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Everything posted by 1949threepence

  1. For that era, they are incredibly high quality images. Looking at them, they could have been taken yesterday.
  2. I only ask because it's now a month away, it's highly improbable that the lockdown, certainly as it applies to indoor pubic gatherings, will have been lifted. Yet they are advertising it as though it will take place as per usual at the Grange Hotel, Bracknell, with the public in attendance. I sent an e mail to them several days ago, but have received no response.
  3. Had this e mail......was obviously successful for them.....
  4. 1949threepence

    Stuff to Make Us Laugh

    Cat watching a horror film......
  5. 1949threepence

    Ebay's BEST Offerings

    Very pleased with this 1853 Peck 1503/Bramah 15, intermediate colon penny, which I managed to buy for £135. Like the 1853 PT, it's quite scarce, so to get one in EF for that price, was pretty good. I'd been umming and ahh ing over this one from KB Coins for £295, which is a demonstrably inferior specimen for more than twice the price. So another instance of an e bay "best offering".
  6. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    That looks a tidy and useful bit of kit. Not too expensive either. The idea on this occasion was just to see whether I upload the video to the forum. Now I know that's possible, the potential is there to move forward to something more sophisticated next time, assuming that a need arises to do one. Probably will in due course.
  7. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    I agree. Unless you can find some way of keeping the camera motionless in the ideal position, then there isn't really a massive gain from it. To be honest I was thinking that as I watched it for the first time. I suppose it might prove useful if you did need to demonstrate a specific point. But other than that, it's probably more heat than light. Nonetheless, at least it can be done via you tube, and it's also possible to upload a much longer video, if needs be. Although I won't be doing so as there's nothing to show.
  8. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    Now managed to do one of the above as a you tube link. Will try next getting a longer video.
  9. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    Continuing Pete's idea of a video, I've tried to do one as a demo. Probably be a dismal failure, and even if it does come off, will be a bit crude as a first attempt. demo video demo video 2 ETA: Well it did work, but they came through as downloads. There must be a simpler way. Maybe somebody else can take this idea forward?
  10. 1949threepence

    Ebay's BEST Offerings

    Well spotted Ian. That's a really nice high grade example.
  11. 1949threepence

    Proof there is no god

    Yes, they do seem to have a much more reckless mindset than we here in the UK do, despite the crowded beaches here. I note that in some states (notably Texas) there has been another massive spike since lockdown was lifted. Other states like Montana, have barely been affected at all, even from the start - perhaps reflecting smaller towns and a more rural lifestyle. Montana borders Canada (population 37.6 million, and 8000 covid deaths, so in absolute terms and proportionately, much less than ours). Interestingly, the latest US spike is affecting a much younger cohort than previously - predominantly 30's this time. Here in the UK we do have our problems with morons who flock to the beach in large numbers, and the illegal raves, but at least that's outdoors, and hopefully the strong UV light will be mitigating the virus, on the beach anyway. Also, as far as I can tell, we don't (so far) seem to have been adversely affected by the previous waves of beach goers from several weeks ago, nor by the demonstrators. I did notice many of those demonstrators wore face masks, as did those who stood in front of statues to protect them. I wonder how the spike in Leicester will be dealt with.
  12. 1949threepence

    Coin inspection table mat - recommendations please!

    Neat idea - just bought one as well, as they're so cheap.
  13. 1949threepence

    Proof there is no god

    Just switching tack here to a more bright and hopeful stance - there are reports that the virus is weakening, maybe via mutation, and causing fewer deaths than it did, among the same cohorts. So maybe if there is a second spike, it won't be anything like as deadly as the first - Fingers crossed. By the way just a quick shout out here for the many hospital staff, some of whom have sadly passed away from Covid 19 in the last few months - they courageously put themselves in harm's way 24/7 to look after sufferers. Some have sadly paid the ultimate price for that dedication. Again, disproportionately, BAME medical staff. All these guys, from whatever background, have my maximum respect for undertaking a job I couldn't even imagine doing at the best of times.
  14. 1949threepence

    Adding pictures

    Let me have a bash with a random coin picture. Working OK for me (from choose files)
  15. 1949threepence

    Proof there is no god

    I posted a link in my post of 22nd June above, which you've already replied to, so you've seen it. As far as the rest, I'm not engaging with you on it, as it's not and never was part of the point I was making. I said several posts ago I wasn't getting involved in the race:crime argument. I'll leave that to you.
  16. 1949threepence

