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Everything posted by davidrj

  1. my own question answered David
  2. I quite like b-metallic coins, bit of a sideline collection. I save £2 coins and foreign ones from change when abroad I've always considered Moore's model pennies to be early (1840) examples (I don't count copper plugs in tin halfpennies) Just spotted these French patterns on Ebay pattern1 pattern2 - don't know the size but they look similar to the Moore's ones So question is, what are the earliest examples, as a pattern? as a circulating coin? David
  3. ???????? It's only €125, the comma separates the cents. Why you need to be very careful when bidding on sites that trade in Euros! David
  4. I'm talking about modern ones like the £2, seem to think Italy had some in the mid 1980's Suppose it was only recently that the production costs of making the blanks made them cost effective can't imagine a circulating £5 coin is far off
  5. Only tin coin I have is this one 16th century Portugal or Portuguese Malacca I think Ugly but interesting David
  6. davidrj

    1983 2 Pence - New Pence

    UK bronze pennies you have are unlikely to have any significant value unless they have seen little circulation, what dates have you?
  7. davidrj

    1983 2 Pence - New Pence

    good summary by our host here David
  8. Your site looks fine in Chrome here! David
  9. davidrj


    Iraqi by the look of it David
  10. We always need to remember this was an Imperial coinage. There may have been no need for an issue in the UK, but a late request comes in from one of the colonies, 1951 Penny is the well known one David
  11. Just bring it to the club on Monday Rob, and I'll take it off your hands
  12. davidrj

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    No, but it's definately BU, just ask Peckris I am defo interested in it even if it is french carp , mainly because of the date ( fire of london and all that ) and it's condition. almost certainly a French Jeton - Louis XIV There are hundreds of different types, a field of study on their own. Some are rare, but most average circulated ones go for €15-25 on Ebay.fr French coins and jetons are fun!!! Hard to identify from the awful photo, I would leave this one alone, looks brassoed to me If you really want one dated 1666 try this link or here Thanks, ugly arent they , but I thnk I found what it is, is it the same as this do you think. http://cgi.ebay.fr/T...=item2eb8665d6c Actually I am cruising that site looking for something nice now, but its those horrible euros and the conversions from sterling I dont like it. If you pay by Paypal, conversion is done automatically, roughly works out as €1=£1 I buy lots of stuff from Ebay.fr no problems, likewise CGB a good firm to deal with, though pricey at times Beware buying from Spain, high postage costs. Italy is worse high postage plus 50% chance it wont arrive! And never buy anything from China, I got 4 fraudulent withdrawals after I did (£300 in total) to be fair Paypal spotted it before I did, rang me and I finally got the cash back. David
  13. davidrj

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    No, but it's definately BU, just ask Peckris I am defo interested in it even if it is french carp , mainly because of the date ( fire of london and all that ) and it's condition. almost certainly a French Jeton - Louis XIV There are hundreds of different types, a field of study on their own. Some are rare, but most average circulated ones go for €15-25 on Ebay.fr French coins and jetons are fun!!! Hard to identify from the awful photo, I would leave this one alone, looks brassoed to me If you really want one dated 1666 try this link or here
  14. davidrj

    VAT on Purchased coins from abroad

    Well, me being Scottish (apparently we're tight) thought, to get around always paying tax in Gemrnay on every purchase outside the EU i'd get a friend of mine in the UK to buy a coin for me from the USA: Today he tells me the coin has arrived and parcelforce have gave him a wee letter saying i'm owing another 38 f*****g quid for tax, i would have been cheaper buying it myself and letting the Germans tax me 7% instead of the near 30% that i've had to pay. I really thought Germay was bad for taxation, but that just pales into insignifigance as to what i've just had to add to the UK Governments coffers. 7% German tax or near 30% UK tax, hmmmmm thats a toughie It's not the tax per se, it's the exorbitant fee the Royal mail charges for collecting the duty, I've been caught twice, but that's a very low percentage of the number of packets I've received from overseas. Pot luck really
  15. A few cents then - it looks like the value has been rubbed off in order to create a blank area for the engraving. Nice coin with an interesting story :-) Probably a half franc F179/30 David
  16. davidrj


    I'm trying to put together a catalogue of pennies "30mm ish bronze coins of the world" - for my own amusement, though it may develop in future to a website or ebook. Illustrations mainly from my own collection, but there are those elusive types that you can never find or are way out of my price range Stuff from Auction sites such as Colin Cooke or Heritage are straight forward, i can include a link and if I were to ever publish I could seek permission to use their image But what about Ebay items? who owns the images? Thoughts welcome David
  17. davidrj


    To clarify these are both listed as Coin Monthly authorship
  18. davidrj


    To clarify these are both listed as Coin Monthly authorship
  19. davidrj


    Argus Books was apparently the publisher of the 1992 Year Book whereas the 1988 was published by Numismatic Publishing
  20. davidrj


    Just bought these Coin Monthlys on Ebay, £17 including postage seems a good buy, considering what current magazines cost.
  21. davidrj


    You are right of course Peck! But I don't have the time or skill for photos of everything. Scanning does give detail, important if you are a variety freak like me, and for what I'm currently trying to achieve "warts and all" suits me. Now when it comes to selling .............
  22. davidrj


    Thanks! As i said, this is a project in infancy, so copyright is not really an issue yet, publishing is a remote goal. I'm slowly working through scanning my entire collection, which although a "labour of love" can get pretty tedious, so I do it in small chunks. And I'm also now realising just how crap some of my coins really are ; but this is the purpose for now, to have a record of just what I have on my computer, and eventually iPad so when looking a stuff on Ebay etc, I can decide whether to add a new coin or upgrade a existing one. Including copies of rare dies i don't currently possess allows me to help decide if what I think I'm bidding on is! Having known examples of both the 1903 and 1863 open 3s for direct comparison on screen has already paid dividends! Watch this space! David
  23. Nickel is magnetic, cupronickel and silver arent
  24. Nor me, just the 2010, but did get a super 2010 Florence Nightingale in my change today, 1st one I've seen David