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£400 for a Penny ?

Sterling Member
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Everything posted by £400 for a Penny ?

  1. £400 for a Penny ?

    Insurance for your collection

    Lord Lucan last seen 7th November 1974. Pinged by the pedantry police, for introducing a veiled reference that he might have anything to do with a trunk unopened since the 1950's. Shergar and Elvis are similarly disqualified. They are full of 1933 Pennies, QED.
  2. £400 for a Penny ?

    Insurance for your collection

    Full of 1933 Pennies no doubt
  3. £400 for a Penny ?

    Insurance for your collection

    Everyone complains about that when they first come onto the forum, it's not you, it's just that the edit function is only available for a very short time after you post.
  4. £400 for a Penny ?

    Insurance for your collection

    What does that say about the quoted Spink value, I wonder? At the risk of stirring up a hornets nest, another advantage of CGS is that your collection and archive pictures are stored online on a 3rd party site, together with itemised individual values.
  5. £400 for a Penny ?

    1933 Penny on ebay

    Well, if she did happen to be browsing the boards wondering whether to post, we could assure her of a friendly welcome Whilst on the 1933 penny, I came across this; http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100531081627AAd4cTb Thing with the 1933, is that it has achieved the same status as UFO's, they may well exist, who knows, but absolutely no-one is going to believe it, even if you park one on their lawn. Same with the penny -that there are 7 has become a 'fact'
  6. £400 for a Penny ?

    1933 Penny on ebay

    Thats just an example of the 1933 400 lol Am I getting old ?
  7. £400 for a Penny ?

    1933 Penny on ebay

    If you scroll down to the comments on here: (same article word for word) http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/news/article.html?in_article_id=511679&in_page_id=2 The seller surfaces to tell us that she didn't withdraw it, ebay did ?
  8. £400 for a Penny ?

    1933 Penny on ebay

    Well, if that's a fake, it's a pretty good one.
  9. £400 for a Penny ?

    Strange 1887 Shilling

    Yes, I saw that one. Looks like a pretty neat bit of kit and those pictures Mark has put up are easily the best we've ever seen on here. IMO.
  10. £400 for a Penny ?

    Silver dipping

    Well, last years CCGB lists that coin as £70 in UNC. Take say £15 off as catologues are always a bit ambitious, say £55 with no problems. Dipped ? Well that's a judgment call really isn't it. It probably will retone over the years, depends how much you like it/want it. I dunno, maybe offer £20, see what he says and go from there ? I sold one recently on ebay in pretty good nick - 1916 from memory, went for £30 odd if memory serves.
  11. £400 for a Penny ?

    Strange 1887 Shilling

    Oh dear. I think I might have to have one of those....
  12. £400 for a Penny ?

    Strange 1887 Shilling

    Silver's not my thing, so I'll let someone else jump in on that, I'll just say hello. I'm most impressed with the detail you have been able to show, would you mind me asking what model of microscope you used and how much it cost ?
  13. £400 for a Penny ?

    1933 Penny tin foil impression

    Be interested in the foil impression - it's a significant upgrade from mine......
  14. £400 for a Penny ?

    1933 Penny tin foil impression

    I like that, it has a definite ring to it...
  15. £400 for a Penny ?

    1933 Penny tin foil impression

    Oh, well it wasn't when I looked earlier. Strange. Never mind. Up to £45 now
  16. £400 for a Penny ?

    1933 Penny tin foil impression

    Interesting. The listing appears to have been removed. Did we do that ?
  17. £400 for a Penny ?

    1933 Penny tin foil impression

    Total disaster. I think he must have used significantly thinner foil than the stuff in the kitchen drawer. Wouldn't even take a vague imprint.
  18. £400 for a Penny ?

    1933 Penny tin foil impression

    Actually, I think that's bloody clever and I'm going to have a go myself. Will report back on the results later....
  19. £400 for a Penny ?

    Insurance for your collection

    I think that's what we needed to know Gary, thanks for the steer. Quite a reasonable cost and I just don't trust contents insurers, I can see them trying to wriggle out of paying in the event of a claim, either through some small print mechanism or trying to pass coins off as cash, or some such. Doesn't ensure peace of mind which is what it's all about in the end.
  20. £400 for a Penny ?

    1763 British Coin

    Anyone have any dealings with this chap ? http://www.coinauthentication.co.uk/
  21. £400 for a Penny ?

    Sideline collection ~ £2 coins

    Right, we must stop this, we are in danger of creating a parody of middle aged grumpy old men. Enough.
  22. How long before we get a bimetallic pound ?
  23. £400 for a Penny ?

    Sideline collection ~ £2 coins

    For which I blame the teachers.
  24. £400 for a Penny ?

    1763 British Coin

    Oh dear. That's only going to encourage them isn't it. What is the exact law around forgeries? I have it in my head that it isn't illegal to forge a coin which is no longer circulating, is that right ?
  25. £400 for a Penny ?

    Sideline collection ~ £2 coins

    I share your pain. Mine are too busy fighting, shagging and doing things they'd rather I didn't know about to concentrate on anything so 'static' as collecting coins. I can just about get them to play golf, but that's as far as they will go.