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Everything posted by Peckris

  1. Any George VI silver that's dated before 1947 contains 50% REAL silver. They're worth many times face value, and Chris whose forum this is, would probably offer to buy them off you.
  2. Peckris

    Very Special 10Yr Anniversary

    I think the changeover period was my own schooldays (the 60s) - I remember we had to have fountain pens exclusively, but biros were accepted later, e.g. for homework among other things. Having said that, I think we had to have fountain pens for O- and A-Level papers.
  3. Peckris

    Very Special 10Yr Anniversary

    Youngster. N00b. ZX81? Hah! Some of us remember the ZX80... When I was a lad, we had quills. Quills? Why animals hadn't even evolved feathers when I were a lad! Fortunately, neither had writing ... we just slapped some clay on the cave wall and called it ug. Cave? Luxury. Our dad used to murder us in our sleep, then we had to get up before we went to bed and work a 25-hour day...
  4. Peckris

    Have you got one ?

    That's an unusual one - the usual demand is for a BU non-proof specimen.
  5. My first impression is, it looks normal? Don't forget that compared to pre-1927 reverses, it got a slight reduction in size - all over, except the rim and teeth which are a bit bigger.
  6. Peckris

    Very Special 10Yr Anniversary

    Youngster. N00b. ZX81? Hah! Some of us remember the ZX80...
  7. Peckris

    Portcullis Varieties On Decimal Penny

    I use a Mac too. I posted a tutorial in how to upload pictures here using Picasa (when I posted it, the limit was a dismal 150k per post, but now it's 500k which is no hassle to reduce a jpeg to, if you follow the tut.) http://www.predecimal.com/forum/topic/7880-posting-pics/ But it would still be good to have decent-sized thumbnails so you don't necessarily have to click on them unless you need to see full details.
  8. Peckris

    Very Special 10Yr Anniversary

    Master JMD I remember from my first incarnation here in ... 2005?
  9. Peckris

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I don't understand this at all Dave. Why would the same seller offer the same coin at two different prices and grades on two different outlets? You call them 'robbing bar stewards', but if someone was to buy it from eBay then the sellers would lose out comparatively speaking. I just don't see what they stand to gain from this, unless their eBay shop is the newer enterprise and they're using it with a few 'loss leaders' to get it going. (With a score of only 41 stars, they obviously haven't been around that long?)
  10. Peckris

    Portcullis Varieties On Decimal Penny

    Yeah, me too. I belong to a photography forum where the "thumbnails" are somewhere between half and two-thirds the size of the actual picture. Here they're just dots on the horizon, completely useless. Chris, can we have much larger thumbnails please? Most people's broadband can easily cope with it.
  11. Peckris

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Peckris aka one of the Mr Men characters, can we guess which one boys and girls?I was always a fan of the Mr !en... (lol, that was a quick edit! you are obviously Mr Finger-on-the-Button...)
  12. Peckris

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Why don't we ask Chris to set up a "Nothing whatever to do with coins" forum? Oh wait...
  13. Sad news. I never used their services but I remember them featuring in the Coin Monthlies of my youth.
  14. Peckris

    How Many Times a Day

    I switch regularly between here and the other forums I'm a member of (buttons on my bookmarks bar!) - I do like to see 'New Content', but from time to time a whole day goes by before I check!
  15. Yes, the sixpence is the best way to get a really beautiful UNC coin between 1920-26 without breaking the bank. And the other advantage is that it has the same 'high profile' obverse as 1911-20 so you get really well defined hair detail.
  16. I do know they had great problems with the new alloy, especially from 1920-22. And that there was experimentation with nickel just after that. The 50% silver 50% copper comes as a slight surprise - I thought they had one or two other things in there in small quantities, e.g. tin?
  17. No problem - it won't spread to silver, as I said above.
  18. Yes, I'll have to have a look at my 1911-1926 pennies to see how many I've got with a 'good' Britannia. I suspect it will be a minority, which will include the 1915 'recessed ear' variety, an experiment I never understand why they never persisted with as it seemed to fix the problem to a large extent.
  19. Verdigris won't spread to silver - it's a copper/bronze disease. However, if you're worried, keep it separately from other coins, preferably in a capsule or flip. I couldn't comment on the value as it's not my area at all, but you should expect some depreciation.
  20. I would say so - it just looks like a faint incuse C formation that's sort of vaguely near the right area, a complete coincidence and definitely not in any way conclusive.
  21. The link took me straight there (heaps better than the awful 'bucket ). It might be 'treated verdigris' which would look black, or else it's straightforward spotting (you often see black marks on brass threepences). As for the groove, you'll have to live with that I'm afraid. Still, the BoE dollar makes up for any shortfall in the other two
  22. It is graded MS64 and looks better than an EF. I would grade it UNC. Agreed, on both counts.
  23. That's an unusual London example of the 1919 - presumably because of the wearing obverse die (quite apparent from the lack of hair detail and flattening ear, and common enough in the years 1915 - 1919), the reverse has been fully struck up as can be seen from Britannia's face and breastplate. It may well be that even a minute reduction in the obverse profile - in this case due to die wear - could lessen the 'sucking away of metal' problem so often seen in the general mushiness of Britannia's upper.
  24. No, that makes sense. Unless the guy responsible at the Mint had OCD.
  25. I think $36 was a bargain really, considering its condition. By the way, it's the 1926 OE as opposed to the ME - is that larger? Perhaps, a little. But not rare! Not in the slightest. Value? Possibly around twice what you paid for it, perhaps a bit more. Oh, and don't forget to add on an extra $1950 for the slab.