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Everything posted by 1949threepence

  1. The earliest you can get a Tesco slot will be 27th May today - but at least you know when their slots are released. With ASDA it can be any time, although they're only up until 14th May. How things have changed, and how competitive home delivery slots have become. A few months ago, you could easily get a pick of the slots for the following day
  2. More like a couldn't care less strike
  3. That last "1" is so high up it's dug into the exergue line.
  4. With acknowledgements to the seller @oldcopper I'm very pleased to have won this superb 1882H Freeman 114. Surprisingly difficult to obtain - for example only two on LCA site over the past 17 odd years (the other three shown are 115's misattributed as 114's. I've been trying to get a decent one for a number of years. Not room on this post for both sides, so posting obverse on another post.
  5. Talking about Michael Gouby's books - one I have wanted for a long time is "The British Bronze Penny 1860 to 1970", but unfortunately it's sold out on Michael's own website, and I can't find one anywhere else either (Amazon, e bay, other internet search). Will just have to be patient for a specimen to turn up at some point.
  6. Yes, I think I'd soon lose the will to live studying long and short tailed 9's, Wayne. Varieties are interesting, but then there are varieties and varieties. As Chris @Peckris 2 rightly says, there is a limit beyond which the types become ever more random and relatively unimportant. I'm not sure I'd apply that principle to the distant 5 on the 1895, but I certainly would to the final digit "1" on an 1861 reverse G, for example.
  7. Could happen anywhere. It's selfishness and stupidity, which isn't necessarily related to shopping habits.
  8. I have, and trust me, although it may be on the pricey side, it's well worth it. I consider it to be as much of a "bible" as Freeman's book. One of those I look at most days. Although some of his rarity estimates are now out of date, as well as prices. I've also got "The British Bronze coinage 1860 to 1869" by him. Another great source of info. Haven't got Dave Groom's 20th century bronze book yet. Have you found that useful?
  9. Can't believe what I saw this morning. Drove down to ASDA to pick up some food, cat food and cat litter. Pulled out a trolley from the load, and guess what? - there was a used disposable face mask and a pair of those lightweight plastic gloves in there. Not only incredibly selfish, but whoever it was, unbelievably thick as well. Couldn't see a staff member , so shoved it right out on one side, and used another. Just glad I had one of those small bottles of Purell with me. On the plus side, there was no queue, shop was virtually empty and the shelves were fully stocked.
  10. Thanks Wayne. Michael is a great guy who always answers questions comprehensively and quickly. Invariably pleasant as well.
  11. Indeed, I'd definitely keep it. I'll be very interested to see Michael Gouby's additions and amendments to "The British Bronze Penny", which was issued in 2009, and there have obviously been many new discoveries since then, such as the 1895 wider date. I understand he hopes to issue something very soon.
  12. Does your coin show as having been sent (shipped) yet? ETA: Just managed to get through to them. There's just one guy on his own in the office at the moment, to deal with all the consignments from Wednesday's auction, with a packer coming in later. He's in all weekend as well and hoping to get most of them sent from Monday onwards next week. He did say there was a small chance that a very few might go today. Nobody has collected in person at all on this occasion - obviously because of Covid 19 worries.
  13. Plenty of furloughed locals have applied. In fact many farmers haven't needed to officially advertise at all. Also, apparently, plane loads of Romanians are being flown in......... Yes, it is surprising about electricity.
  14. I know. Irritating though it is, it was the best I could find on casual search.
  15. Real terms UK house price inflation since 1975:-
  16. Whatever happens to prices in the immediate future, it won't affect the overall shortage of accommodation and the fact that there will always be too many buyers chasing too few properties, and too many renters chasing too few private houses for rental. That's a physical reality which isn't going to change, irrespective of Covid. The 3 bed semi in Chelmsford, which my parents bought in 1974 for about £10k, recently changed hands for £475k. Unreal. Inflation would have taken it to £105k.
  17. 1949threepence

    Coin Community Forum - CCF

    Their facebook page gives more info. They are aware of a major website problem - link to coin community facebook page
  18. Sorry, yes, £1400. As you say >£1800 with buyer's fee added.
  19. Pretty much as good (if not better) than any you're likely to see. Once or two very light marks and some minor scratches on the Queen's neck, barely noticeable even under magnification, and in no way detract from what is a choice specimen. My current F114 is only about GF, so this was a very obvious target for me. They actually don't come up that often. Yes the F33 was also very nice. I might have gone for it, but although mine isn't as good, it's not so far below as to have made the lot especially viable to bid for. The N over sideways N (Z) types remain very popular, and the £1200 hammer for that quality piece, is no surprise whatever.
  20. Won it earlier today at £180 hammer - very nice. Thank you.
  21. 1949threepence

    Coin Community Forum - CCF

    I don't use it, but tried it anyway and just get the message "this site cannot be reached". Looks as though it's down.
  22. 1949threepence

    1908 F164

    Yes, ideally he would. But I think some dealers, especially on e bay, prefer not to grade, lest they get panned by those who disagree. We've all seen it on here, and some of it assumes deliberate over grading by the dealer. I can understand why he might want to avoid that. This is what he says:- The ball is therefore wholly in the buyer's court.
  23. 1949threepence

    1908 F164

    I think that's about what I paid for mine. Incidentally, The Coin KIng (real name Nathan Smith) is a good trustworthy dealer. I've had some nice 20th century pennies off him.
  24. 1949threepence

    1860 Florin

    Yes about 63, +/- 1. There or thereabouts.