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Everything posted by 1949threepence

  1. 1949threepence

    Change Checker inspecting new £1 live

    Well I just went to your link, Matt, and watched the video about the new £1 coin. It was actually very well produced and informative I thought. I am intrigued as to precisely what the hidden top secret security feature is though. The big date is 28th March, and I think he said we have until the end of October to spend all the old ones, before they are demonetised. The total weight of the ones produced for circulation since 1983, is equivalent to the weight of 6000 elephants.
  2. 1949threepence

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Photography clearly isn't his strong point. The 1860/59 is, essentially, a blurred image. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1860-59-Penny-The-One-Most-Collectors-Are-Missing-Ext-Rare-Beautiful-Coin-/262782510032?hash=item3d2f0ee3d0:g:mPcAAOSw2xRYUppq
  3. 1949threepence

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    What the hell has happened with the date here?
  4. It went for £77.00 !!!
  5. Good job he hadn't got to his destination and tried paying in Rizlas. But I guess in some parts of the country the drivers want money up front before they start driving. Understandable.
  6. 1949threepence

    Room 101

    I assume this has now been cleaned up, as there are now no references to TPG or grading.
  7. Shades of the 1950/51 penny craze of the late 1960's? There were 210,000 minted. In the 2014 Coin Yearbook, they were listed at £4.00 per UNC specimen. That had risen to £30 in the 2017 book. I imagine the rise in value is being caused to some extent by current demand exceeding supply. But there are a number on offer. Out of interest It might be worth keeping an eye on this one due to end tomorrow, and currently at about £30. Just to see where it ends up.
  8. 1949threepence

    Important coin

    Yes, I did click on it, but I've never seen a non found web page display like that before.
  9. The "9" of your 1893 looks a bit odd, Scott. Or is it an optical illusion? Sorry, can't get rid of the previous quote above.
  10. 1949threepence

    Rare 20p?

    Yes, I got a 2016 myself today, and immediately noticed the radiating lines. So evidently a common feature of 2015 and 2016 20p's. Brogan's specimen does exhibit an issue with the full stop after "REG", however. Double struck, possibly? Here's a not brilliant picture of the obverse of the one I got today, but the radiating lines into the field round the Queen's head clearly show.
  11. 1949threepence


    Nothing wrong with Essex. Great county. Speaking as someone who was born and brought up in Chelmsford, I can vouch for that. That's an amazing view from your conservatory, Terry.
  12. This is interesting Worth looking out for, although the chances of coming across one are exceedingly remote, of course.
  13. 1949threepence

    Another idea

    We could maybe do with a pinned thread somewhere, entitled "Newbies, introduce yourself and outline your area of numismatic interest" or some such.
  14. 1949threepence

    M & S Underpants

    Nowadays he'd be called a pervert and probably go on the sex offenders register. I get my underpants off Amazon. More convenient.
  15. 1949threepence

    Uncirculated & Proof RM Set Mintages

    OK, cheers Paul. It does sound like a book title.
  16. 1949threepence

    Uncirculated & Proof RM Set Mintages

    Buggered if I can find them. Not exactly hitting me in the eye. I've found the general circulation mintages here but no sign of a "coins of England" link. Are they on the RM site?
  17. 1949threepence

    Look out for these four unique fivers !!!

    Second one found In Scotland. Two down, two to go.
  18. 1949threepence

    1898 P dot E Penny

    Probably touted as the one that Freeman didn't spot, Pete Well........erm.....
  19. 1949threepence

    My Latest Acquisition

    Nice one Mick, you've done a great job.
  20. 1949threepence

    My Latest Acquisition

    Jerry, that's a big improvement. I wonder what Steve would make of it?
  21. Hard to tell from the pic, especially as you only show one side. But generally speaking the design and lettering on fake one pound coins are slightly less clear cut, more blurred perhaps, than the real thing. Often too, the year on the coin is out of step with the reverse design.
  22. 1949threepence

    Rare 20p?

    No idea, personally. But it does seemingly add to the list of things. I did notice those lines radiating outwards, but initially attibuted it to the photography. Are they flat or dug into the metal? Hard to tell from the pic.
  23. 1949threepence

    Rare 20p?

    What are your observations with the coin in hand - of the anomalies that we've mentioned, what specifically were you intending us to highlight?
  24. 1949threepence

    Rare 20p?

    The full stop between the "REG" and the "FID" looks odd. Something gone wrong there. Also, there appears to be some false lettering underneath the Queen's chin. Not sure what that is. The streak above the "R" of "REG" is presumably a light anomaly from the camera shot. Send it to the Royal MInt for an explanation, maybe. With it being so recent, they really should know.
  25. 1949threepence

    Best Wishes

    I see your point, Rob. But whilst natural attrition of those well known celebrities now in their 60's and 70's, is to be expected, it would be more normal to anticipate these over a longer term, and to crop up from time to time. What marks 2016 out from the rest, is the sheer volume of deaths concentrated into a very short period, timewise. Of course, 2016, like any other year, is essentially an artificial construct. So logically, you wouldn't necessarily see a sudden decline in deaths the moment 2017 starts.