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Everything posted by 1949threepence

  1. Received the Freeman 1 & Freeman 96 won at the recent LCA today:-
  2. 1949threepence

    Help attaching Images

    Can't see the image - but the link shows a china tea set.
  3. 1949threepence

    Help attaching Images

    It should theoretically work the same as a PC in that you have a photo stored, then when wanting to attach a pic to a post you make, you'd click "choose files", and it would take you to your photos - in your case on an i pad. The only problem might be that it regards the pic as too large. Try it and see. I've had numerous issues with attaching pics, but eventually managed to get round it in a very convoluted fashion. When I get a coin I want to show the forum, I photograph it using my Google Nexus 7 tablet - it actually takes quite a decent pic. If I try to attach it straight from my tablet it is too large. But if I e mail it to myself, and then save it on my PC, it will immediateloy transfer the photo to my post - how weird is that? Must re-size it automatically. The only other thing you could do is save your picture to tiny pic, or another image hosting site, copy the "image" (IMG) link (ignore any others), and then paste that directly into your post. It will change it from link text into a photo. That always works. Where's Matt when you need him - he was ace at this sort of thing.
  4. 1949threepence

    Just starting out - advice would be lovely :)

    There's a really good one by a forum member here, "Red Riley", although he's not posted for some time. Real name of Derek Allen, and the book is "Grading British Coins", copyright 2009. It's at the top of the page but here's an Amazon link anyway. It's a very useful text.
  5. 1949threepence

    LCA December

    I think they must be absolutely inundated with lot winners trying to pay. I gave up in the end yesterday as the number was either engaged or no answer. Managed to get through and pay at 9:40 this morning. Not sure if it's just Semra that deals with all the calls, but it's always the same person who takes my payment when I ring (foreign sounding lady) ETA: Just been really sneaky and bought another one. Checking the realised prices against the catalogue, it was apparent that lot No 1018 - the UNC1879 Freeman 96 - hadn't been sold. Another Freeman type I hadn't got. So paid £350 plus juice for that, postage being combined with the Freeman 1. It's one I'd wanted, and I saw it in the LCA listings, but elected not to bid at this stage, as that can sometimes attract more bids. I'd noticed that Dave Craddock had also got an UNC F96 up for £500, but thought if the LCA one didn't sell, (and I had a feeling it wouldn't), I could then nip in and get it at the lower estimate. Otherwise I might have bought Dave's (unless he's already sold it, which is a possibility). Nice day's work. Well pleased with an LCA outcome for once
  6. 1949threepence

    LCA December

    My PC wouldn't show beyond the first of the 3 pages last night. Tried again this morning and it was fine. Some sort of glitch.
  7. 1949threepence

    LCA December

    Did anybody get anything? I managed to win the Freeman 1, Lot No 1005. Been after one for ages.
  8. 1949threepence

    Musical breaks

    Another favourite of mine, Simon & Garfunkel, America
  9. 1949threepence

    would you

    I wouldn't buy such a high value coin from e bay. Too risky IMO.
  10. 1949threepence

    LCA June

    Bad luck, John. I'd love to have seen Newcastle put away Chelsea today, but it wasn't to be. Maybe at St James's.
  11. 1949threepence

    Coin Cabinet

    Maybe it's me not getting the correct perspective, but it doesn't look as though there's anything for additional drawers to slot into? The side look smooth. Got to be something to hold them in place, surely?
  12. 1949threepence

    Room 101

    Yes, I did once encounter the same thing on e bay. 30 seconds to go and previous high bid was £120. I then bid £301.50 with 8 seconds to go. I then paid £301.50. Someone had bid £300.00 with zero seconds to go ! Coin was probably worth £225.00 or thereabouts. Slightly annoying, but as ever with coins, it's swings and roundabouts. But it doesn't happen often. Usually there will be an intermediate bid midway between the previous highest and my very high one, which is the final determinant.
  13. 1949threepence

    NHS Thank you.

    Fantastic news Pete. Had no idea what you were going through. Now you can move forward. Nice one mate
  14. 1949threepence

    Musical breaks

    Another one from 1997, and one of my all time favourites - Bittersweet Symphony from Verve. That image of Richard Ashcroft bumping into everybody along the street has become almost iconic.
  15. 1949threepence

    Musical breaks

    Much of the music from the last 30 odd years, I now find irritating and inane, so I'm not going to post one of those. Instead, I'll post one that contains thoughtful lyrics. Roger Whittaker was played a lot when I was still at home with my parents, as my Father is a huge fan of his. This one I grew to really like "I don't believe in if anymore"
  16. 1949threepence

    1890 Penny Obverse Legend Difference

    More than I anticipated, Bob. But I should already have known that such a coin with its attendant extreme rarity would command a very high price.
  17. 1949threepence

    1890 Penny Obverse Legend Difference

    Not scrolled down fully to see Bob's reply yet. But I'd guess at £5k or thereabouts.
  18. 1949threepence

    1890 Penny Obverse Legend Difference

    Fantastic. What did you get for it, Bob, if it's not an impertinent question?
  19. 1949threepence

    1890 Penny Obverse Legend Difference

    I bet most would give their eye teeth to get hold of an 1877 narrow date.......
  20. 1949threepence

    Cameo or not ? Be wary !

    Great. Keep us posted. If you don't ask, the answer's always a lemon.
  21. 1949threepence

    Can you identify this please ?

    Incredible that the last two words uttered by George V on his death bed, will be the ones he is most remembered for saying ! (and yes, he does)
  22. 1949threepence

    Cameo or not ? Be wary !

    Which is where a Freedom of Information Act request comes in handy. Mind, I'm not so naive as to imagine there aren't myriad ways round that.
  23. 1949threepence

    Cameo or not ? Be wary !

    Actually, if it's worth the bother, this might well be a question the RM might reasonably be expected to answer. True it's a long time ago, but it's not so old that it's lost in the mists of time, and there may well be well documented records as to why such a distinction exists.
  24. 1949threepence

    Cameo or not ? Be wary !

    Agreed. Wonder what the reason was.
  25. 1949threepence

    Cameo or not ? Be wary !

    Yes, that would seem a likely scenario. It certainly would have been a turn up for the books if they'd been minted in some special room reserved for displaying the talents of the RM. Burgundy vs Green? who knows?