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Everything posted by 1949threepence

  1. My two have arrived now. Picked them up from the Post Office this morning. Very pleased. Well worth the wait.
  2. 1949threepence

    Ruined a 2000 BU coin set

    Very nice too, Jon.
  3. 1949threepence

    CGS grading

    One of the posters here, Bill Pugsley, has, I believe, close connections to CGS. Although I've not seen him around for a while, it might be worth messaging him for relevant info and questions.
  4. 1949threepence

    Ruined a 2000 BU coin set

    When I said a full set, I should have mentioned that I haven't yet got them !!!
  5. 1949threepence

    Ruined a 2000 BU coin set

    I've got a complete set of £2 coins, and no, it doesn't sound strange at all. Eminently sensible in fact, since £2 coins especially, enable would be collectors of currently circulating coins, to obtain some low mintage issues via change in the pocket.
  6. That is a really interesting write up, seuk. Thanks
  7. Better than L C A for example as you know whether or not you have been outbid before the end of the auction. With other auctions, unless you are there ion the day, actually in attendance, you won't know. Far better for the on line bidder.
  8. 1949threepence

    Buying online

    You can, but you also have to remember that buying coins off e bay is like searching for buried treasure in shark infested waters. For sure, there are bargains to be had, but you need to be experienced in working e bay auctions to best advantage, as well as really knowing your area of interest, such that it becomes an area of expertise. Not to mention possessing an ability to accurately discern grading from often poor photography. I reckon I can do it now, but it's taken 10 years of trial and error, and several occasions of getting my fingers burned, to get there. Good luck
  9. In common with everybody else, I too have bought off Buckscoins (2 items) and been very pleased with both. Good dealer, and fair prices.
  10. 1949threepence

    The Last Round Pound United Kingdom £1 2016

    I assume from what you say, Dave, that this last old issue £1 coin, dated 2016, will not be issed for general circulation?
  11. I was just about to say, well done
  12. I wonder who got the 1922 with 1927 reverse. That went for over £7k.
  13. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    I did e mail Michael Gouby regarding this subject. He very kindly replied. Here is that reply - including my question:-
  14. Well that was easy, Scott. I rang yesterday lunchtime and gave my card details to Lee. Your account won't be debited until the consignment is sent, Neil has confirmed.
  15. 1949threepence

    EU referendum - in or out?

    Wow...powerful stuff. Logically, he's correct about the future birth demographics being skewed the way he suggests. Unless something dramatic happens, I don't see how that will change. There won't be a gradual blurring of the lines through - for want of a better expression - "marrying out", as Muslims are a very close community. You don't hear of many muslims marrying or partnering Western men/women. As to whether the cataclysm he refers to, will happen, is much more up for debate. None of us really know.
  16. All the sixes....fate, Jon, fate Well done, anyway. Neat capture.
  17. It is odd. I'm just trying to envisage how you and the actual bidder could be mixed up. Had you already made a bid for that coin at a lower amount?
  18. Some nice coins there, Ian. Especially the 161, which is superb - indeed excellent hair detail on both the World War 1 dates, from a time when hair detail was often lacking, due to worn dies in operation, for economy.
  19. Dropped out of lot 54 and paid for lots 50 and 86. Lee says they hope to get the lots out next Tuesday 31st May. All now over bar the shouting.
  20. I think what threw me was that lot 50 had been the same since last Wednesday, when I made my bid. I just assumed the first bidder had already been given the chance to re-bid, and spurned it.
  21. Which one did you lose out on, Jerry? Well done on the rest. Not sure there even are any reverse I's in high grade. Actually, the one in Steve's collection remains unsold.
  22. To be honest, I'm not that fussed about it. The other two were my main targets - so if you do want it, I wouldn't re-bid again after another bid by you. Just let me know and I'll e mail Neil and tell him I won't be re-bidding. This should work assuming we're the only two bidders.
  23. I know I've now got two out of the three I bid for - I've got Lot No 50, the 1860 Freeman 14 LCW under foot, and Lot No 86, the Freeman 74 "specimen". Still waiting to hear for certain about the other one, the1861 Freeman 22.