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Everything posted by 1949threepence

  1. Delighted to have bought this slabbed 1806 copper proof - KP31, Peck 1327. It didn't sell at the recent LCA, so got it post auction at the lower reserve amount. Originally Lot No 1803.
  2. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    Very pleased to have won this 1848/7 at the recent DNW auction (lot 302). There are 3 main types of 8/7, the first is where the downward 45 degree stroke of the 7 intersects the lower loop of the 8 on the left hand side. The second is the same dissecting the lower loop of the eight through the centre, and the third is the same where it dissects the lower loop of the 8 on the right hand side. It is this third type (unrecorded by Bramah) that is by far the scarcest of the three. The first two images are mine. The last one was taken from the DNW site as their magnification facility is outstandingly good, enabling you to confirm detail that leaves you guessing on other websites.
  3. 1949threepence

    DNW Sale Today 7/9/21

    Pete, that was one I had to fight for. But for this particular specimen, it was well worth it in my opinion. I'd imagine the other bidder had the same thoughts as me.
  4. 1949threepence

    DNW Sale Today 7/9/21

    One great thing about DNW is the speed at which they operate. Invoice for won lots posted on website a few hours after winning them. Despatched today - and the thing that I really do like is that they provide you with the tracking number. Surprising just how many don't bother. I suppose it's the quality you pay for with that high premium.
  5. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    A little while back LCA offered two VIGTORIA'S, and I did toy with the idea of going for one. But in truth they were so poor, I decided not to bother.
  6. 1949threepence

    DNW Sale Today 7/9/21

    Possibly in some areas, but not especially pronounced. I had to fight for the two that I got. I'm just pleased I was working from home and so was able to log out of work PC for 15 minutes, and join the live auction. If I'd relied on my nominal pre auction bids, I'd have been blown out of the water. I note that of the 796 offered today, only 28 did not sell, so that's a sale rate of 96.5%, which seems good.
  7. Won't be true if cash in the form of notes and coins remains viable long term. However, my point was the many siren voices which are increasingly heralding an end to physical cash and a total reliance on digital transactions either by card or over the internet. I hope to Christ it doesn't ever happen, but there are those amongst us who seem determined that it will. Thankfully there doesn't seem to be this same push to go cashless, in other countries.
  8. Thanks - just been into paypal and they have got some useful practical articles on not just bitcoin, but other crypto currencies as well. As you say, not regulated but definitely something that will grow in the years ahead, as well as probably offer ongoing virtual spending anonymity - which may be lost with conventional currency. Screenshot from paypal.
  9. 1949threepence

    RIP David Robert Jones

    Yes, just noticed this myself. Genuinely decent guy, and very sorry to learn of his passing. @davidrj on here.
  10. Thanks - useful info. Although I was thinking about its possible application as an everyday low level buying/purchasing tool, as opposed to an investment vehicle.
  11. The contactless increase was just the springboard for the rest of the conversation. The wider point being the removal of cash meaning the end of anonymity, which many will resent. That's where the bitcoin came in, which I still don't fully understand and why I'm asking the question.
  12. You get them on e bay too - just one side. Always a bit suspect.
  13. I didn't even know one existed in that condition.
  14. Very nicely struck specimen.
  15. Thanks chaps and thanks to Louis as well.
  16. I'm OK with pics when I select from "choose files", having previously saved the pic concerned, but a weird thing seems to happen when I copy and paste a pic straight into the post. I can see it, but nobody else can. So I'll try a little experiment. The first is a copy and paste from my own pics, and the second is a copy and paste of Will's cat above. Can anybody see either or both of them?
  17. 1949threepence


    Really - oh well, I'll forget it then. That sounds a bit too Mickey Mouse for them to be taken seriously.
  18. 1949threepence


    It's all a bit weird and inconclusive. I will e mail rather than call, and then show their reply on here. Hopefully it will be straight facts.
  19. 1949threepence


    This is what I get. When I click on "OK", I get the sign in prompt screen which auto populates with my user name and password. When I click "sign in" on that, it just reverts immediately to screen 1. When I click on "sign up" (in case the system has forgotten me), I also just get screen 1. It's now the same on three separate devices using different service providers. Obviously if you can get in, then there's a mysterious technical problem at my end. I'll call LCA today and try to find out what the issue is.
  20. 1949threepence


    Tried on my tablet (which is bang up to date). Exactly the same on there. Obviously not working. Yet for some odd reason LCA still have it as a now dud feature on their website.
  21. 1949threepence

    R.I.P. Don Everly

    I saw an interview many years ago, with The Stones, on the now defunct satellite channel "Bravo". It was from 1968 and the thing that struck me most forcibly was just how damn intelligent they were. Especially Mick Jagger. Coherent, rational, deep thinking and highly articulate, even on the subject of drug taking. Didn't necessarily agree with them, but I'd have found it difficult to present an effective rebuttal to the assertions being made. Compare that to some of the half baked idiots of later and present eras. I'd have enjoyed debating with them.
  22. 1949threepence

    R.I.P. Don Everly

    Another star from the past taken from us - RIP.
  23. I presume the reason for non declaration is that the coins were found from detectoring done without the landowner's permission. Really stupid when you think about it. If they'd gone about it in an honest, straightforward manner, they'd all have gained financially instead of facing a needless prison term and a criminal record.
  24. Very pleased to have obtained this problem free William IV 1837 penny in about EF. Scarcest date of the few William IV pennies, and very difficult to get in high grade.