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Everything posted by Peckris

  1. Didn't realise those were NatTrust - thought they were English Heritage?
  2. Peckris

    Coin Monthly 1970.

    Ah. Those were the days….. I was a few years older than you, but yes, 76-77 was a fine time to be around. Never saw the Sex Pistols but I did get to see the Clash a few times. You missed nothing! The most overhyped band of all time, but I do realise it's impossible for anyone from the Punk Generation to be "unMacLarened"
  3. Peckris

    Alex Salmond

    Yeah, but those hearts might be the same hearts that - having invaded as far as Derby under Bonnie Prince Charlie - muttered something about needing to get back to their families and harvest before turning around and stomping home.
  4. Back to halfpennies ... the 1806 is by far the commonest denomination of that date, but do you think I can find a decent one to go with my penny and farthing? Not on your Nelly.
  5. Yes, the 'fat 8' of 1862 is clearer - I remember when a dealer friend of mine paid £200 for a large box of coins (mostly in Whitman folders) at W&W just to get one. He filtered it out and offered me the entire rest of the lot at a fair price so we were both happy!
  6. Peckris

    ANGLO-SAXONS Sceat porcupine e series

    Very nice! It looks more Celtic than Anglo-Saxon to me - or is it a very early AS type?
  7. The 1958 brass 3d has always had a 'reputation' (Brassy Bertha ), but you're right - all of them between 1954 and 1958 present difficulties. Having said that, 1939 and 1948 aren't easy either - it was only this year that I got my first BU 1948.
  8. Peckris

    Edward 1st Farthing

    He's right about one thing - dealers never pay book price or they'd be out of business. Between 33% (hard to shift trash) up to 90+% (very high value item for which there's a known customer).
  9. Peckris

    Alex Salmond

    Probably not as much as they should but I doubt if they get off scot free. Anyway Salmon will just up the oil output to make up any shortfall...wait a minute he doesn't own any oil it's owner by the comanies that extract it. All that he gets, and the UK government for that matter, is the tax on the oil companies. And the production level is set by international agreement anyway. Also if production was increased the price would go down, set by the spot market, and the gross tax would likely not change. He keeps banging on about oil revenues - but do we know how much of the stuff is actually in Scotland's territorial waters, rather than out in the North Sea or actually off the English coast? Of course, then there's the gas, but Scotland has ALL of that ... it's travelling around campaigning hard for a Yes vote so it can be Prime Minister, President, Chief Willy of the Clans, Wholly Rude, or whatever takes its fancy.
  10. Thank you! I must admit the cupro-nickel colour adds a nice contrast to the rows of lustered bronze in the tray. You obviously don't suffer from OCD
  11. Peckris

    Edward 1st Farthing

    I know diddleysquat about hammered, but even I can see that's a whole lot better than F - I'd say VF myself, what do you think fellas?
  12. Peckris

    Coin Monthly 1970.

    Geordie's 'My Gallery' link (above the Omicoin one). You mean ... people use their Galleries here for non-coin pics?
  13. Peckris

    Alex Salmond

    They are the Sovereign's arms, England's is the three lions. so if we assume Lizzie stays queen of Scotland, they wont change Interesting situation that. The Scottish lion predates the Union, in fact goes back to James I (who was also James VI of Scotland and united the two crowns). Before that, in Elizabeth's time, there was no trace of Scotland in the Royal Arms. If Scotland votes Yes, what will the Queen decide to do about the Royal Arms? After all, there's no Maple Leaf or Emu or any other colony or Commonwealth member represented, so there's no reason for the Scottish lion to stay. And going on from that - who is responsible for the Union Flag, the Royal Family or Parliament? If the latter, then the blue will vanish from the flag, leaving it boringly red and white (though satisfyingly the Chelsea and Everton colours will have been eliminated ). Will that then mean the Australians have to change their flag too? Endless complications.
  14. Peckris

    Coin Monthly 1970.

    What's cats to do with coin pix?
  15. Peckris

    Coin Monthly 1970.

    I still have my old Ion Obelisk amp - yes, I know, it's solid state, but it was designed to reproduce the sound of a valve amplifier I have a strange feeling that in this digital age, valve amplifiers will survive .. just as vinyl has. Funnily enough, the digital era has spawned a whole new set of new camera types : the "bridge", the superzoom P&S, mirrorless interchangeable lens systems, "enthusiast" compacts (like the Fuji X100 and the Lumix LX7). You could always get the band to sign your memory stick
  16. Peckris

    Alex Salmond

    None of us has so far discussed THE most important thing. What will replace the Scottish lion in the coat of arms on British coins? My vote would be for the Welsh dragon, a creature every bit as mythical as PG Wodehouse's Scottish ray of sunshine.
  17. Peckris

    Hello everyone

    Welcome to the forums Chris I have absolutely no interest in medieval hammered but there's some here who do! I do like Roman and ancients as well as more modern milled stuff. You'll enjoy it here, I'm sure.
  18. Peckris

    Alex Salmond

    See, the Scots need to take a reality check. What typifies the whole Salmon attitude thing is :- there's no more Protestant nation in Europe, witness the "John Knox" Presbyterians, and their extreme cousins the "Wee Free"s; yet those same Protestants hanker after the "Prince over the Water" aka Bonnie Prince Charlie, a dyed-in-the-wool Roman Catholic.
  19. It's toothed on my screen.
  20. Peckris

    Membership List

    We can always trump him by setting up as a new member called Aaadvark
  21. Peckris

    Coin Monthly 1970.

    Ah, but they can be heard.
  22. If you're talking about "silver" post-1816 coins that are actually copper washed with silver, these are actually not fakes but forgeries produced at the time. Collectors know all about these (indeed our own seuk has made an expert study of them), and they should be classed as 'items of interest' and not as counterfeits. And in the US, GIII copper "evasions" from the mid-18th Century are widely collected and valued. If they are actually modern reproductions and sold as such, I don't see that any law has been broken if they are not misrepresented. They may be sold described as modern repros by the manufacturer but, as they don't carry any mark making it clear as to what they are, I suppose problems could arise further down the line? Indeed they could - but that's the responsibility of a future 'rogue trader', not of eBay or an honest seller. After all, bottles of Chanel are sold every day without regard to the Del Boys of this world who will go around collecting up the empties, filling them with cheap scent, and flogging them out of a suitcase on Peckham High Street ("fell off the back of a lorry, John, take it from me..").
  23. Peckris

    Alex Salmond

    He's had a sex change too
  24. Peckris

    Coin Monthly 1970.

    iTunes is a music shop run by those chappies at Apple (the computer company not the Beatles' record company..) who purvey digital (don't ask) music by many popular beat combos from the past to the present day. If you think of it as a great big HMV store in the sky you won't go far wrong.