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Everything posted by 1949threepence

  1. I regard this 1849 penny acquisition as the pièce de résistance of my pre 1860 Victoria copper collection. Even though it's meant shelling out a lot of money, it was worth it to get something as nice as this. Unfortunately I'm still having issues shrinking the pics, so obverse and reverse will have to go on separate pages as the lowest I can get each down to, is 287kb, and the max is 500.
  2. I've bought a really expensive coin and with the shenanigans some of us have encountered with the post over the last few months, I'm not content with it being sent by ordinary next day tracked (up to £500) cover. This link tells you about it. For example up to £5k is seemingly an additional £5.82, but well worth it for peace of mind IMO. Just wondering if anybody else here has used it, either in sending or receiving. If so, what are the precise mechanics. Do you just ask at the PO counter and pay the extra? Thanks in advance.
  3. You should have received a letter from your local delivery office advising you how to pay the customs charges. But like everything else these days, you've got to watch it like a hawk, checking, double checking and triple checking to make sure it doesn't mysteriously vanish (with or without trace). ETA: Also just remembered that the USPS tracking site also followed the item through to eventual delivery in my case. That shows up an inconsistency immediately, as it just stopped dead in yours - link It was the reference to "Parcelforce" on October 16th, which prompted me to then check their website.
  4. It might be worth contacting Royal Mail/Parcelforce to see if they can cast any light on the issue. I say Royal Mail/Parcelforce as I've had two items from the States, both trackable first one on RM track and trace, second one on Parcelforce, both using the USPS tracking No, once they arrive at a Mail Centre here in the UK.
  5. It definitely makes sense to do this with more expensive items, given the slightly more unreliable postal service during the pandemic. But I'd bet it's something that's not been considered by all dealers/collectors.
  6. Well, you say that, but the bit about enhancement for consequential loss is under the "Royal Mail" banner on the website. So it's not crystal clear, and customer confusion would be wholly understandable.
  7. 1949threepence

    Ebay's BEST Offerings

    Thanks Ian - checking mine there is just the faintest hint of a possible die flaw in the same position beneath the 8. Nothing above it. Although you can't see anything on the pic as it's not close enough.. I do get the distinct impression that many e bay sellers are somewhat unaware of the different varieties pertaining to pre 1860 Victoria copper pennies. Interesting about the die pairing with a non reg reverse, as that would imply the correct reverse was struck first?
  8. 1949threepence

    Ebay's BEST Offerings

    Believe it or not, Chris, it looks a lot better in hand than on the pic. But irrespective, even at VF, still a bargain for a colon after reg 1841, at £100. ...also, Britannia has got a complete pair of breasts....
  9. 1949threepence

    Ebay's BEST Offerings

    and the reverse. Unfortunately the obverse is a slightly weak strike.
  10. 1949threepence

    Ebay's BEST Offerings

    Anyway, I really should have posted this one before, but I got it in May before the thread was started. It's an 1841 colon after reg in NEF/EF, which I picked up from e bay for a very reasonable price. Apologies can't get both sides on the one post as compression not working on my tablet for whatever reason.
  11. 1949threepence

    Ebay's BEST Offerings

    Simply disagreeing with your description of the two threads being "interchangeable", Michael. In my opinion they're not. After all, if we all decided to randomly, but intentionally, use the thread opposite in meaning to the coin being shown, for no obvious reason, it would soon confuse the OP's intention, which is a bit disrespectful to them (in my view for what its worth - appreciate others may disagree).
  12. 1949threepence

    Ebay's BEST Offerings

    No, you wouldn't post about a genuine e bay bargain in worst offerings. That would be inane, or a mistake. The converse also holds true.
  13. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    Pleased to say I have now managed to get one paired with OT. So now have the type in both PT & OT. They are really not easy to find, but wasn't ID'd as one by the seller - a lesser known type perhaps:-
  14. Very nice. Start of your Summer in Oz. Start of our long, dark miserable Winter in the UK.
  15. Managed to nab a spare A5 folder at work this morning. Found out that just one more hole needs to be punched and the pages fit perfectly. Of course that doesn't mean they are centrally positioned in the folder, but the top of the page is about 1mm from the edge, so is not visible or "sticking out" when the folder is shut. It's OK for me anyway, although it may not be ideal for all.
  16. I suppose you could either buy a six hole punch and re-punch holes in the bottom or top half of the page, to fit. Or alternatively use some treasury tags to link the pages together, and place in a plastic wallet - something like that, possibly. It is annoying that the old size is no longer available. I just assumed it would be one standard size.
  17. 1949threepence

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Subscription is inexpensive, and you get some very worthwhile articles each month. The full Cuff article contains a lot more detail than the link, which is just extracts.
  18. 1949threepence

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Very interesting. In fact so interesting that I logged into my Coin News account and read the article in its entirety from the August 2015 edition. Thanks.
  19. They're A5 six hole ring binder size pages. Some same sized examples can be seen here on Amazon
  20. Closer, but still not exact. The total cost including postage, was £148.92, 5% of which = £7.45. If, as you say, the VAT is calculated according to the exchange rate at some given point on the journey, as opposed to the time of purchase, that could easily account for the 23p difference between 5% at time of purchase, (including postage), and the £7.68 that was charged. At any rate the difference is no longer significant. Yes, the solution you mention would be a good one. It would certainly mean much faster throughput.
  21. The cost of the item before postage and after the exchange rate on the day, was £122.19. I've been charged £7.68, so 6.29% in actuality. Presumably meant to be 5%, but how that equates to 6.29% I've no idea. Obviously there's an inclusion of something else that's hidden, as 5% of £122.19 is £6.11.
  22. Well, my first coin from the States since the one above, and I've fallen unlucky to be stung by customs charges again. £19.68 consisting of £7.68 "import VAT" and £12.00 "Clearance Fee". Interestingly, this time the package has been routed through Parcelforce, rather than Royal Mail and this morning I received a letter telling me how to pay, which I've done. I've even pushed the boat out and paid an additional £12 so it can be delivered on a Saturday (tomorrow). You can see from the link above how long it's been piffling about in this country, after taking only 3 days to arrive from the USA. It's not the cost, it's the delay and the fact we are having to pay customs on an item that was actually produced here in the UK, that gets me.
  23. Very interesting find, Martin. What a shame it's been in the ground for so long.