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Everything posted by davidrj

  1. davidrj

    1863 Open 3 Revisited

    that's an intriguing statement re a variety that has probably less than 20 examples documented! are they all freeman 6+G - (gouby J+g)?
  2. davidrj

    1863 Open 3 Revisited

    I'm still not convinced it's not a botched 5/3
  3. davidrj

    1863 Open 3 Revisited

    Yes! here's Gouby's pictures
  4. davidrj

    1863 Open 3 Revisited

    Sorry, I think that's a standard 3 there are subtle varieties of the normal 3, the open 3 is quite distinct having a curved rather than straight downstroke
  5. davidrj

    1863 Open 3 Revisited

    Sadly mine is very low grade, was well and truly outbid on the one in this thread My thoughts too Bob, I actually spotted the shield protrusion before I noticed the open 3, the seller only noted the open 3 and edited his listing a day after I i put my snipe in
  6. davidrj


    You are in trouble when you can't get the name of the Boss's Son right
  7. davidrj

    Piece Of 8?

    There are serious collectors of these coins here best forum to ask questions before you purchase Health warning - they are obsessed with slabs
  8. davidrj

    1863 Open 3 Revisited

    All we have is the seller's photo, so unless a forum member shelled out the $770 we'll never know
  9. Two mules are possible for each of 2008 circulation coins with the exception of £2 which still has two rings of teeth/dots (I think). the 50p is least obvious as it's a change in orientation relative to the shape of the blank. Certainly worth an occasional glance at change
  10. davidrj

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    a really useful photo
  11. davidrj

    Portcullis Varieties On Decimal Penny

    Hindsight is the only exact science
  12. davidrj

    Portcullis Varieties On Decimal Penny

    Thanks - interesting
  13. davidrj

    Portcullis Varieties On Decimal Penny

    David Groom has left and right pointing feathers for the 1975 2p! One wonders whether in 50 years time these will all be enthusiastically sought varieties, much as we now cherish the vagaries of bun pennies I totally ignored Elizabeth halfpennies whilst they were in circulation, modern rubbish I thought, and so I dont have examples of some of the scarcer varieties
  14. davidrj

    Portcullis Varieties On Decimal Penny

    1986 is the earliest I have found type 2 portcullis with incuse rivets. There are quite a few varieties in the reverses and obverses over the years if you compare the circulation issues, the BU set issues and the proof issues. Even though the pictures above show type 1 portcullis as having 110 beads and type 2 having 113 beads, it is not always the case, you can get the type 2 portcullis with the 110 bead reverse too. Here are the Portcullis types I have in my collection (1971 to 1981 I collected circulation and proof, 1982 and 1983 I collected BU set and proof issues and 1984 >2008 I collected circulation and BU set issues) 1971 to 1985 circulation, BU sets and Proof have type 1 1986 circulation has type 1, BU set issue has type 2 1987 circulation and BU set has type 1 1988, 1989 and 1990 circulation has type 1, BU set has type 2 1991 both circulation and BU set are type 1 1992 circulation has type 2 and BU set has type 1 1993 circulation has type 1 and BU set has type 2 1994 both circulation and BU set have types 2 1995 to 2006 circulation and BU set have type 2 2007 and 2008 circulation has type 1, BU set has type 2 Gollly! any similar discrepencies in the 2p series?
  15. davidrj

    Portcullis Varieties On Decimal Penny

    Thanks, much clearer picture! Are there any other varieties in the later decimal bronze we need to be on the lookout for?
  16. Do they charge the same for coins they don't slab?
  17. davidrj

    Stamped Threepenny Bit

    Far too much titilation here methinks
  18. davidrj

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I wonder whether anybody knew how rare a 1933 penny was in 1934?? I suspect there were very few collectors of the current base metal coins prior to Peck, and absolutely no incentive to fabricate a 1933 back in 1934 Does anyone know when the first altererd dates surfaced? and now we are getting replicas of the Lavrillier patterns listed as genuine - link
  19. Interesting! seems a sensible option I do wonder how long we will be using any notes and coins Does the future of numismatics lie in collecting credit and debit cards.? I would think early ones are pretty scarce as we all are encouraged to destroy them once they have expired
  20. davidrj

    The Wife

    Just remember - you will never win!
  21. Jamaica pennies struck by RM dated 1899 & 1900, none dated 1901 like this