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Everything posted by Peckris

  1. Peckris

    How Much Is A Recent Rarity Worth?

    ... apart of course from those who saw tanners up until 1980, shillings up until 1990, and florins up until 1992 - not to mention the odd halfpenny being palmed for a 2p!
  2. Happy birthday, both and no returns ... (I'm talking about coins of course )
  3. Depends on your definition! Remember, I've never spent 4 figures yet on any single coin, though that (almost) tempts me to.
  4. Awesome! I'm (almost) tempted to sell my entire collection to get one of those
  5. You mean ... the £700 I just paid for one ISN'T a bargain after all?
  6. Peckris

    Collecting Software

    Yes, the 'child tables' are mainly for holding coin values over the years. As for pictures, I hold them in a separate table, linked to that main one via a unique ID, and that keeps the size of my main database quite small (the pictures table doesn't even need to be opened - the relational link 'just works'). As for how long? OMG, the number of man hours! You should see my early database from the mid-90s, it looks so crude compared to the present incarnation. Having said that, I haven't refined it for quite some years, only adding new coins, or updating values. Thanks
  7. Peckris

    Collecting Software

    If you do change your mind and bite the bullet, this is the kind of thing you can achieve using a database manager (a sample of 4 out of many different layouts I've created over the years) : Obviously only I understand what all the data means and how it's used, but that's the whole point - I'm in full control, not some software designer I've never met.
  8. That's a nice enough halfpenny. Not spectacular by any means, but certainly nice, especially at the right price
  9. Sorry, but this must be an iOS problem with Safari. There isn't a problem with OS X on my Mac, and SAfari is pretty much the only browser I use.
  10. Peckris

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    It does mention it's been cleaned in the description.
  11. Peckris

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    One well known pop star turned down the chance to be paid in bitcoins some years back and is now cursing that. Another guy had literally millions in bitcoins on his computer's hard drive but forgot to transfer them to a new computer. Last seen vainly poring over several acres of a landfill site. I actually have about 15,000 Linden dollars, but I don't think they are going to go the same way as they can only be used in Second Life!
  12. Peckris


    I write my mother cheques for the things she gets me. Otherwise, it's only the occasional jobbing electrician or handywoman.
  13. Peckris

    Collecting Software

    If you can conquer your distaste for them, you might bless yourself in the long run. There isn't a perfect collector solution out there, and sooner or later you will run up against the limitations of your chosen software and start cursing. Just to give you one example : I've always used FileMaker Pro, and when I developed a keen interest in the history of coin values since the 1960s, I was able to design a couple of layouts that show the values (from Seaby/Spink) of my collection in 1966, 1969, 1976, 1980, 1985, 1997/8, and several years from 2000 onwards.
  14. Peckris

    Collecting Software

    We need a "Sticky" Q&A for this forum, as this question gets asked fairly frequently. Just to summarise: most members here use a general software such as Excel spreadsheet, Access or FileMaker Pro databases. The advantage being that after you've done the initial work setting it up, it is infinitely customisable to suit your own collection and interests, which an 'off the peg' software solution just can't hack. Just ask members here what they've used, or browse the (many) previous topics on the subject.
  15. Presumably your nephew. Never heard of Oly Mers and they didn't come up on google either. Famous in their own lunchtime? Someone you need to tell us about? Male or female given the androgenous name? Greek? His initial is P. He was briefly the lead singer of The Molecules, who nearly had a smash record release on the Paint label.
  16. Peckris


    Click your name (top right) and choose "My settings". In the Settings page, on the left, click "Notification options". As below, make sure that under "Topics and posts" you have the "notification frequency" set to "None". That should do it? Profile SettingsEmail & PasswordSignature'Ignore' PreferencesManage AttachmentsNotification OptionsMy NotificationsNotification Preferences Privacy Settings Send me news and informationEnabling this option will add you to our mailing list. You can unsubscribe at any time. Not all notification methods may be available for all notification events. Notification List Email Topics & Posts Auto follow topics I reply to. Notification frequency: None Immediate Offline Daily Digest Weekly Digest Pah! My paste of the relevant page added it as a picture and it looked just as it does when you're there. When I clicked 'Add post', it "converted" the picture to that mess above.
  17. You're quite right. I just checked and London Coins have sold 5 in the last 10 years, Coinage of England have one, and those 2 in New York (Heritage? they have one), plus a variety has been through Paul Fraser's hands. And that's just the first page!
  18. I used to dream about William IV (proof-only) crowns as a schoolboy collector, and nothing's changed. It's news to me that they are plentiful!
  19. Totally agree! Whatever the rarity level, it's an iconic Halfcrown in the collectability stakes!You mean, like the 1951 penny was in the late 60s and 70s?
  20. My dad had a brief period of buying pop music in the early 60s. He used to go into NEMS in Liverpool where he was advised on what to get by one Brian Epstein.
  21. Peckris

    Ancient Coin Auction

    Betty Botter bought a bit of butter. But the butter Betty bought was bitter! So Betty bought another bit of butter, better than the bit of butter Betty bought before. You're wasted! No, I mean you're wasted! Ok, I will come clean, I am actually a bot - a SpamMaster 3000TM. And one of my advanced functions is to generate random tongue-twisters on web sites, based on key words - this one was triggered by Coinery's use of the word 'botter'.You can't beat a better bit of botter! The standard of post in this forum is very high. I've learned a lot here.
  22. By MP, or the previous owner? Even with the field disturbance behind Ed's head, it's still the best 1905 halfcrown that I've seen.Yes by that said person!!!! Don't get me wrong it is a belter but they are not actually that rare compared to others!! I have had quite a few high grade 1905s over the last 10 years it is just a date that has been over hyped!!! An 1854 2/- is much much rArer in high grade!!I agree, speaking from my lowly position as one who used to deal in a minor way. But I've certainly heard of a few UNC 1905s in my time, enough to give the lie to that £12,000 price tag. I even once used to sell coins to one guy who claimed to have 2 of them, and was going to bequeath them to his grandchildren. Unfortunately I never saw photographic proof, but then I didn't ask for it.
  23. Peckris

    Ancient Coin Auction

    Interesting ... genuine newbie coinie, or one of they new 'smartbots'? I suppose it wouldn't be too difficult to find a forum where eBay is mentioned a lot, then send in the bots with a suitably general bland comment that no-one could dispute.
  24. A friend of mine went out with Victoria Wood when we were all at Uni together. I'd like to say I remember her well, but alas, I don't.
  25. Eh? 1887 Jubilee Head shillings sell for 1900 USD in top grade - shome mishtake shurely?