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Everything posted by 1949threepence

  1. 1949threepence

    proposed heating payments this winter

    I've retained some old 100w incandescent bulbs for my living room ceiling light, which has a dimmer switch, as the energy saving bulbs just don't work with it. I think you can install a compatible dimmer, but I just can't be bothered. Really do appreciate the dimmer and use it quite a lot.
  2. 1949threepence

    proposed heating payments this winter

    Who has talked about regularly reviewing the situation? Provide a link. All I've heard is that accommodation would be considered for the least well off from April 2023.
  3. Now that's what I call genuine luck, Ian.
  4. Something I've noticed is that the die number itself seems to increase in thickness from 2 through to 4, with the 2 being quite faint, and the 4 being quite noticeable (thicker, more solid). Perhaps similarly the 5. Maybe there were Die No 1 specimens, but the impression of the 1 was so faint that it wore off completely over time, and none were ever recognised. It might also go some way to explaining why all the Die No 2 examples are relatively much higher grade than 3 and especially 4. Although I appreciate there is an obvious flaw in that logic.
  5. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    Mildly surprised that a coin of that class that isn't slabbed for protection from dropping onto hard surfaces and such like. Maybe the owner was worried it would never come back,or doesn't like slabs.
  6. 1949threepence

    proposed heating payments this winter

    It's exactly that, and of course the fuel price guarantee was absolutely nothing to do with the mini budget, being set weeks before. Sorry, no - if you make a commitment to the public on such a vitally important issue, then right or wrong, you stick to it. There's nothing wrong with adding a caveat to the effect that if prices do come down in the meantime, then the situation can be reviewed. But not to abandon the principle altogether. Supposing the price doesn't come down, what then? Hard luck folks, suck it up?
  7. List and pics of (pretty much) all the known 1863 die No 4 under date pennies Courtesy of Richard @secret santa
  8. Yeah, it's well sub fine, but as you say, it's much better than most of the washers for this type.
  9. 1949threepence

    proposed heating payments this winter

    1/ That's going to sound a bit long winded and clumsy. I reckon "energy price cap" is a lot more succinct. 2/ But Hunt didn't say that. Just that it would be for 6 months only. 3/ Why is it unrealistic? Absolutely no-one in politics or the media (that I recall) said it was unrealistic at the time it was announced, NOBODY bar none - so why is it suddenly and miraculously unrealistic now? Expensive yes, but unrealistic no. In fact it's a disgrace to just scrap a public commitment on an extremely serious issue, simply because you have a different philosophy. Anyway, it's all being turned upside down yet again, and we will see whether Johnson gets back in, or whether it will be a Sunak coronation. If it goes to the membership, it will be Johnson for certain. If it is Johnson I doubt Hunt will be Chancellor for much longer. Probably go to Cleverly.
  10. Interestingly, there's 10 on Richard's rare penny list (including this one), and of that 10, six are more or less washers. So if you see one for sale, it's more probable than not it will be a clear date washer, and you're going to have to pay. In his book "The British Bronze Penny 1860 to 1901", Gouby said there were 15 known in his 2009 pricing and rarity pages. But at page 48 of his 2020 amendments, he says there are 8+ known.
  11. 1949threepence

    proposed heating payments this winter

    We already know that it's not an absolute cap in terms of individual usage, which may be more or less. But it is the accepted phrase used to describe the overall cost to consumers, unless you can think of a better one. The energy price cap, which I believe is set by Ofgem, limits the maximum amount energy suppliers can charge you for each unit of energy used. As for April 2023, the two year promise helped worried households to feel a bit more secure, and could have been modified to take account of overall energy price changes along the way. Now they've had the rug pulled from under their feet again. Wit regard to helping the most vulnerable, I can forecast quite accurately now, that will be an administrative nightmare as there will be millions right on whatever borderline is set, who will be disputing the decision in their case.
  12. The link I used was the one I saved to my desktop in order to bid. But yes you're right, even an advanced search trying sold and completed listing reveals nothing. Bit odd, buy hopefully a logical explanation.
  13. 1949threepence

    proposed heating payments this winter

    We'll hear what Hunt has to say soon, but the one decent thing that was announced before Kwarteng's mini budget, namely a 2 year energy price cap set at £2,500, now only lasts for 6 months, until April 2023, with (as yet undefined) help for the vulnerable. Absolutely bloody spiffing.
  14. The Waterbird specimen, which for a die No 4, is actually quite a reasonable specimen, looks a bargain for £2480 (admittedly 3 years ago)
  15. 1949threepence

    Stuff to Make Us Laugh

    Indeed, never argue with an idiot. They'll just drag you down to their level and beat you on experience. Or these days get you cancelled for daring to disagree with them in the first place.
  16. Yes, you're right. Found the post. Edit time is 2 hours on attaining 200 and more posts - link
  17. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    If you could send me an e mail as well, Ian, I'd be most grateful.
  18. I will try mine - the time being precisely 22:09 First edit: 22:53 - after 44 mins Second edit: 23:14 after 65 mins Third edit: 23:42 after 1 hour and 33 mins. Eyes shutting now so need some kip. Not going to be able to reach 2 hours,
  19. Is it a couple of hours, Chris? As you say it is a short window, but actually much longer than some forums.
  20. I'd also give a shout out for KB Coins. He's a bit pricey, but has an excellent high quality stock.
  21. Indeed, you have to be a discerning collector to successfully deal with them.
  22. Thanks. Might call him to see what he's got.
  23. Me included - BUT, I got my superb 1849 penny from them, as well as some other nice coins. They always seem a bit of a Jekyll and Hyde outfit to me, brilliant at times, careless and incompetent at others. Their stock is enormous though. As far as Dave Craddock, is he still dealing? I know he had his stock robbed from him in a very nasty incident outside the Midland Coin Fair back in January. Not sure if he's built it back up again. Certainly not seen any e mails, which he used to send out roughly every 3 or 4 months.
  24. 1949threepence

    Ukraine has such panache!!

    Why would they need conscription if things were going well? What about all the dead troops not even coming back in body bags, but just left to rot on the battlefield? You can't fool all of the people all of the time. There's a point when the propaganda machine begins to look too wooden, too predictable and ultimately absurd.