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Everything posted by 1949threepence

  1. 1949threepence

    Advice On Damaged Coin

    Great tactics
  2. 1949threepence

    DNW - Coins Going Cheaply?

    Thanks for the heads up. Having just previewed, there's one of great interest for me in that auction
  3. 1949threepence

    Carbon spot.

    Hmmm, I'm not sure about this:- I think I'd sooner not interfere with the coin, even with the carbon spot/s there. With regard to the point made by Sword, about the carbon spot developing post slabbing, that is entirely plausible, as they take time to appear. What will never be known is what - or who -- caused it. Quite possibly a minute drop of saliva inadvertently left on the coin's surface, because whoever was handling it, also talked at the same time. A very good reason never to talk whilst handling coins, and to turn right away if you have to cough or sneeze !!! The tiny and unobtrusive spots on the 1918 and 1900 examples above, would not put me off to any great degree, as the coins are otherwise superb.
  4. 1949threepence

    Advice On Damaged Coin

    It looks a bit like a die flaw to me, which would not be the seller's fault. Although generally speaking, it's good form to mention it in the sales pitch. Were you able to close up the pic before you bought/bid, whatever, such that it would have been readily visible? I may be wrong about it being a die flaw - have to see what others think.
  5. 1949threepence

    Carbon spot.

    I do have one or two otherwise really nice coins with carbon spots. I'll be honest, I don't like them, and whenever possible I would pay more to obtain a problem free specimen. But you have to weigh quality elsewhere, with the deleterious tendency of the carbon stain. Sometimes the coin is otherwise so good, that you end up overlooking the carbon stain eyesore.
  6. It depends what cache and charisma (if an inanimate object can have charisma) the rare coin has. The 1933 has it in spadeloads. There are, by contrast, many exceedingly rare coins, which wouldn't fetch a meaningful fraction of what that goes for.
  7. 1949threepence

    LCA September

    Exactly what I thought. A bit flat for me this time around.
  8. There are a few left of these left unsold and I felt I couldn't miss the opportunity to snap up a rarity, namely the 1861 Freeman 28, which he has at rarity 18. Made Steve an offer of £250 via Lee, which he accepted. Picked up the coin from the Post Office today. Very pleased.
  9. 1949threepence


    Thanks. I was also very surprised to subsequently hear nothing. I even kept an eye on the local papers and websites at that time, to see if anybody had been charged, but nothing. The only thing I can assume is that the police - for whatever reason - decided not to charge the owner, but dish out a warning instead. In which case they probably wouldn't have needed to contact me again. Ultimately, no idea.
  10. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    Both the 1918H & KN are things of outstanding beauty - "stands and applauds"
  11. 1949threepence


    In the boiling hot July of 2006 - 10 years ago - I actually smashed the window of a car left near the canal, as there was a dog inside, and the car was in full blazing sunlight at about 3pm. It was well over 30 degrees in the shade, so God knows what the inside of the car was like. Anyway, I reached inside and opened the door, the poor dog whimpered his way out, and laid on the ground, panting like hell. I immediately called the police on my phone to tell them what I'd done. They came out about 30 minutes later, accompanied by the RSPCA, took my details and said something like "OK mate, we might need to talk to you again". The RSPCA took the dog away, and the police were checking on the vehicle itself. No sign whatever of the owner. I then walked home. I'd wanted to give the dog some water, but didn't have any, so poured some cold coke on him in the hope it would cool him down a bit. If he'd been left much longer, he'd have been a goner. All this time I'd half been expecting the owner to return and attack me, or to get arrested by the police for malicious damage. But neither. Somewhat surprisingly I never heard another thing. I agree with you, Pete. If you can't look after a pet, don't have one.
  12. 1949threepence


    Portugal 1:0 France aet
  13. I never have, nor do I have any idea of what one would fetch at auction. Obviously they're extremely rare, with a only a few or one example known of each. Any ideas/experiences chaps? Thanks in advance
  14. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    No, but in the "Trials, Proofs & Anomalies" section of his British Bronze Penny book, Gouby states the following with regard to the Freeman 2 - "Gold Proof = 1 known. Glen's Auc. 18/9/1963 # 278 pAS (Note included from Royal Family collection) <13.74 gms > (1) Norweb - 17/6/1987 Spink Auc # 1731 pAS £12,516 (1)" - so perhaps the £80k of curiosity mentioned by Vicky Silver above, might be close to the current mark.
  15. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    Pete's asked us to post more......So with that in mind, does anybody know who owns the gold proof 1860 penny, known as a Freeman 2? Or is it in a museum. Just interested on an academic level as you never hear of it, leastways I haven't.
  16. 1949threepence

    Can you post please.

    The one and only time I've heard the term "Bobbins" was when I was on a work course in Manchester, and the course tutor (a local) used it when she was asked a question and wasn't sure about the answer. So I assume a Manchester and district expression?
  17. 1949threepence

    CCA Auction Info Required

    Always great to have provenance.
  18. 1949threepence

    Can you post please.

    I like to post, but some days there's not a whole lot to say, unfortunately.
  19. 1949threepence


    Hmm, saw this thread a bit late. Considering how woeful Germany's recent record against Italy has been, I'd have gone for a 2:0 win to Italy.
  20. 1949threepence

    RIP Chet Krause

    RIP Chet Krause. A sad loss to the numismatic community, but at least he was a good age.
  21. 1949threepence


    I would estimate near fine.
  22. Neat - well played, Jerry. Just shows it often pays off to search through the foreign e bay listings. I've noticed that the scarce/rare 1861 varieties are quite often overlooked.
  23. 1949threepence

    CCA Auction Info Required

    Can't find anything. Probably sounds a bit obvious, but might it be worth e mailing them.
  24. Lucky you, but even luckier, the guy who found it in a dealer's junk bowl.