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Everything posted by Peckris

  1. Providing one is honest about them, they are well worth a place in the collection as a "gap filler"
  2. That looks to be post mint damage created by squeezing one coin against another so that it creates an impression of one on another Worth keeping as a curio, definitely.
  3. There's not a bag of them but about 25 of them were struck (forged) during that period in the 70's/80's by the same person(s)....who, I am told, is alledgedly still around. Do you know why he did not make more? If he could make such good fakes in the 70's / 80's, then I dread to think what will happen in 50 years time. Nothing given he should be pushing up the daisies I didn't mean him, but what forgers in gerneral can do in the future. What worry me is that one day, forgeries will be so good that they can no longer be distinguished from the real thing by visual inspection or weight. Then will all rare coins have to be sold in "slabs" after expensive analysis have been done in labs? Scary! Bear in mind that a few years ago, people were willing to pay a few hundred for a superbly done silver proof repro of a Gothic Crown. Maybe that is the future - affordable repros for those who can't afford originals? Better by far than fakes IMO. I wasn't aware that people were willing to pay such money for a repro. For me, the main attraction of coin collecting is the feeling of owning some history. I like admiring 19 century unc currency coins thinking how lucky they have been. A repro has little more attraction than a photo of a real coin as far as I am conerned! Modern fakes are of course revolting but contemporary fakes can potentially be interesting (not that I collect them). Just one question - how much would you run to for an expertly done 1933 penny? eBay seems to prove they fetch well into three figures.
  4. Peckris


    Nice penny One day (sigh) one day This time next year... ...we'll be milly on airs, Rodney! You don't have any old pocket watches in your attic, by any chance?
  5. Peckris


    Nice penny One day (sigh) one day This time next year...
  6. Peckris

    Anyone see this?

    Yes, I see all instances you mentioned.
  7. There's not a bag of them but about 25 of them were struck (forged) during that period in the 70's/80's by the same person(s)....who, I am told, is alledgedly still around. Do you know why he did not make more? If he could make such good fakes in the 70's / 80's, then I dread to think what will happen in 50 years time. Nothing given he should be pushing up the daisies I didn't mean him, but what forgers in gerneral can do in the future. What worry me is that one day, forgeries will be so good that they can no longer be distinguished from the real thing by visual inspection or weight. Then will all rare coins have to be sold in "slabs" after expensive analysis have been done in labs? Scary! Bear in mind that a few years ago, people were willing to pay a few hundred for a superbly done silver proof repro of a Gothic Crown. Maybe that is the future - affordable repros for those who can't afford originals? Better by far than fakes IMO.
  8. Peckris


    Very true. And then you would discover that dipping CANNOT add metal!
  9. Peckris

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    This has great potential, with a good clean Yeah, that's REALLY going to help!
  10. Peckris

    1892/1 3 pence

    Ah, but that's where they were trying to eradicate a LOWER '1' - having an extra serif there would be mighty inconvenient. But a normal '2' over a normal '1' - they would both bottom out with a horizontal, right? So basically the 2 would cover up the 1 at that point.
  11. Peckris

    New Member from Australia

    Actually I only ever see two pages of topics in each forum, but as I'm on here just about every day, it doesn't really matter! Anyway, Welcome to the forums MRD. Let's hope for a good series (can't believe one of my compatriots is already falling for the "Aussies are rubbish" propaganda - weren't we all saying that in 1989??)
  12. Peckris

    1797 cart

    Ah, never used that method before Declan - I always tell by size No seriously, if it's only a picture I can usually tell from the portrait : the twopence has more head in proportion to bust than the penny.
  13. Peckris

    1797 cart

    I just WISH I could still use a camera in the fiddly way required to photograph coins. Unfortunately, the picture above is an original scan (modest size), brightened and then enlarged greatly in Photoshop. Not a recipe for a 'phwoar'!! I just wish you could see the coin as it really is I'm sure it's a great coin... but it's a twopence? Yes - you mean the OP coin isn't? I can usually tell, but that one's a bit worn!
  14. Peckris

    1892/1 3 pence

    It's just that I'm looking at the first '1' in the date, which clearly has a serif at the bottom, which would make overdating with a '2' particularly simple at that point. There would be no need for an extra portion of downstroke, wouldn't you say?
  15. Peckris

    1892/1 3 pence

    Too much 'gunk' there to see anything clearly scott The off-putting bit is that horizontal 'spur' to the left halfway down the diagonal downstroke of the 2 - it doesn't correspond to anything you'd see on a '1' Also, the bottom of the '1' would be horizontal not vertical, surely?
  16. Peckris

    1797 cart

    I just WISH I could still use a camera in the fiddly way required to photograph coins. Unfortunately, the picture above is an original scan (modest size), brightened and then enlarged greatly in Photoshop. Not a recipe for a 'phwoar'!! I just wish you could see the coin as it really is
  17. Crickey, no wonder you hit the road, Declan! What, breaking it up without the need for drills??
  18. Peckris

    Brunel £2

    I know nothing at all about decimal coinage, but an undated £2 coin is likely to be of great interest, can you put any pictures up? Hi their, thanks for the reply. I have attached a photo and the date would be at the bottom but as you can see it's just blank. Many thanks. Looked at images via Google and my own estimation is that the date section has been carved out post-production. There should be a 'forged plate' motif connected by chain links and at the same height. However, there is a rectangular 'hole' there instead, as if cut out. Thanks for taking the time to reply. I have posted another photo and I think that you see from this one that the 'forge plate is connected to the links and at the same height. Any other thoughts would be much appreciated. Cheers Unfortunately your picture is too out of focus to see the detail clearly.
  19. Peckris

    1797 cart

    Just for reference, a high grade example looks like this:
  20. Peckris


    No. You can't get anything extra from dipping apart from reduced value
  21. Peckris

    Brunel £2

    I know nothing at all about decimal coinage, but an undated £2 coin is likely to be of great interest, can you put any pictures up? Hi their, thanks for the reply. I have attached a photo and the date would be at the bottom but as you can see it's just blank. Many thanks. Looked at images via Google and my own estimation is that the date section has been carved out post-production. There should be a 'forged plate' motif connected by chain links and at the same height. However, there is a rectangular 'hole' there instead, as if cut out.
  22. Peckris

    more FAKES

    No apology required - your image fills my browser page, no problem. Colin probably couldn't post his as it was way oversize.
  23. Apologies - some of you will remember I said this before already.. but Format Coins in Birmingham where I used to buy coins in the 1990s, have got out of the English market entirely due to Chinese forgeries, and now concentrate exclusively on foreign coins. Truly scary.
  24. If you go to the Beginners Forum, and look at the 'pinned' topic "Posting Pictures" there's a lot of advice in there about getting your picture down to a postable size.
  25. Very interesting Nick! It's not at all obvious until you show that overlay. One less mystery in the penny series. So Peck's 'footnote' should really have been a thigh note?