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Everything posted by 1949threepence

  1. 1949threepence

    Old Coin Monthly's still outstanding

    If anybody has any of the following to spare, I'd be very grateful. Thanks in advance:- 1967: February, March, April, May, June, September 1968: March, May, September 1970: February, April.
  2. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    If it's the one I saw, not too clever, I'm afraid. Very worn. Poor.
  3. 1949threepence

    LCN- Rare Pennies

    I stumbled across this really interesting thread quite by chance whilst looking for something else. Clearly the inverted axis 1860/59 raised suspicion as to it's authenticity. However, it might also be worth pointing out that all obverses from the 1859 and 1860 pennies have that slight extension to the right of the base serif of the T of GRATIA. Looking at the coin, that feature also appears on the inverted axis specimen. That might suggest the coin is genuine. Although why the axis should be inverted is anyone's guess. Funnily enough I do have a 2000 dated penny with an inverted axis. So it happens.
  4. 1949threepence

    Ebay's BEST Offerings

    Cheers John.
  5. 1949threepence

    Ebay's BEST Offerings

    Meant to say I got this 1909 dot penny a few months back, and completely forgot about it. Just £4.64 off e bay. I know they're not that rare, but this one is about VF, and the price was a bargain.
  6. 1949threepence

    Opinions requested.... VIGTORIA

    Agree with general consensus. Looks like it might be, but so low grade it's impossible to be definitive.
  7. Not working, and keeps inserting captcha pictures, such as "how many motorbikes". Anybody else, or is it just me? Won't work on any old numbers either. So not just the package I'm expecting tomorrow.
  8. 1949threepence

    What's the problem with Royal Mail track and trace?

    My VM router is cable connected like yours - it's that connection which is causing the issue. Using a mobile mifi from Three, or my smartphone data, it works no problem. Just appears to be the cable connected VM router. Not calling anyone though or it'll be another hour of my life wasted in a negative experience trying to meaningfully engage with idiots.
  9. 1949threepence

    What's the problem with Royal Mail track and trace?

    Possibly, although why that would be, I've no clue. It's always worked OK before. The only event I can tie it into is that I'm now using my works PC via the VM router. That employs a bit locker to encrypt any information traffic to and from the device. Although when switched off, I don't really see why that would have any continuing influence - always assuming it is that. As so often, the net effect of these security traps is to frustrate legit accesses.
  10. 1949threepence

    What's the problem with Royal Mail track and trace?

    Thanks for the above advice - appreciated. Interestingly - and somewhat bizarrely - it works no problem on my phone using EE data. On my tablet it works when using a mifi connected to the Three network, but not when connected to my Virgin Media router. With the mifi the captcha symbol in the bottom right hand corner of the screen does not appear. When using VM it does, with all the attendant irritating problems. Now that I'm working from home, I also tried my works PC, which is connected to my VM router. It won't work on there either. Same issue. So it looks as though I'll have to look up future tracked delivery status using a mobile device not connected to Virgin Media. Totally illogical, but a hard fact. Weird. Incidentally, I did find that no matter how many times I tried the captcha tests last night, none of them worked.
  11. 1949threepence

    On the topic of beer

    i don't drink at all these days, but when I did, it was nearly always a dimpled mug for beer.
  12. The best 1921 I saw was posted on the forum nearly 3 years ago - here
  13. The reverse is especially sharp.
  14. 1949threepence

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Yes, I saw it. Be foolish to buy such a coin, as you never know what horrors lurk unseen on the other side.
  15. 1949threepence

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    It is weird isn't it - and that's far from the only instance.
  16. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    Considerably more !!!
  17. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    Yes, they're obviously very expensive. But in truth they're not desperately rare. You wouldn't have to struggle to find one, or wait very long if you couldn't.
  18. 1949threepence

    BBC articles

    In literal logical terms, that principle is identical. We know what they mean, but it's very clumsy wording, and the inference is that a metal detector is only used for criminal purposes. It would have been better if they'd said "The metal detector he carried was used for nefarious purposes". But then it is the BBC who these days don't seem quite the impartial body they once were.
  19. 1949threepence

    BBC articles

    Agreed. If he was just carrying a metal detector then surely that's a slur against anybody who carries a metal detector for perfectly lawful expeditions.
  20. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    I think you might be right. It would certainly account for why many coins from that era show so much wear. Conversely why the majority are in such good condition, as most of the public just didn't try to spend them after 1869.
  21. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    Couple of questions which have been intriguing me. I'm not entirely sure anyone can answer them with any degree of true certainty, but I thought I would throw them out there for the sake of interest if nothing else. The first question concerns the 1827 penny. Clearly they are a scarce item, but why are so many porous/corroded? That seems to be a commonality in many (although not all). I read one report that the porosity was incurred on a sea voyage to Australia, where the pennies had apparently been produced for. But this was an unofficial account, although it sounds plausible enough. If seawater had breached the hold where the coins were stored, the corrosion is easily explained. Is it true though? I've also noted that it appears virtually impossible to obtain one in very high grade. ********************************************************************************************************************************************************* The second question concerns the 1860/59. Over 32,000 of these were minted and I've now read in two sources that they were never issued for circulation. But if that was the case, then what happened to them? Where were they kept and how come they are in the public domain at all? Moreover, I've seen a few - one was posted on here a while back - which had quite obviously been in circulation. From the state of it, you'd have been forgiven for thinking it was for longer than the 9 or 10 years possible maximum before demonetisation.
  22. 1949threepence

    Alternative coin storage

    There are indeed. One of the best I saw was inside a dummy radiator. Same design as the rest of the house, but with a secret opening. Although that wouldn't be a suitable solution for coins. Another was a specially upholstered sofa, again with a secret entrance to a hollowed out section. Most thieves are opportunists and they're not going to be long inside any property. They'll go for the obvious. It wouldn't include such things as an opening in the floor midway underneath a living room carpet. The loft idea was only ever meant as a very short term means of storage if you were going to be away from the house for a couple of nights. Not really time to do any damage. especially if well protected. It's definitely a factor for strong consideration with regard to your collection. After all, you wouldn't leave £50k in notes in a briefcase on the sideboard.
  23. 1949threepence

    Alternative coin storage

    I've heard that one of the best places to leave valuables is the loft, as thieves don't want to get caught stranded up there if the owner returns, as they're in just about the most vulnerable spot escape wise. Especially if there's no ladder attached.
  24. 1949threepence

    Steep slabbing premiums

    Yes, it was, I thought he must have made an error when pricing it. Certainly too good not to buy immediately. I think you've vindicated my original point about slabbing premiums though, Pete.