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Everything posted by 1949threepence

  1. 1949threepence

    this years Spring Cull

    Really sad to hear of such talented personalities passing away. I seem to remember (was it 2016?) a fairly recent terrible year for losing well known folk from the world of entertainment.
  2. In that case, "next slide please"
  3. Possibly, although DNW has seen a brisk trade in their recent auctions.
  4. It's as though it's from someone in denial.
  5. Cetin is a very unfortunate surname anyway, given what the addition of an extra r after the C makes it.
  6. They usually release the catalogue about 3 weeks before the auction, so yes, that would make sense.
  7. But from a purely practical point of view, we as customers are going to need to know the arrangements, and know soon. Hopefully, as soon as the catalogue is released this will be the case. If it isn't then there's a problem. Just replying "the auction will go ahead", is sidestepping the question as I don't imagine any of us envisaged that it wouldn't. You kind of get the feeling that most organisations would have squarely addressed the issue well in advance, and shared their thinking with potential bidders.
  8. It is rather looking that way, isn't it.
  9. Well observed - never noticed the name change.
  10. Have now received a reply. Just one sentence, which ends with a comma rather than a full stop. . Copied and pasted my question and the response. Not really any further forward. But obviously, the inference is that the auction will go ahead, but in precisely what form they're maybe not completely sure at this stage. Which is fair enough.
  11. 1949threepence

    How can I sell 10Kg of old pennies?

    @Zo Arms would you be interested in Weaver's offer. I know you sort through mass bronze Bob, looking for the odd rarity. ETA: I note that Weaver is South Coast area like you.
  12. I can't believe how quick they go. Obviously people (like me) are stopping up after midnight to grab them. Incredible that their earliest available (normal) slots are nearly one calendar month ahead of today's date. Yes, I'd imagine the priority slots also fill up very quick.
  13. 1949threepence

    After lockdown

    The North Norfolk railway on a hot sunny August day - something I can't get out of my mind.
  14. Interestingly (or boringly, whichever way you look at it), I've just booked another Tesco slot for Friday 29th May. After sitting in an auto refresh queue for about 15 minutes until 12:05 am, I eventually saw the slots for both Thursday 28th and Friday 29th. I expected to only see Friday 29th, so they must have been late in releasing the Thursday. I thought I would just check again, and at 12:20am, just 15 minutes after release, every single slot had gone, over both days.
  15. Thanks Ian - very useful and informative info. Also just had a look at Gouby P79.
  16. Co-incidentally, Richard, the same thought fleetingly crossed my mind when I originally looked at DNW's blown up pic of the coin. I thought I could detect the very tiniest protrusion at the top of the 2, see here : but I dismissed the notion on the grounds that F111 2/1's have obverse 11, with the distinctly hooked nose, whereas this coin looks like obverse 12, longer nose, although still slightly uneven, fitting the profile of obverse 12. Unless, of course, 1882's, other than the 111, also have the 2/1 overstrike? I can't seem to find the bit where Freeman was referring to the minutest trace of the 1, you refer to above. Was he implying specimens other than the 111? I do know that the 1882 2/1 is almost invariably much less obvious than, say, the 1865 5/3. ETA: Ah, so they do. Just seen the one in your collection, and indeed, the protrusion towards the top right of the two, is in exactly the same place. So yes, a definite possibility. Thanks for pointing it out.
  17. I normally can fit them both onto the same post, but for whatever reason it just didn't work this time, the size of the pictures being too large. Despite the actions being the same as before. Obviously there's some logical reason, be it do do with the way I took and subsequently stored the pics, or something else. But on this occasion I just couldn't be bothered to spend time sorting it out. I will do so next time.
  18. 1949threepence

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

  19. 1949threepence

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Ah, some people might have been fooled into thinking that was a F169, as the base of the one is over both a tooth and a gap. But of course the real deal has fewer teeth and the one is unambiguously over a tooth.
  20. I don't know if it's me being thick but I'm at a loss as to how you actually join. A link to their site is here, and although the benefits of membership are pointed out, there doesn't appear to be any signposting on how to become a member. Clicking the log in is purely for current members. It doesn't also offer a gateway for registering. Can anyone help? If it's me being dense or non observant then I apologise and hold my hands up.
  21. 1949threepence

    LCGS - how do you actually register with them?

    Sorry, literally just seen this - no. All I wanted to know was the date when a coin slabbed by CGS was slabbed. You can find out when an NGC slabbed coin was without having to be a member. But anyway, I think I know roughly when it was +/- a couple of months.
  22. It's also somewhat noteworthy that the vast majority of the wonky "1's", are on reverse G. Be they F20, F25, F28 or (perhaps to a lesser extent) the F33.
  23. We all have to pull together as much as we can. It's not an easy situation, but we are all in it together.
  24. By staying up until gone midnight for Tesco, combined with repeated checking of the ASDA website, I've secured a pattern of deliveries since mid March and forward to the end of May. I'm making additions to the orders for two elderly neighbours. I leave the bags outside their front doors. The orders have been much larger than they used to be, but at least it means they don't have to put themselves in harm's way by visiting the shops themselves. Of course Sainsburys has now devoted all of its deliveries to the elderly and vulnerable, and I'm pretty sure (although not certain) they are like Waitrose in the sense of making sure you're on the government's database.