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Everything posted by 1949threepence

  1. 1949threepence

    The Value of Charity

    It's factually incorrect. Bear in mind what the moderator, @TomGoodheart said in the now closed thread about certain things that are said reflecting on the forum, and also bear in mind this is a public area of the forum. You have stated that the majority on this forum lean far to the right of centre, despite having seen only a few people on the forum post any political views, and of them, the prevailing viewpoint was one of questioning charities. Manifestly, that suspicion does not dictate one's overall political opinion or leaning.
  2. 1949threepence

    The Value of Charity

    One person said that. Let me remind you what you said:- Which is patent nonsense, and a nasty, unwarranted thing to say about fellow forum members, many of whom you've never even seen post..
  3. 1949threepence

    The Value of Charity

    I'm not having any difficulty with following anything, Larry. You didn't say just right of centre, you said "leaning far to the right of centre". I think you should explain what you mean by that. You said it, and clearly aimed it in a derogatory manner at posters who were simply questioning the honesty of charities. Quite how that defaults them to "leaning far right of centre", I don't know. So I believe it is incumbent on you to define what you mean by that, and why you are making offensive presumptions regarding the political views of people who you don't have the remotest clue about.
  4. 1949threepence

    The Value of Charity

    <Snipped for brevity> First quote above: Most women aren't interested in coin collecting. It's predominantly a male hobby - fact. Second quote above: The entire purpose of the forum is numismatics, so the fact that posters here are invariably happy to acquire coins, shouldn't really surprise you. Conflating coin collecting with power crazed men and the quasi dictator Mugabe, is offensive in itself. Third quote above: Define "leaning far to the right of centre".
  5. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    That would make sense. For it to be a 9, they'd have had to use an 1849 die, which would have entailed re-cutting the 4 as well. No evidence of that.
  6. 1949threepence

    1903 Half Crown - comments please

    I'd say that was almost certainly genuine.
  7. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    Uncertain, although I don't think it's a 7 - the 8 over 7 has a very distinct look which that digit doesn't appear to have.
  8. 1949threepence

    Come on ENGLAND

    Only if we hold our nerve.
  9. 1949threepence

    Come on ENGLAND

    First time ever that England have won one !
  10. 1949threepence

    Come on ENGLAND

    I can only see it going one way, David. Not England's way......we will see. Hope I'm wrong. Crunch time. ETA: So pleased I was wrong. Well done England
  11. 1949threepence

    Come on ENGLAND

    I knew, I just knew Columbia would score in injury time.......
  12. 1949threepence

    Market stall - Barnstaple and South Molton

    Essex men and women? Oh c'mon, you're 'avin a larf my sahn, to use a very common expression from my home town. The main thing that sticks in my mind is that people there are very happy to give you their political opinions on local and national issues. From taxi drivers to the guy at the bus stop. That's the basic difference between Warwickshire where I live now, and Essex. Here the people are somewhat more reserved and circumspect. Certainly about politics. Sorry to hear you are having problems with the NHS postcode lottery.
  13. In fact I have now purchased the new 2016 edition of Freeman's "The Bronze Coinage of Great Britain 1860 to 1970", as a bargain £7.50 off e bay. Turning instantly to the 1860 types on pages 29 to 30, I note that in fact type 10A does not exist, and can only conclude that dnw have made it up. Unless anyone knows to the contrary?
  14. Sorry cocked up the post - ignore and see next post
  15. 1949threepence

    Useful Links (Consolidated)

    Looks useful:- https://coinhunter.co.uk/
  16. 1949threepence

    Living by a bonfire

    Latest news does not sound good. The Winter Hill and (I think the guy said Scout Road) fires have combined, with increasing wind strength. There is heavy rain in the South West of England, but it seems it's unlikely to make much Northwards progress.
  17. 1949threepence

    Come on ENGLAND

    Their careers have followed almost parallel paths, although they are very different characters.
  18. Could it possibly be a pattern penny F762? - R & E of REG do not touch at the base. No real idea, just a thought. Richard may be your man.
  19. 1949threepence

    Come on ENGLAND

    It's the same kind of tactics you might see when a side fields pretty much a reserve side ahead of a crucial Champions League match. You rest your best players and negate the risk of injury to them. People are never happy, Pete, and will criticise whatever you do. That Di Maria goal from 30 yards for Argentina a few minutes ago - wow !!!
  20. 1949threepence

    Come on ENGLAND

    No. He's retired from international football. Indeed, all those names we'd find too hard to handle, and let's not forget that Portugal are still in it, so that list ought to include Ronaldo.
  21. 1949threepence

    Come on ENGLAND

    I think we will probably beat Columbia. Southgate will be putting out a full strength side, including our current talisman, Harry Kane. That should be enough to ensure victory. After that the competition will start to get really tough, and I've noticed over the years that English players, even those touted as brilliant, such as the somewhat overrated Wayne Rooney, don't seem too good against the very best sides, who seem to be faster, more accurate passers of the ball, and quicker thinking. So we'll be lucky if we progress further, assuming we do indeed beat Columbia.
  22. 1949threepence

    Market stall - Barnstaple and South Molton

    Chelmsford, where I come from, is only 32 miles from London, but might as well be in a different universe. Get a bit further East towards Colchester , and the accent becomes distinctly East Anglian. Despite its proximity to London, it's largely a rural county. Romford is now part of Greater London, and has been for many years. Basildon is in Essex proper.
  23. 1949threepence

    Market stall - Barnstaple and South Molton

    I think Essex has somehow gained a very unfair reputation, and been subject to ridicule over the years, and I'm not even sure why.
  24. 1949threepence

    Market stall - Barnstaple and South Molton

    Yes, Dorset is a very pleasant and picturesque county with numerous visitor attractions, no doubt about it. Have you thought about selling up in the North East and moving back to Dorset permanently? I miss my native Essex to some degree, but probably not nearly as much as I would have missed Dorset.
  25. 1949threepence

    Market stall - Barnstaple and South Molton

    Depending on what your average charge was for each item, that sounds like a reasonable footfall.