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Everything posted by 1949threepence

  1. Very pleased to have now obtained all three reverse types of 1826. Rev A: no central line down saltire, Rev B: thin line down saltire , and Rev C : thick line down saltire.
  2. For relatively low valued items it's worth the calculated risk of no insurance, to avoid the extra charge, VAT and ongoing delay. In my view anyway. Especially as the tracking is so detailed.
  3. I think I may have cracked how to avoid customs duties, at any rate as far as coins from the USA are concerned. I received a coin today, which I bought from e bay on 4th February. When buying the coin, there were two international postage options given - one massively cheaper than the other. Naturally, the more expensive option might seem the obvious solution, especially if it'a a valuable item. But in fact delivery date expectation is the same, and they are both very adequately tracked online, both on the USPS website, and then on the Royal Mail tracking site once it arrives in the UK. The difference between the two types is that the cheaper version just has a label which says "registered post" and zero other details, whereas (from definite memory) the more expensive postage option has a label which gives every detail, including the coin's value. That's the giveaway, and it's very obviously that which customs seize upon to impose a VAT charge, not only making your overall package much more expensive, but also causing additional delay while they faff around with it. With the cheaper postage there is no clue as to what is in the packet - so unless they tear it open on a random check, they aren't going to know. They wouldn't have known in this specific case anyway, as there was no invoice, just the coin. So they would have been clueless about its true worth.
  4. 1949threepence

    1903 Penny with squared off bottom loop inside the 3

    Worth keeping a sharp lookout for, either way.
  5. 1949threepence

    United States Postal Service query

    The answer to this should be obvious/easy to ascertain, but strangely it's not. I've ordered a coin from the USA and on the tracker it was shown as leaving JFK Airport New York at 9:27pm February 15, 2022. Is this 9:27pm their time (2:27am, 16.2.22, UK time), or was it already automatically adjusted to UK time. It wasn't shown when I looked at about 11:30pm last night, but was on this morning, which might indicate that it was actually 2:27am UK time. But given there is often a delay in updates getting posted, that's not a certainty. Just wondered if anyone definitively knew. Thanks.
  6. 1949threepence

    United States Postal Service query

    Using a process of elimination, I reckon all the times shown from beginning to end, are automatically converted to GMT - although what software does that, I really have no idea. The item is shown as leaving New York at 9:27pm 14.2.22 and then departing London Heathrow 9:15am 15.2.22. Given that the average flight from New York to London takes just over 7 hours, that rules out 2:27am as the New York leaving time, as it couldn't possibly have made it to London and then left, in less than 7 hours. The 9:27pm departure from New York has to be 9:27pm GMT, 4:27pm EST. Previous deliveries from the USA have definitely shown GMT time, once in the UK.
  7. For me, if it looks too good to be true, which it does, then it's a fake.
  8. 1949threepence


    Yes. If Boris does go, I hope she's not his replacement. I may have mentioned before that she's got about as much personality and charisma as a wet weekend in Wigan - probably considerably less.
  9. 1949threepence


    Yes, although to be fair I think the question would have caught out most individuals, including from the Labour Party. I'm equally sure that at some point we could devise a question that made one of their politicians look dumb. Personally can't see the point either way, as it was so obviously contrived. The best way forward would have been to politely ask where the two regions concerned are located. As far as back stabbing, too much time and energy is being expended on personal vendettas, to the detriment of the country. Irrespective of whether Boris stays or goes, we urgently need to move on, before we become the laughing stock of the world. Can you imagine what Putin thinks about a parliament and media obsessed with garden parties that took place nearly 2 years ago?
  10. 1949threepence


    They were obviously trying to trip her up, otherwise why ask the question, which would otherwise appear obtuse to someone familiar with the geography. Even so, we need politicians who are a bit more on the ball and do their homework before such meetings. If she had been, then she could have made them look idiots by answering "yes, why wouldn't I, they're part of Russia". Yours Sincerely, Mike of Englandshire
  11. 1949threepence


    Well if they do invade, there's nothing we can do, as Ukraine isn't a member of NATO. The West, collectively, isn't going to risk a world war over them. When the iron curtain collapsed in 1989, we should have suggested a completely new order to replace both NATO and the (then) Warsaw Pact, which would have encompassed Russia as a leading player, along with the rest of us. Might have avoided all this current tension. Being ex KGB, Putin probably misses the cold war days.
  12. Just underneath the I of VICTORIA, same as my 1854 dot example. Neat capture.
  13. 1949threepence

    Ebay's BEST Offerings

    You bagged a real bargain there, Michael. Nice one.
  14. 1949threepence

    Ebay's BEST Offerings

    That looks good. Do you have a pic of the reverse as well?
  15. 1949threepence

    How to catalog couns

    You could always do a hand written hard copy clerical document, or print out your catalogue. That way you will never lose it. PC's are very convenient and obviously great for amending a "living document" in real time. But documents, spreadsheets and the like do have an unfortunate tendency to suddenly and permanently disappear, for a variety of reasons.
  16. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    Thanks Ian. Regardless of the cost, whoever got it will never need to upgrade again. A magnificent coin.
  17. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    One of the best I've ever seen, Ian. Not sure it's worth £4k though. Do you have a pic of the obverse as well?
  18. 1949threepence

    Ebay's BEST Offerings

    Being the operative word.
  19. 1949threepence

    Ebay's BEST Offerings

    That was the one, and virtually the entire consignment damaged by seawater along the way. Yes, I wondered if it had been sometime cleaned.
  20. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    more $$$$$$$$ and ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ than we have ££££££££ !
  21. 1949threepence

    Ebay's BEST Offerings

    This 1827 penny was in my opinion, one hell of a bloody bargain for whoever got it - not me I hasten to add, as I've already got one, but decided to keep an eye on it anyway, out of interest. If I'd known this one was coming along, I'd have hung on. Quite noticeable pitting in places, particularly on the obverse. But overall in very good condition and higher grade. Hope somebody on here got it. 1827 penny
  22. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    Incredible prices, especially the 1927.
  23. Maybe so, but those scenes are real.