade such as VF/NEF, in his opinion, whilst allowing those interested to make up their own minds. Also, the fact he doesn't accept returns, is telling. The photography isn't ace, but it's not that bad either - certainly enough to see that the obverse especially is not "very high grade". With that said, I definitely wouldn't give him a negative. I'd take the hit knowing it was poor decision making on my part - "caveat emptor". Been disappointed several times myself, but ultimately know that really, I should have realised before I jumped in and bought. I'd give him a less than ringing endorsement positive, such as "prompt delivery, coin well packed". Something of that nature. He'll get the message.