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Everything posted by 1949threepence

  1. Why did you drop out at £550, Pete? Had a feeling it was someone on the forum.
  2. My won lot at the recent DNW auction, was an 1860 F17 in aUNC condition with good lustre. Although I've already got a GEF example, courtesy of Ian Fall, it does unfortunately have some light scratches on it. So when I saw this one, thought it was too good an opportunity to miss. It's lot No 1139.
  3. 1949threepence

    "My Cabinet" issue on DNW website

    Oh sure, I get that, but I'm referring to, for example, estimates between £150 and £200, say, which finish at £850 hammer. That type of disparity. They are quite frequent. You can get a bidding war on any given item, which, to me, suggests one of two things. Either the estimate, for whatever reason, is set way too low, or the lot is one which several bidders happen to want and is either rarer than anticipated, or is much rarer in the grade offered, than originally judged.
  4. 1949threepence

    "My Cabinet" issue on DNW website

    Which is often massively out of kilter with the estimate parameters. I know this has been mentioed on here before, and whether it's some form of "inducement" to start the bidding, or whether it's genuine lack of market knowledge on the part of those who set the estimates, we don't know.
  5. 1949threepence

    "My Cabinet" issue on DNW website

    ...and of course, it's VAT on the premium alone, not the hammer price of the item you've won... Interesting that, as other auctioneers (seemingly) don't add on VAT to the premium - or if they do, it's already contained within the quoted premium amount. London Coins & Colin Cooke being examples. Which in purely net terms makes their premiums considerably lower than DNW, the more so because at 17% and 15% respectively, they are lower to start with. Spink's premium @20% plus VAT, is exactly the same as DNW.
  6. For anybody who might find it a useful reference point, a full list of the realised prices at the DNW auction of 13-15.9.17, cab be seen here.
  7. 1949threepence

    "My Cabinet" issue on DNW website

    Indeed, it's not like e bay where there are no doubt many slightly dodgy shill dealings. As you say, if you listen in to the auction it's manifestly obvious that it's not fixed (to me anyway).
  8. With attention stongly focused elsewhere, that was definitely a great time to collect if you had the time and motivation. Of course, he would have had no idea then what would happen with prices in the many decades to follow.
  9. Well done Mick. I got one yesterday as well.
  10. 1949threepence

    Getting silly now lol

    Beggars belief that punters would shell out £26.00 for a coin they know is fake.
  11. Yes, it's certainly an unusual, and not especially flattering representation of the late Princess. Talking of eyes that follow you round, when I was at Junior School, we had various prints by old masters, adorning the walls of the dining room, many of them portraits. I remember one in particular, whose eyes always seemed to be boring straight through you. He had a somewhat contemptuous look on his face, as though he was thinking of the person he was looking at as a complete idiot. I always imagined him saying, "Seriously, how can you eat that rubbish?" Happy days.
  12. It's a Freeman 66, Jon. Same as the 65 but with an H underneath the date, and not as scarce, relatively speaking, as the 65 - although the 65 isn't hard to find. here's a link to the lot
  13. The dnw auction opens today. Something for everyone in that.
  14. If you're ever in Wilsonville, Oregon USA, then this is surely among the visitor attractions for a photo opportunity to show your mates back home:-
  15. 1949threepence

    Goodness me, Baldwins

    Well I'm certainly no expert on hammered coins, but if that's NVF, I'm a Dutchman.
  16. Didn't go, and on this occasion, didn't bid. I also had my name down for the catalogue, but never received it. Not really in accord with what you were asking, VS. But as nobody else has posted yet, I thought I might as well give my two pennuth.
  17. 1949threepence

    A £600 Churchill Crown

    Well the 10 years has passed. I wonder where he is in life now? If his English is anything to go by, not doing too well, I'd imagine.
  18. It's a Freeman 52. Probably a worn die caused the E to appear like an F. Bit like the 1860 Gouby X - "ONF PENNY". My Freeman 25 has the right arm of the Y of PENNY, partially missing in much the same way.
  19. 1949threepence

    Pennies - Heads Up

    I meant to bid for the Freeman 38, but got sidetracked, suddenly realised it was 8:33pm, and the auction closed at 8:30pm - doh.
  20. 1949threepence

    1992 Lion £1 Coin?

    Certain fake. Indeed one of the characteristics of the very numerous £1 coin fakes, was the way that the given year did not match the reverse. Because there was such widespread official and public complacency towards the fakes, the forgers became very sloppy.
  21. 1949threepence

    1863 penny

    Bog standard 3 I'm afraid. Slender three photo below for comparison:-
  22. 1949threepence

    "My Cabinet" issue on DNW website

    Ok, thanks gents. Must be a fault with my PC.
  23. 1949threepence

    Total w ankers in THE MAIL

    Crikey....who would have thunk it? Bunch of tossers.
  24. 1949threepence

    Pennies - Heads Up

    One of your listed coins seriously tempts me, Steve. Although I've already got one, co-incidentally also in NEF with traces of lustre, the F7 you have on offer is a really nice specimen. The fields on both sides, but especially the reverse, are immaculate.