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Everything posted by 1949threepence

  1. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    Here it is anyway - in what I would estimate to be NEF/EF. In hand there is a trace of lustre in the devices. Freeman 78 reverse Freeman 78 obverse As I don't seem to have a lot of luck posting actual images, I have posted image shack links again
  2. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    ...and it's a great thought, Peter. But unfortunately I've agreed to do overtime to try and clear a huge work arrears backlog. So won't be able to attend. That said, I believe the June fair is one of the "big four", so I'll make a special effort to attend that one.
  3. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    Dave rang me this morning, Pete, after I e mailed him last night. I'd asked if he could send a pic, but he said he wasn't much good at that, so he's sending the coin I want, which was the best of his Freeman 78's, on approval. Hope he has sent it signed for. Forgot to mention that in our conversation.
  4. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    Well he's got one I'm very interested in.........
  5. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    Just as good - cheers Pete. Much appreciated. He's got some good stuff by the looks.
  6. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    Do you have a link, Pete?
  7. 1949threepence

    1874H - Freeman 76 wanted

    Whilst I'm well aware of the extreme rarity of this type, I'm also happy to accept pretty much any grade so long as details are present. So if anybody knows of one, and isn't interested thenselves, maybe they could kindly let me know. I'm trying to assemble a complete set of the 1874 varieties, and am short of just Freeman 74, 76, 77 & 78. But right now, it's the 76 I want. Got the other rare one, the 69. It's actually good fine, but has been ruined by someone polishing it in the dim and distant past. It's largely retoned, but you never get rid of that tell tale awful sheen. Pity, but beggars can't be choosers, of course.
  8. 1949threepence

    Copper penny / halfpenny

    That's a superb looking coin, Paul.
  9. 1949threepence

    1874H - Freeman 76 wanted

    Thanks Jerry - I went through that process of examining it numerous times, as I couldn't quite believe what I was seeing. As far as the F77, I bid £60 for the one at the March LCA, which eventually went for £65. I wish I'd bid a lot more more. It was described as fine, but was nearer VF and totally problem free. £150 for a decent fine F77, I'd go for.
  10. 1949threepence

    Royal Mint again!

    Indeed, it's this case Scott. But their definition still has them as legal tender. To most people, legal tender means it is a coin of the realm which can be tendered in exchange for goods and services. Whilst I can understand shops refusing or being uncertain when offered the coins, the same should not apply to a bank. It appears to me that goalposts are beig artificially moved to accommodate the convenience of banks and others, as opposed to the convenience of customers.
  11. 1949threepence

    Royal Mint again!

    Yet they make the absolute statement of fact pronouncement that Crowns are legal tender. The statement is totally clear cut and without any degree of ambiguity. So if they back pedal and say that actually, no, they're not acceptable by banks or for use as currency, then to my way of thinking they are deliberately misrepresenting a material fact by stating that they are. Could lead to a very interesting legal argument if tested in court. Are there two separate definitions for "legal tender"? - not that I've seen.
  12. As others have said, definitely a Freeman 6, by far the commonest of the BB's. Grade? - for me, NVF.
  13. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    You're perhaps right, Prax, although I haven't seen any diminution on demand for rare varieties at auction. Quite the reverse in fact. Although, somewhat paradoxically, some real pearlers do seem to sail right under the radar. As far as 1861, it's an area I'll be turning my personal attention to, quite shortly. Another year with numerous varieties. Many of then not nearly as well known as their 1860 counterparts.
  14. 1949threepence

    Copper penny / halfpenny

    I regularly scan dealer's pages, auctions and e bay, Jon. I'll keep a sharp look out for a decent pre 1860 copper halfpenny/penny at a reasonable price for you, and report back if I see one.
  15. 1949threepence

    1874H - Freeman 76 wanted

    Just going back to the emboldened part of your post, Jon, I did feel honour bound to point out to the seller that he had perhaps unwittingly offloaded a very rare coin, and I received this very gracious reply from him:-
  16. The only thing I can assume is maybe an extremely worn die. Maybe at one time the letters were faintly visible, but have since worn away completely, leaving just the normally struck letters visible. Of course, the Y of PENNY is also absent.
  17. 1949threepence

    1874H - Freeman 76 wanted

    Thanks Jon. Basically the indicators are the taller helmet plume on Britannia and the unique lighthouse. It's a bit like the one on reverse H, position wise, but slightly thicker and with no rock to the left of it.
  18. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    Thanks for the heads up. Are they the ones already on his website (they're nice enough), or some new ones he's yet to add?
  19. 1949threepence

    A very basic error by NGC

    They do, but to be honest, if I was sending a coin off for slabbing, I'd enclose a detailed description of precisely what it was, and ask them not to slab it if they disagreed with my findings. Surely it's a bit of a no brainer leaving it to chance? Or am I being hypercritical?
  20. 1949threepence

    Help with academic study requested - survey for coin collectors

    Completed for you.
  21. 1949threepence

    1874H - Freeman 76 wanted

    Cheers Pete
  22. 1949threepence

    1874H - Freeman 76 wanted

    Got one !!! Off e bay. I don't think the vendor realised what it was, and only a couple of other bidders did. But won anyway. As is usual with these types, it's not in brilliant condition, but the rarity dictates that beggars can't be choosers Freeman 76 penny
  23. 1949threepence

    LCA March

    Thanks for the list, Richard. Useful.
  24. 1949threepence

    LCA March

    I'm astounded it was unsold at the conclusion of the auction. I was toying with the idea of placing a £1750 bid on it, but decided on other coins instead on the grounds I'd be outbid !!!. Had I known it would not go in the auction, I'd definitely have bid.
  25. 1949threepence

    LCA March

    I was probably thinking it's extremely difficult to find a decent small date 1862, and this was one of the very best I've seen. But having looked again, I do take your point about the obverse flaws.