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Everything posted by davidrj

  1. davidrj

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    No AT here, so maybe it means undercooked
  2. davidrj

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    nine bob note
  3. davidrj

    Coin Camera With Database

    looks like you need to crop a fairt bit, might be insufficient resolution for variety differentiation
  4. davidrj

    Coin Camera With Database

    Pity it's only a 3MP camera, I like to image at a higher resolution, but looks ideal for someone listing lots on Ebay Database can be modified with Access - £109.99 on microsoft uk (nb $109.99 in US! )
  5. davidrj

    Toned Coins

    Toitoiseshell toning - Monneron de 5 sols 1792 struck by Matthew Boulton
  6. davidrj

    Microsoft Excel - How to show pics

    moving the vertical bar allows me to see a good image of coin of interest
  7. davidrj

    Microsoft Excel - How to show pics

    I find I can put all the info I need into the file desciption of my photos - I can view folder containing them in large icon mode This is folder D:\coins\france\1795-1958 old franc\F126 - F143 10 centimes
  8. but then 1919 KN in bronze are often very weak strikes
  9. davidrj

    Toning ... Again

    this 1863 10 centime bronze coin has a strange but distinct lilac colour (more so than this scan shows) I've always assumed it is a cleaned coin retoning other theories welcome
  10. davidrj

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Bet you didn't know that defaced 1967 halfpennies are legal tender and recognised by every monetary authority worldwide Harry Potter makes rainbow toning look attractive
  11. davidrj

    1860 Double Strike?

    Good example of a double strike post Peck
  12. Not sure on this one - trying to image 1898 pennies with the variant final eights What do folk here think of the sea level on the right hand coin?
  13. davidrj

    An Interesting 1898 Penny

    Nice 2mm. There are other differences too, alignment of letters with border beads and a shorter trident. There are only 3 basic reverse types (though lots of varieties) for the bronze penny A: Ship & lighthouse - Bun pennies 1860-1894 (34 yrs) B: Just Britannia - old head Vic, Ed VII, George V 1895-1936 (41 yrs) C: Lighthouse - George VI & Eliz 1937-1970 My view is that each series should be treated together for die identification, rather than splitting into reigns
  14. davidrj

    An Interesting 1898 Penny

    yes Bob I know there is a date difference, I was looking to see if there were any other die differences, this is only wide date 1895 recorded as far as I'm aware my error above was not first checking different lighting on the same coins, a problem especially with lustred examples, much prefer to work with nice chestnut toned EF bronze when variety spotting David
  15. davidrj

    An Interesting 1898 Penny

    looking for more 1898s and 1895s so far found 3 varieties of 1895, the 2mm all appear identical but hard to find spares of the 1mm with intact border beads date differences on the 1mm quite striking, but is there a slight difference in the relationship of the drapery, waves and rocks to the union flag on the shield?? scans done together at roughly the same orientation correction lighting from the opposite direction shows NO difference in the 2 1mm reverses - top image is a 2mm still looking for another wide date(s)
  16. davidrj

    An Interesting 1898 Penny

    looking for more 1898s and 1895s so far found 3 varieties of 1895, the 2mm all appear identical but hard to find spares of the 1mm with intact border beads date differences on the 1mm quite striking, but is there a slight difference in the relationship of the drapery, waves and rocks to the union flag on the shield?? scans done together at roughly the same orientation
  17. davidrj

    An Interesting 1898 Penny

    the three types of 1898 penny found so far the terminal 8s are all distinct has anyone here got a cache of lower grade old head pennies they want to dispose of? tended to chuck old heads back as boring when i was pulling buns out of circulation
  18. davidrj

    An Interesting 1898 Penny

    you are right, it was the eights i was studying when I was distracted by the sea level, the left hand coin has the variant 8 (Gouby 1898B) My study of OH penny reverses is ongoing, the halfpennies are interesting too and largely ignored.
  19. davidrj

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    A nice coin ruined
  20. davidrj

    An Interesting 1898 Penny

    Thanks all, think you are right - an optical illusion, looked very real in hand I agree there is a very slight difference with respect to alignment with border beads, see exergue line and sea behind Britannia - nowt of real significance though, possibly slight difference in overall size of britannia, suspect reduction processes produced slight variations
  21. davidrj

    1863 Open 3 Revisited

    I put in a bid of $1.20 plus a snipe of $300 when it was newly listed at 99p with no mention of open 3 in the description. looked at it again at 15 minutes to go and it had a high bid at about $9.50 but noticed that the seller had added the open 3 description - then I watched as 4 bidders pushed it to $770 Very hard these days to pick up rarities without others spotting them too, But then the the low grade example I do have was just £5 on Ebay - just have to keep looking