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Everything posted by 1949threepence

  1. 1949threepence

    Come on ENGLAND

    England have Pickford to thank for keeping us in it. Croatia have been all over England since the start if the second half. We just can't seem to get a clear cut chance.
  2. 1949threepence

    Come on ENGLAND

    It's extra time !!!
  3. 1949threepence

    Come on ENGLAND

    Well since the Croatia equaliser, the England goal has led a charmed life.
  4. What about the Compos and Foggys?
  5. Had a few insect bites this Summer, but no major league bites as from horse flies. Just a bit red and itchy.
  6. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    Thanks a lot, Ian. Much appreciated
  7. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    Evening chaps - can someone kindly confirm for me that this is reverse N. I have an opportunity to buy a F114, and I want to be absolutely sure that this is a F115 before I splash out. I'm 99% certain it's the much commoner reverse N, but there is just that niggling doubt, as it was bought in more unsophisticated days simply as 1882H, and no type. I find the two reverses difficult to tell apart as the differences are (or appear to me to be) quite subtle. Thanks in advance.
  8. 1949threepence

    Living by a bonfire

    Norfolk and Chance
  9. 1949threepence

    Gold proofs

    Thank you Richard
  10. 1949threepence

    Gold proofs

    Beautiful coins above. I'd love to see a pic of the unique Freemans 2 & 34 (1860 and 1861) Victorian penny gold proofs.
  11. 1949threepence

    Living by a bonfire

    What's the latest with regard to the fire itself? Not been much about it on the news recently.
  12. 1949threepence

    1877 Narrow Date Penny

    Agree with you Peter. We need a picture. If the date hasn't got an H underneath the date, then the minimum rarity is R12, which is rare. In fact the commonest 1874 halfpenny, with an H, is R8, so not common even then.
  13. 1949threepence

    1903 Half Crown - comments please

    That's the problem with buying a slightly sub standard coin. You always want an upgrade, and when you get one, the first coin becomes a redundant spare. Unless the coin is of exceptional rarity and unlikely to be offered again in a hurry, at any grade, don't settle for second best.
  14. 1949threepence

    Come on ENGLAND

    Harry Maguire - the toast of England so far ETA: Dele Ali - the second toast of England 2nd ETA: Jordan Pickford third toast of England Well done England. They were rampant today. Bring on Russia or Croatia on Wednesday. If Russia it will be like an away match in an incredibly partisan atmosphere. We will see !!!
  15. 1949threepence

    Living by a bonfire

    I notice some idiot has been arrested for starting a fire on Winter Hill.
  16. Oddly enough, all my best purchases seem to be made in the Winter period, almost without fail - from all sources.
  17. Seriously thinking of going this year, and may well make purchases. However, I'm wondering if it's best to armed with a wad of notes, or whether dealers are happy to accept a debit card payment. From what I've heard in the past, notes are better, but unsure as to what payment medium is generally preferred/acceptable. The other point is whether or not it's on the ground floor, and are there seats placed at convenient intervals? My partner would quite like to come with me, and because she suffers from rheumatoid arthritis, can't do stairs or stand for long periods of time. Needs to sit at reasonably frequent intervals, although only for two or three minutes at most. If not at ground level, is there a lift? Also, is anybody else on here planning to go, either as a visitor or a dealer? Thanks in advance
  18. Again, thanks very much for that useful info @kildonan. Much appreciated.
  19. I know they do, Peter. I think we'd either drive up, or get the train, on the day. Problem with the train is that whatever route we decided to take from here, would necessitate at least one change. My current favourite is to change the once, at Peterborough. Are you going?
  20. Thanks for that, Pete. Very much appreciated.
  21. 1949threepence

    My Latest Acquisition

    They are very hard to find in top drawer condition. I got mine in a partially completed Whitman Folder of threepenny bits, predominantly worn specimens, apart from the 1960's, but with this really nice 1948. Not, however, as nice as Mick's. Never realised before that the 1946 and 1949, were specifically minted for the West Indies, so thanks for the info. Knew the 1950 and 51 pennies were.
  22. 1949threepence

    1927 Halfcrown

    There were nearly 7 million of the 1927 old shield reverse issued, but as ozjohn says, only 15.000 proof versions of the new shield reverse. I bet the owner did fall on hard times. Either that or it was stolen and the thief just thought it was an ordinary halfcrown. The term "impaired proof" comes to mind.
  23. 1949threepence

    The Value of Charity

    It's not reflecting anything. It's merely deflecting away from a point you know you can't logically and factually address. No It isn't. I've just checked all the posts in that thread.
  24. 1949threepence

    The Value of Charity

    What thread was that on? I've not seen it. Just made a search for the phrase and it leads straight back here.