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Everything posted by davidrj

  1. Gouby rates all at R9! total known for all the trial types less than 20 A and A1 Beaded border, thick rim, eyeline downwards, (D): below "O" B Beaded border, thick rim, eyeline downwards, (D): to "O" B1 Beaded border, thick rim, eyeline vertical, (D): to "O" C - Beaded border, circulation type, thin rim, eyeline vertical The bun penny series defies the most ardent of completionists
  2. Dunno what the top one is, the lower coin was minted in Year 6 of the Republic ( 1796-7) and also was legal tender until 1856, similar 1 centime were issued 1848-1851. There was also a very unpopular and heavilly forged billon 10 centime 1808-1810
  3. All men are equal under the law - The Terror though bloody did not last for long - La Terreur Revolutionaire declared 5 Sept 1793, Robespierre was guillotined 28 july 1794, Napoleon and the army gained power and influence until the Directoire was established 23 Sept 1795, Napoleon effectively military ruler by 26 October 1795. The Consulate under Napoleon 10 Nov 1799 - 18 May 1804, followed by his 1st Empire. The Franc replaced the old LSD (Livres, sols & deniers) 15 August 1795, though copper coin of Louis XV, Louis XVI, the Constitutional, the Convention and the decimes and 5 centimes of the Directoire; circulated until demonetarised in 1856. Many coins not known in decent grades
  4. Very hard to find pretty bronze/copper from the Terror - some don't come in any grade better than this 2 Sols 1793 W minted at Lille - poor strike due to no copper available to add to the bell metal - R2 a similar one here Coins better than VF from 1793/4 are most likely restrikes, those that aren't command 4 figure sums
  5. And you cannot argue with a big lump of Boulton Copper 39.5mm, 29gm
  6. Tokens aren't really my thing, but If I did I would go for Spence's seditious medalets from the late 18thC - this one from my junk box
  7. Yes! Some of those educational medals are fabulous. this one's been in the family for many years... ?a relative poor scan due to suspension ring
  8. davidrj

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    One for the grading experts To be fair, it's an interesting example of why Antimony is not used for currency
  9. I'm a fellow Scouser, I only remember sparrows and pigeons when I was a kid in Bootle, plenty of sport for the jigger rabbits
  10. davidrj

    Don't You Hate It When.......

    Some nice copper/bronze on here of late
  11. Err, weren't the Saxons German too? .... and those bloody Scandanavians like Cnut... where are the descendents of Arthur Pendragon?
  12. davidrj

    Coin Camera With Database

    try downloading a generic XP USB2.0 camera driver
  13. davidrj

    Coin Camera With Database

    crop from 1967 penny
  14. davidrj

    "1933 Penny"

    Snap! Not as good as yours though
  15. davidrj

    Coin Camera With Database

    My opinion - very quick and easy to use so probably fine for listing some of my surplus crap duplicates on Ebay, sadly NOT good enough to catalogue my collection
  16. davidrj

    Coin Camera With Database

    test3 - a very darkly toned Thai 2 Att (built in LED) Test 4 previous 3 cleaned up and composited
  17. davidrj

    Coin Camera With Database

    Test 1 (gloomy daylight) Test 2 (gloomy daylight)
  18. Sorry to bore those that don't like date variations 1897 high tide : - Gouby gives just one type - his BP 1897 C (V+x) 7 pointing to a bead - upper photo shows 7 pointing to a space, minimal I grant, but a definite difference in date width Given the scarcity of this obverse there may be other unspotted variations out there
  19. davidrj

    "1933 Penny"

    more "fillers" here Though I do have a soft spot for these Anything that might encourage youngsters to take an interest should be welcomed Interesting bits of my "penny" collection - Oddments section does anyone know if others exist, these two certainly from the same manufacturer - sure the H does not refer to Heaton
  20. davidrj

    "1933 Penny"

    Is making an accurate copy of coin of the Realm not forgery? or does the law only cover only items that are currently legal tender?
  21. davidrj

    Coin Camera With Database

    Apologies for that Gary, if it's any consolation, mine arrived today - looks cheap tatt will have a play later
  22. davidrj

    Veil Head Date Widths Again

    Peck, you are right bit of crud at foot of upper 7 and lower 7 slightly thinner down stroke ?worn die