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Everything posted by Peckris

  1. Peckris

    Weird Sixpence...

    Good point - the worst damage seems to be roughly where the bust would be in highest relief.
  2. Listen, if they could find Rolf Harris guilty, what chance does The Bachelor Boy have? Still, at least he never released "Two Little Boys"...
  3. I'm not quite sure what you mean about "the image's magnifier"? Most images don't come with a magnifier unlike software. If the image files are that big, I'm not sure my email Inbox has enough free space left? I wonder if you could just reduce the image to the date part and upload here - I'd still be interested to see it.
  4. Peckris

    Weird Sixpence...

    It doesn't look to me like a 'classic acid attack'. For one thing, there's a huge disparity between different elements of the design : the legend and date appear virtually intact, as does the small shamrock; yet the large shamrock is almost gone, while the rose and leek have intermediate damage. A classic acid attack is not entirely uniform either yet it generally looks much more even than that.
  5. Peckris


    All those Roman bones...
  6. Peckris


    Rilly? I thort it was speling not gramar. Or was it bothe. Memmory faddes with age...
  7. Peckris

    Decimal Rarities

    Peck, Do you have any decimal coins in your collection? Mark I do indeed! Many of the proof sets, some of the scarcer pre-BU-set items, and quite a few of the official issues (snapped up for bargain prices at auction ) However, I think you missed my little Welsh joke.
  8. Peckris

    Alex Salmond

    One might think that would be true, but apparently it isn't. Here's some analysis I found: The belief that Scottish independence would consign the rest of the UK to permanent Conservative government is one that inspires hope among Tories and despair among Labour. But both overestimate the influence of Scotland on general elections. On no occasion since 1945 would independence have changed the identity of the winning party and on only two occasions would it have converted a Labour majority into a hung parliament (1964 and October 1974). Without Scotland, Labour would still have won in 1945 (with a majority of 143, down from 146), in 1966 (75, down from 98), in 1997 (137, down from 179), in 2001 (127, down from 166) and in 2005 (43, down from 66). I think the demise of Labour governments is just wishful thinking. I would expect the prospect of more Tory governments to squeeze the Lib-Dems, who are essentially left of centre anyway and merge their votes with Labour. You mean the "demise of TORY governments" surely, Rob?
  9. Peckris


    I've reached the stage where I would only buy the first few months 'sight unseen' - otherwise I'd need an index (which presumably there's never been?) to buy the issues with article(s) of particular interest.
  10. Peckris


    "no" for "know" - you're not an eBay seller by any chance PWA? (I jest, I jest )
  11. Peckris

    Decimal Rarities

    I just don't agree about the Wales Commonwealth Games £2 - there's so many of these they are a dragon the market...
  12. Peckris

    Alex Salmond

    Well, that's a crumb of comfort I suppose
  13. Peckris

    Alex Salmond

    The worst thing about a Yes vote is that it would leave England at the mercy of the fecking Tories, or even worse UKIP.
  14. Peckris

    1892 Florin

    Between VF and EF is the right grade, I'd say. There's just a little bit too much wear for EF. The prices in CCGB (probably a little more realistic) are £30 £75 £250.
  15. Peckris

    1837 over legend R/R

    It's certainly not a repair to a worn die - my guess is that the R was badly mispunched and they tried a repunch of the character. In which case there ought to be others from the same die?
  16. Peckris


    What does the colour coding signify?
  17. I would agree. Definitely 6+G IMO.
  18. Peckris

    1902 Crown - Grade & Value?

    Obverse GF Reverse NVF in my opinion. The edge knocks don't affect the grade per se, but it is part of the condition, and would affect the value noticeably; in the case of your coin it wouldn't command more than Fine prices probably.
  19. At least you have some means of operation with a choice of 4 gadgets whereas you're b*******d if the iPhone attacks the person on the other end and gets put in the naughty bin. Cunning things these iPhones, after all, you only have to look at the subliminal messages Dave's phone sends out. Wouldn't trust 'em an inch. Unfortunately, the AyePhone got us 31 goals last season.
  20. Peckris

    Have you got one ?

    It's just one of those things - penny collectors don't want the proof as a high grade currency example is scarcer, proof collectors usually want the whole set. So proof pennies don't seem to come up all that often.
  21. My thoughts exactly. I've used microfibre cloths for years and haven't seen hairline scratches. Mind you, I only use them sparingly anyway, not as a matter of course.
  22. Peckris

    Alex Salmond

    "Cost: £265 per boat inclusive of free, introductory membership of The Coracle Society" Only the Scots could make "free" and "£265" work in the same sentence
  23. I'd LOVE to gloat, but after we were trashed 3-1 by City (yes yes, I know, different ball game!) I'm not feeling quite so chirpy. Someone compared our transfer dealings to selling an iPhone, and buying a pager, fax, camera and printer in its place.
  24. Peckris

    Alex Salmond

    Apparrently the new Scottish navy will move in and more than compensate for the lost jobs. Also all the new navy ships will be built on the Clide so there will be more jobs not less. Aye, that'll come in handy to repulse the imminent invasion from the massed fleets of the Orkneys, Shetlands, Faeroes and Iceland