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Everything posted by 1949threepence

  1. 1949threepence

    LCA March

    I don't recall any corrosion on the coin, which looked a pretty much flawless VF to me.
  2. 1949threepence

    LCA March

    Does anybody know what happened to the really choice 1862 date from halfpenny dies, penny, ex Freeman ex Bamford that was on offer in the original catalogue - from the Elstree/David Reissner collection? I can't see any trace of it in the auction realised prices, and it also seems to have vanished from the original catalogue. Both of them have now merged the once separately listed collection, into the main body.
  3. 1949threepence

    Is this proof or not?

    Beautiful coin, but I don't think it's a proof, unfortunately, Matt. Might be a specimen strike, however.
  4. 1949threepence

    EU referendum - in or out?

    Thanks for all the contributions, guys. I haven't been on for a couple of days, and was quite surprised to see so many replies. Some really helpful and useful posts from both perspectives. It seems to me that there are two main issues which concern people the most - the first of these is the economy. How wold we be affected if we voted out? The consensus seems to be that we wouldn't be as well off as we are inside the EU. The second issue is the very obvious one of migration. This, I know, worries many people a lot. Especially as it pertains to the hundreds of thousands of migrants who arrived in Germany last year, and who may eventually all get visas to travel here as part of the free movement of people. Would their behaviour be a cause for concern? would there be pressure on people to dress or behave modestly/sensitively in areas of high migration numbers, so as not to upset the migrants? Are there ISIS sleepers within the migrant group? What's going to happen to all the migrants backing up in Greece and Turkey, now that the rest of Europe are fencing themelves off - that's so ironic. Pre 1989 the fences sealing off Eastern Europe were to keep people in. The fences now dividing Central from Southern Europe, are to keep people out I don't know - I truly don't. It's almost impossible to predict. As others have said we do need migrant labour, especially seasonal migrant labour for work on farms, and I do like Cameron's idea of just accepting 20,000 migrants from the camps in Turkey, over 5 years. Many more than this and we could find ourselves in real crisis, give the already extreme shortage of accommodation. In my area, for example, even very ordinary 2 bed terraced houses in rough and ready areas, are becoming like gold dust, both to buy or rent. So I'm still undecided, although if anything, I'm beginning to come down more on the staying in side - on balance, this may be better.
  5. 1949threepence

    LCA March

    I got pipped to the post on all 4 that I bid on, this time. Disappointing. Might have to consider going in person next time, or next time there's something decent on offer.
  6. 1949threepence

    LCA March

    Well done !
  7. 1949threepence

    LCA March

    Damn - I bid £1200........oh well, never mind.
  8. 1949threepence

    LCA March

    Well I bid on the Freeman 74, 1874H proof. I'll be interested to see the result tomorrow. I bet I've lost out though.
  9. 1949threepence

    Which would you choose ?.

    Went for £2100 from the Tony Crocker collection a few years back. I just wonder what the near VF trouble free specimen in the LCA, ex Freeman, ex Bamford will fetch...... Hell of a die crack on that one.
  10. 1949threepence


    As others have said, maybe send it back with written descriptions of what a F9 mule actually is. Presumably you sent it in the first place, with no accompanying description?
  11. 1949threepence

    LCA March

    No, too much to do. I might go to the June or September one though.
  12. 1949threepence

    LCA auction

    Spot on. Apart from postage and packing, 17% in absolute terms is all I've ever paid on top of bid price. With regard to the eventual bid price compared to what I actually bid via e mail, these are the details from my last 5 successful bids. March 2013 auction, lot No 2112, e mail bid £375, actual winning bid £360. September 2013, lot No 2655, e mail bid £650, actual winning bid identical, £650. December 2013 auction, lot No 2166, e mail bid £451, actual winning bid £420. June 2014 auction, lot No 1923, email bid £200, actual winning bid £180. September 2014 auction lot No 2732, e mail bid £100, actual winning bid £80.
  13. 1949threepence

    LCA auction

    I have never used the official form when making bids on LCA. It's never mattered, and I've secured a number of nice coins in this way. In fact I haven't even been able to find it, let alone use it.
  14. 1949threepence

    How is my 1st go at grading?

    Missed that. So yes, EF both sides.
  15. 1949threepence

    How is my 1st go at grading?

    You 1896, I'd go for EF/aUNC - nice, but the obverse shows slight signs of wear to the Queen's cheek. The reverse looks great. The 1891 - could do with a sharper pic, Jon. But from what I can see, it looks pretty close to toned UNC.
  16. 1949threepence

    Which would you choose ?.

    More than likely I'd go for the problem free lesser grade. Although with rare coins, beggars often can't be choosers.
  17. 1949threepence

    Most Conservative Graders

    LCA seem quite conservative. For example, much of the material they class as "fine", I'd class as "very fine".
  18. 1949threepence

    forum unusable of an evening

    I meant one connected by cable from a recognised internet service provider, as opposed to 3 or 4G from a phone or non wifi tablet.
  19. 1949threepence

    How do I grade this?

    See the difference to the one posted by MBE. The one pictured here is possibly GEF.
  20. Apologies for bumping this ancient thread, but I came across it whilst looking for something else, and couldn't resist giving my two pennuth (no pun intended). The biggest burn I had as a beginner was paying £25.00 back in 1995, for a 1901 penny in just NEF, from a stall on Chelmsford Market. Looking back now, I can't believe how naive and stupid I was. £25.00 doesn't sound like a lot, but it was to me then. I allowed enthusiasm to outrun discretion.
  21. 1949threepence

    forum unusable of an evening

    Sometimes heavy user activity will degrade the performance of certain websites for some curious reason. The fact that it's happening in the evening, your time, and especially on a Friday, might suggest that this is the case. Are you working from a connected ISP router?
  22. Yes, although, to me, it does look rather more like chemical corrosion, as opposed to water damage. Certainly not blunt trauma.
  23. What a shame. I wonder what happened to it, Bob.
  24. 1949threepence

    How do I grade this?

    As you say, it's quite difficult without a yardstick to compare against. But if I had to venture a guess, I'd say VF to GVF. Somewhere in that ballpark.
  25. 1949threepence

    LCA March

    Not sure. Maybe he was a bit reluctant to reveal his true identity at first, but later decided it would be the best thing to do.