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Everything posted by 1949threepence

  1. 1949threepence

    The Coinery signature sale auction

    Just had the invoice. It's actually Guy Fonquernie. Fie is obviously an abbreviation.
  2. 1949threepence

    The Coinery signature sale auction

    Yes, that was a very, very nice specimen and undoubtedly a bargain. As you say, no visible trace of corrosion. Had I not bought the VF Ian Sawden specimen last October, I'd have also gone for that instead of the 1839. Neat capture Jerry.
  3. 1949threepence

    The Coinery signature sale auction

    Thanks. Lot 115 - the 1839 proof penny. Started at £3k. Auctioneer's commission bidder up to £3,600. Got it for £3,700 hammer, no further counter bid. Could argue that it was expensive, but it'll never need an upgrade replacement. Victorian copper and bronze proofs seem to be getting very costly. Perhaps a reflection of their scarcity.
  4. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    What's the provenance with that one, Richard?
  5. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    Thanks Jon. The best one to date, is the specimen which sold at the September 2014 LCA, and can be seen here
  6. 1949threepence

    DNW changing names.....?

    I can get into featured collections now, and into the individual collections therein. But somewhat bizarrely, some of the coin pictures are missing. Here's a link to the 2006 Laurie Bamford collection:- https://www.noonans.co.uk/auctions/archive/special-collections/162/
  7. 1949threepence

    DNW changing names.....?

    I'm afraid those bland generic responses irritate me even more than no acknowledgement at all. Totally meaningless, totally dismissive, and totally never hear anything again.
  8. 1949threepence

    DNW changing names.....?

    I reckon the sub text of that Richard, is that they don't know what to say, and don't want to admit they've messed up, even though they must know they have. These days, for whatever reason, sorry seems to be the hardest word for almost all organisations. They will literally make excuses for the totally indefensible, or stick their fingers in their ears. As you rightly point out, their reputation will take a hit, not the least because you will be very far from the only one complaining. The lack of any response is just plain ignorant.
  9. 1949threepence

    DNW changing names.....?

    I'm thinking of the general search tab they had at the top of the home page where you could type in any date/denomination and it would bring up all of that type that had sold, over many auctions. Was incredibly useful.
  10. 1949threepence

    DNW changing names.....?

    Another thing I've noticed is that there is no search facility on their new site. Or if there is it's bloody well hidden. The search on the old site was actually quite good.
  11. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    Whilst not in the same league as the last couple of pennies, I was nevertheless quite pleased to obtain this 1903 open date. It's only GF, but is much better the the VG example I've currently got. Was well worth the upgrade as it is very difficult to obtain any 1903 open 3, above a well worn VG. Although I am aware there's a very nice GVF specimen out there.
  12. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    That I have, Ian. I've not forgotten - and thanks again.
  13. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    In its way, that's almost as good as the F90. You hardly ever see an F77 on offer, and that one's surely got to be in the top 3 known.
  14. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    Indeed. I bet you'd easily be looking at five figures for an 1877 narrow date in that condition.
  15. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    hmmm, possibly. Although it is very rare, doesn't come up often, and that one is problem free in higher grade. The last one I recall on offer was a much inferior example from Coopers Coins for about £800 and something, back in 2020. I don't think I'd regard it as a complete rip off.
  16. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    Pretty decent specimen.
  17. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    Didn't see that. What sort of condition was it, Ian? Do you have a link to it?
  18. No live bidding yet, but on the plus side they do still only have 17% buyer's premium.
  19. 1949threepence

    Hanky panky?

    Does he want any particular coins?
  20. 1949threepence

    1913 penny - Freeman 175 & 176

    I did say I was willing to give members first refusal in my post of 21.2.20 above, but nobody responded. So after over 2 years, I gave up and sold it elsewhere.
  21. 1949threepence

    1913 penny - Freeman 175 & 176

    Finally sold the F176 above through Kleeford Coin Auctions on 29th April, along with one or two other minor spares. I'm pleased someone (hopefully a collector) got it for a decent price, as I did - was the only bidder. Leigh Rose's old fashioned auctions have coins with very reasonable estimates, and don't tend to attract big buyers. Scrolling back through this thread, and in particular, the links to other threads, I've just realised that it was the same F176 which forum member Gary D had slabbed 8 years ago. When you click on the thumbnail, you can see that the coin and CGS number are the same ~ link
  22. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    I think Michael is in a minority of one anyway, given the 6 likes and one screwed up face Dave got for the design on his wife's book.
  23. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    Cover looks OK to me - it's not something I would take a lot of notice of anyway. I don't buy books for the covers, I buy them for the contents. The cover would neither encourage nor put me off buying any book.
  24. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    Well very much so, Ian. I've seen one so far - in August 2020 - which I bought as a date only specimen, immediately. I think it's actually a bit better than the one DNW (sorry, Noonans) are offering. Although there is a carbon spot between Britannia and the trident. As you say, they are really difficult. Don't think I posted it at the time, so here it is:-
  25. Nice specimen. I got one last year - not quite as good as yours, but not too far off - for just £4.64. Scarce, rather than desperately rare, although obviously going to be difficult to find in higher grade. Gee found 8 out of an identifiable 372, which is about 1 in 47. That compares with 1 in 846 for the F169. link here