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Everything posted by 1949threepence

  1. I don't quite get it. I bid on three. One is showing as sold and shows my last bid as the high one. The other two still have my bids as the high ones, but show as latest bids. So I don't know what's going on.
  2. Not necessarily. You must remain optimistic........he said, thinking of his own bids more in hope than expectation
  3. It should be showing all the bids received up to the update time. I'd imagine that tomorrow morning, many will convert to "sold".
  4. Totally agree, Matt. It's a more relaxed and civilized way to auction.
  5. OK, received the following reply from Neil. Hope it helps:-
  6. I sent an e mail to Neil asking the following for clarification:- Hopefully, i'll get a reply. ETA: Sorry for the above erroneous quote. It's come up on my main PC in this thread, being the one of the posts I quoted in the thread, and now it won't go. Nor can I even manually delete it, except for the text within it - sorry Pete, not your fault !
  7. Logically, it has to be, Jon. Only reference is date to date within a 7 day timeframe. No times have been mentioned.
  8. I wonder if Neil will remain on duty tonight, updating the auction with the surge of late bids which will inevitably come through.
  9. Guess that answers my question. Cheers Jon
  10. Yes, that is a bit odd. It's a nice coin, but very common and not one you would have thought would generate a bidding war. But as Matt says, there are a few like that, whereas (so far at least) there are a number of very nice items which have attracted no interest at all. Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean they're not being considered.
  11. I wonder if the auction site updates automatically after a bid is placed, or whether it needs manual intervention? I only ask as I made another bid about an hour ago, which isn't yet reflected against the relevant lot number. Only took two or three minutes the other day.
  12. Still no confirmation for me, but my bids have definitely taken.
  13. I know for sure that one of Steve's coins does have lengthy provenance dating back to a Glendinings auction in 1940. It is noted on his website and there is even a thread on here about it. But Neil has just noted it as being ex Mark Rasmussen. It's the 1868 copper proof. Pretty much F D C apart from a minor blemish by the date.
  14. There's nothing to distinguish it from a normal currency strike, Pete. That's the difference between a "wannabee" proof and an obviously actual one, like the 1908, Matt posted. A real proof hits you in the eye as soon as you see it.
  15. 1949threepence

    EU referendum - in or out?

    Very difficult to say precisely how leaving the EU would affect the pound. Almost impossible to predict at this stage, except that I don't think it would be in any sense dramatically good or bad in the short term. However, your professor is more probably than not correct. I think we will vote to remain, but only by a very narrow margin, maybe even 51% to 49%.
  16. 1949threepence

    EU referendum - in or out?

    The difference being that Civil Servants merely advise, and then administrate the law as decided by parliament. EU eurocrats decide on new rules themselves, seemingly without any accountability whatever.
  17. 1949threepence

    EU referendum - in or out?

    Whatever the rights and wrongs of the respective campaigns are, one politician I'm finding particularly irritating, is Boris Johnson. His Hitler comparisons were beyond ridiculous, and reflect the increasingly hysterical nature of the debate as 23rd June gets nearer. Not sure if anbody listened to the appalling interview he had with John Humphreys on the Today programme a few days ago, in which he literally talked incessantly, would barely allow John Humphreys to ask any questions, and frequently both were talking across each other at the same time, rendering the interview a complete farce. Sorry to say it, but this arrogant buffoon is a let down to the Brexit team.
  18. No e mail confirmation received by me, Jon, but I did notice that my bids took a few minutes to appear on the site.
  19. Well I've put my two bids in, although whether I'll still have enough money to still be in the race at the end, is a moot point.
  20. I have bought quite a few coins from Neil over the last few years and been pleased with both the coins and the service. Nothing but praise for them.
  21. Agreed about the catalogue. An excellent production with razor sharp images. I note that no alteration has yet been made to lot 85, referred to by Steve above, which shows score marks radiating South Westwards from 1 o'clock, and a fingerprint over the shield, to the slabbed Freeman 73, which does look amazingly good on Steve's website, but not so good in the CC pic. It's definitely the same coin, as some of the blemishes are clearly visible in the same places in both pics. Too late for the catalogue, but I'm slightly surprised the website photo hasn't been changed, as Steve was going to request. I assume that the marks are on the slab case.
  22. 1949threepence

    EU referendum - in or out?

    Just as an update, the latest Financial Times poll of polls gives the following result:- Remain 46% Leave 43% Undecided 11% Link
  23. Plus, I'll be keeping the dedicated Copthorne Collection, hard copy catalogue, just received today.
  24. Jon, I have to say that LCA tend to be quite conservative in their grading, such that - if anything - they undergrade.