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Everything posted by Peckris

  1. depends whether it's incuse or raised - to my eyes it looked incuse at first but I admit it could be seen either way. I don't have the coin to hand but I'm fairly sure, from memory, that the 'Arabic' 1 is raised. No, I was talking to scott about the die crack/scratch!!!
  2. depends whether it's incuse or raised - to my eyes it looked incuse at first but I admit it could be seen either way.
  3. Peckris

    Coin Monthly 1970 pt. 2...

    I don't remember the Mini being mocked? It was lauded on first appearance and after winning a few serious rallies, it never looked back.
  4. Peckris

    Newbie with Sovereign Question.

    Good to know your interests extend back to the pre-Dec-imal era (see what I did there? )
  5. Happy birthday Declan - I won't say "break a leg" for your jump, but "good luck" instead.
  6. Yay, happy birthday old bean
  7. Peckris

    Newbie with Sovereign Question.

    It's true that gold doesn't seem too well represented here, I'm not sure why, though there are gold collectors among them thar members . It's probably a generalisation but nevertheless true, that there aren't as many varieties among things such as sovereigns as there are with other metals / denominations. For another thing, gold attracts as many bullion investors as true collectors, which may be another reason. But there's nothing wrong with collecting sovereigns, now your interest has been piqued! The good thing - apart from the price of gold - is that you can pick up a whole load of commoner dates for little more than bullion value, especially 20th Century, and lower grade Victoria. We'll always give advice, even on metals we don't collect personally, because if we don't know the answers ourselves, "we know a man who does"! (Not the same man, I hasten to add...)
  8. Peckris

    Coin Monthly 1970 pt. 2...

    It looks like they are just plays on the word MINI. I don't get the first one though. Has it anything to do with the General Election? Or maybe the World Cup? (Both around that time). Whatever, I don't see what it's got to do with coins!
  9. Peckris

    Alex Salmond

    A gunshot from a grassy knoll, aliens landing at Roswell, astronauts faking moon landings, and the evil hand of George W Bush behind 9/11
  10. It would be worth it for that particular one, I feel.
  11. Peckris

    Alex Salmond

    Unlike the BBC bias Peck? The Beeb ain't perfect, not by a long chalk, but I'll believe them over some FB chancer any day of the week.
  12. That's an extremely attractive French medal - what's on the other side?
  13. Peckris

    Any Takers

    Gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous. But where do they get the "50 pounds" from in the description?
  14. Peckris

    Alex Salmond

    Good old Facebook - such a reliable source of 'news', eh?
  15. Peckris

    The Latest Royal Mint 'Offering'

    Hmm. I wonder if the Mint would be interested in buying in sets of these coins? I could supply them for ... let's say a modest fiver per set. Which, multiplied by the contents of my junk tins, works out at a pretty penny. Notice how the penny theme was quickly abandoned when it came to showing us the portraits of the current Queen?
  16. Peckris

    1772/1 Halfpenny

    If it's Nicholson 190 then it's hardly "unrecorded" Nicholson sale item 190.. says unrecorded any difference in details like numeral positions means its another dye. Yeah, but that was when it was being catalogued. Now it's been part of the Nicholson sale, it IS recorded!
  17. Peckris

    Alex Salmond

    The MPs will have completely forgotten about it all by the end of next week. As they say "seven days is a long time in politics". Looking at that spending per head it's the East and South East, both adjacent to London, who are the hard done by. On the few occasions I've visted the Up North everything looks a lot better than where I live, the food, housing, transport, petrol and beer are all cheaper. I guess we don't moan enough about how we get such a hard time. As they say it's the squeaky hinge that get the oil. Yes, but you forget that those 'per head' figures include how much is spent paying out unemployment benefit , council tax, housing benefit etc, plus the extra NHS costs involved in being poor as opposed to stinking rich with BUPA insurance etc etc. The lower SE figures prove my point - if you're raking it in, you don't need so much State help.
  18. Peckris

    Alex Salmond

    Ha! Don't know when that map was drawn? In Alfred's time, London was part of Mercia!
  19. Peckris

    Help needed to indentify an old (English?) coin

    Go to the Beginners Forum, and there's a pinned topic about how to reduce picture size to upload it here. You're lucky - when it was written, the file size limit was 150k.
  20. Peckris

    Alex Salmond

    Ha! Even if there was one, it would be a bunch of fat cat South-Easterners lording it over the North ... 'twas ever thus. Funny how ever since the Tudors, there hasn't been a single ruler or elected body that gave a tinker's fig about people who live north of Cannock Chase.
  21. Peckris

    Which one to choose?

    The price reflects the expenditure incurred on sun-tan lotion. Easy when you know. Probably hoping for an American to say it's the finest rainbow toned version known
  22. Peckris

    1772/1 Halfpenny

    If it's Nicholson 190 then it's hardly "unrecorded"
  23. Peckris

    Alex Salmond

    Agreed, but they are ramming it don't own throats and treating it as a great big circus. I'll be glad when it's all over and we can get back to the Pistorius trial. You're a bit late aren't you? Verdict already handed down... The verdict maybe but still awaiting his conviction Pardon? Enlighten me on the subtle difference between being convicted and conviction!! All we're waiting on is the sentence ... though I admit that's of major interest
  24. Peckris

    Alex Salmond

    Agreed, but they are ramming it don't own throats and treating it as a great big circus. I'll be glad when it's all over and we can get back to the Pistorius trial. You're a bit late aren't you? Verdict already handed down...
  25. Peckris

    Which one to choose?

    Second one is about BU so a no brainer in my book, though I haven't studied the prices. The first one MIGHT be ok - i.e. someone who is utterly clueless about setting the white balance on his camera - but I wouldn't take the chance.