    Proof there is no god

    Well part of it pretty obviously is, as far more African American and Hispanic people (per million of the population) are shot and otherwise killed by police, than white people. That's hard fact. You seem to have completely missed the main thrust of what I'm saying though, which is that the United States police in general, are trigger happy and there are a disturbingly high number of people (of all ethnicities) who are being stopped by the police for spurious reasons. The situation then escalates massively, and the "suspect" is shot dead. These are situation in which absolutely no other person would be adversely affected if the police hadn't got involved at all. For example in the case of Floyd, why was he suspected, and why was a presumption made that even if he had passed on a fake $20 note, that it was deliberate - how many fake £1 coins were passed on unwittingly in this country? In the Brooks case, can you imagine that happening here in the UK? Most normal, civilized people would have gone up to the guy and just asked if he was OK, and tried to help him, including our own police. I think the US police need re-educating on their priorities and to be made aware of their responsibilities as that pertains to the safety and well being of the public they purport to protect. Although my political instincts are conservative with a small c, I cannot countenance, nor keep quiet, if innocent people are the subject of needless killings by representatives of the state, especially one which describes itself as the "land of the free and the home of the brave". There's nothing brave or free about these dreadful occurrences. Moreover, although I can't prove it, I do get the overriding impression that some of these police officers are looking for any excuse to shoot those they stop. The slightest false move and you're blown away, not even knowing whether you were following the officer's orders or not. That comes across very strongly. It's nasty. it's cowardly and it's breathtakingly idiotic. I make no apology whatever for speaking out against it.
  17. 1949threepence

    More Pennies

    You could add a commentary, which might be interesting. Not to mention seeing the coin(s) from different angles. Problem is with the uploading, as a raw video recording taken on a smartphone, say, or a tablet, will normally be too big to send anywhere, if it's longer than about 18 seconds. You have to find some way to compress the size, which isn't always as easy as it sounds.
  18. 1949threepence

    Ebay's BEST Offerings

    ...and of course, Bob, the "I" in BRITT pointing to a tooth, being the definitive hallmark of a Gouby X....
  19. 1949threepence

    Ebay's BEST Offerings

    High 90 I'd say.
  20. 1949threepence

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Well spotted Jon.
  21. 1949threepence

    Ebay's BEST Offerings

    I don't Imagine it will get nearly as many posts, although I'm not sure about the longevity. Of course the other one is 15 years old now, so whether this one will be in 2035 - who knows? Anyway, a best offering for me is actually very recent. It's a common enough date, being an 1855 PT penny, but it is in immaculate condition. Pretty much uncirculated with superb toning, and only £50. Bargain.
  22. 1949threepence

    Proof there is no god

    I think we are completely at cross purposes. I was referring to death by police shootings across the ethnic divide, and what I said is supported by quantitative hard fact. Per million of the population shot by US police, 30 are black, 23 Hispanic, 12 white and 4 "other" - source But my main point is not the ethnicity of those shot, it is the fact that so many of them (of various ethnicities) have been unreasonably shot. I mentioned this after the George Floyd killing, citing the fact that so many of those shot were originally stopped for very trivial reasons - Floyd himself apparently stopped for allegedly passing on a fake $20 bill. A few weeks later I back that up with another killing of someone who ended up being shot dead after going to sleep in a drive thru. I supplied a link to that case. Both these instances would be laughingly trivial, if it hadn't resulted in two deaths. Hence my conclusion that the US police are essentially out of control, and need reining in on shooting and their often fatal restraint techniques. As far as Rayshard Brooks, the officer who shot him, Garrett Rolfe, has (rightly in my opinion) been charged with felony murder. You may think that shooting someone as they run away, having left their car behind, is justified, but I'm afraid I don't - and whether with or without a grabbed taser. At that point he was not a threat to the lives of the officers involved.
  23. 1949threepence

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    That's a great idea. Do you want to get the ball rolling?
  24. 1949threepence

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Once you've seen a lot of genuine pennies, the fake ones hit you in the eye immediately. Even if they're good. That 1843, despite the artificial wear and knocks, is actually quite poor. Probably I'd be unable to recognise fakes of other denominations.