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Everything posted by Peckris

  1. Peckris

    Circulating coins to keep an eye out for?

    Are you sending yourself up?
  2. Makes you wonder - if what Rob calls 'natural die degradation' is now so "desirable" and "collectable", then isn't it about time the 1961 'designer initials missing' halfcrown made a spectacular comeback?
  3. Ah, but we're talking IBM mainframes here...
  4. ah, that would be Paddy O'Eeyore, would it...?
  5. You don't need a specialised macro lens - those are way too expensive for what you need. There are some superb compact cameras with macro modes : my Lumix FZ38 goes to 1cm, while my Lumix LX100 (a far better camera) goes to 3cm. You could pick up an FZ38 on eBay for under £100. Here's one for £70: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Panasonic-DMC-FZ38-12-1MP-Digital-Camera-Black-/131388348951?pt=UK_CamerasPhoto_DigitalCameras_DigitalCameras_JN&hash=item1e975b1a17 Obviously, to focus at 1cm, or even a bit further away, you need your light source close to the coin. You could instead use 'Macro zoom' mode, which allows you to focus close while the camera is further away, e.g. 1 foot or even 1 metre.
  6. Me too. Working on dumb terminals attached to an IBM mainframe. I remember our project manager stopping me on the stairs in the late 80s and announcing proudly that each programmer now had ... wait for it ... TWO GIGABYTES! of virtual storage allocated. Collapse of stout party in utter amazement - 'gigabyte' up to then being just a notional extreme, like a googolplex.
  7. Thought you'd like that one Peckris as a precursor to the cartwheel tuppence Indeed. Admiration has turned to jealousy! May I ask where you got that from?
  8. That's because the hair is quite shallow
  9. Whoever replies may also have the key to how you run iOS apps in OS X ?
  10. does it say Made In China??
  11. Oh, that's the common "woolies" type. Look out for the much rarer "fortnum" variety - slightly longer teeth (but the 'tooth test' is the surest way to be sure - bite the edge of it and you will soon know... )
  12. Peckris

    christmas coins

    I got some of those too! Decent milled edge on mine, can hardly get into the buggers without taking my nails off!Ah, depends on quality, as ever. I got mine from Dix Thorntons Webb... Why? That looks a unique and attractively themed collection.
  13. Peckris

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    link http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/271715533653?ru=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fsch%2Fi.html%3F_from%3DR40%26_sacat%3D0%26_nkw%3D271715533653%26_rdc%3D1 Thanks for the link If you enlarge the obverse, it looks like someone has punched her in the mouth and knocked out all her teeth!
  14. That's ok. They won't notice. It's a well known fact that the Germans don't have a sense of gourmet...
  15. Peckris

    christmas coins

    A coin is for life, not just for Christmas...
  16. Peckris

    Gothic Florin rotation

    I'd personally rate that as 'normal' deviation. Anything over 45º out becomes more and more interesting, but only 180º would be a true variety.
  17. Peckris


    That Liberian coin is fascinating. It appears, from the 'ghosted' portions of reverse, that he may have simply re-used and re-engraved a Cartwheel twopence or one penny die? It would be interesting to know the dimensions of the Liberia coin. Sorry. Been at work. To answer the questions the Liberia cent is smaller than cartwheels. 28mm, 9g of copper so closer to the Isle of Man halfpenny .... . Thanks Tom. Those are interesting marks on the reverse though.