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Everything posted by davidrj

  1. It's from Guernsey - the Channel Islands and the Isle of Mann have their own coins David
  2. davidrj

    Nice Plug

    Don't think any amount of olive oil can rescue that one, Popeye maybe David
  3. and then there's a village in Austria..... 4 kilometers from the German border. population 106 see wikipedia entry
  4. davidrj

    More mystery coins Japanese?

    Look like Chines cash to me, although they could be Japanes or Korean You video is too indistinct to identify them, can you post either still photos, or put them on your scaaner
  5. davidrj

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Somebody got burned! Ooouch! Where's his REV picture No REV picture. I suspect that he pulled a pic off the internet to post on ebay and the actuall coin is a worn 1873 I checked this one to see what feedback said, "item not avaiable", so I assume buyer was well pissed!
  6. davidrj

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Item Removed.... I WISH I had that ability... LOL.... I meant that I had looked to see what the listing was, and I got a message that the item was removed..... how did you do that? There were 4 seperate listings of "genuine" undated 20p Seller had a no return policy as he said coins came "direct from the factory" !!!
  7. davidrj

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Very odd wording on this listing undated 20P Fakes???? David
  8. davidrj

    Penny help.

    Definitely a standard (closed) 3
  9. M.Freeman, Bronze Penny (1966) M.Freeman, Bronze Coinage 1st Edition (1970) M.Gouby, The Bronze Penny 1860-1970 (1986) M.Gouby, The Bronze penny 1860-1901 Specialised (2009) D.Groom, Identification Of 20th Century Bronze (2010) D.Allen, Grading British Coins Krause, World Coins V edition (?1977) Krause, 1601-1700 3rd ed Krause, 1701-1800 3rd ed Krause, 1801-1900 4th ed Krause, 1901-2000 36th ed F daSilva, Moedas e Notas (Portuguese Coins from 1799) 2004 Prieur & Schmitt, Le Franc VI (French Coins 1796-2001) 2006 V Gadoury, Monnaies Royales Francaise 1610-1792 (1986) J Duplessy, Monnaies Francaise Royales 1515-1793 (1989) Edifil, Moneda Espanola (Spanish coins , mainland & colonies from 1700) 1981 Higgins, Copper coins of Europe 1892 (Spink reprint) 1970 Hobson, Coin Identifier (1966) A book on 19th C Chinese copper (all in Chinese but photos of all types) 2003 Cresswell. Chinese Cash (1971) Spink Seaby, British Copper Coins (1967) A Russo, Moedas do Brasil (Brazil 1643-1990) 1990 Spink, Coins of England 2007 probably more David
  10. davidrj

    1860 Penny F10

    Even more of a disaster of a die pair than I first thought, here's the E of ONE This one definitely not in Gouby
  11. It's not often I get excited by a penny with a hole in, but what do folk here make of this one ??? :- Obverse is similar to Gouby 1860 Jd - F in FD triple struck, but differing in that the last T of BRITT has lost it's horizontal bar Reverse has a raised dot in between E and N in PENNY which looks identical to Gouby's 1860 Le (Freeman 13) A definite Friday afternoon job £12.84 plus £2pp David
  12. davidrj

    1860 Penny F10

    Agree about the E, not 100% sure about the dot, may be crud but it looks identical to the Bamford one illustrated in Gouby Maybe a soak in olive oil is called for If the hole wasn't there, possibly the errors would have been spotted and the coin out of my price range And then those of us who collect varieties can't be too picky on grade The triple F shouted even in the seller's poor picture, but the Rev was a bonus I only noticed when I scanned it
  13. davidrj

    1911 Pennies

    I've had similar thoughts, none of of Gouby X I've seen seem to have the very raised rim, but then none were better than Fine Given the unconfirmed reports of "hollow neck" 1912s maybe we should all look at tooth alignment of our 1912 and 1913 in our junk boxes duplicates David
  14. davidrj

    1911 Pennies

    Seconded! and glad to have been of help. Can we get all this info to Spink? May get it listed in future editions David
  15. Broken Y in PENNY too by the look of it
  16. Very sensible. Going down the individual die collecting route would be unwieldy. A back of the fag packet calculation using the 1863 & 1864 etched tonnage figures on pennies gives approximately 134 tons of pennies struck up to the end of 1863. Assuming average weight of 145 grains as per Peck and say 100,000 coins per die pair would imply about 144 die pairs used in the first 4 years of the bronze currency. Depending on teething problems with the new currency, that number could and almost certainly would increase. It's fair to say you could be a while. So what you are saying Rob, is the entity we refer to as a DIE which may or not have flaws etc, is in fact a machine tool cloned from a MASTER, the MASTER being where design changes occur. Which explains the differences in date widths if numbers were added later to the working DIE So question, how were working DIEs produced from MASTERs? What was the life of a MASTER compared to a DIE? And why do we frequently have more than one MASTER in use concurrently? Very confusing in that we are all appear to be using the term DIE for two different entities David
  17. Thanks Rob, wonder if it's now available online, Googling beckons David
  18. davidrj

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Somebody got burned! Ooouch! I sent him a question too - "is the coin in the picture the one on offer"? Predictably I got no reply,
  19. davidrj

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Somebody got burned! Ooouch! I sent him a question too - "is the coin in the picture the one on offer"? Predictably I got no reply,
  20. Lots of variations in date width in the first few years,..... production problems, Gouby only starts listing them from 1866 But I have to admit I don't understand why they occur at all. I assume the master die is made and then the final date number is punched in as required, was this from a softer metal, that had to replaced due to wear? Some years have lttle variation, but variations in some types with low mintage, eg 1871, 1875H, and 1879 small date??? ... and the nosensical wide dates in the veil head pennies Anyone here point me to a reference on how dates were added?? David
  21. davidrj

    1911 Pennies

    Okay just spent a bit of time putting 6 1911 pennies on the scanner, simultaneous scan with as near identical illumination and orientation as possible original scan at 3200 dpi >>> massive file, then a bit of cut & paste in Photoshop The Gouby X stands out like a sore thumb, can't see any difference in the rest though some have a hint of hollow neck. Suggest the term "hollow neck" be confined to the dustbin and that 1911 varieties are solely distinguishable by bead size and letter alignement David
  22. davidrj

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    A new obverse type for 1861 penny? idiot posting
  23. davidrj

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I reckon there was a H there, light patches below and between the 8 and 7 where we all know the H should be, Here's another 1876 no-H with clearer pictures this time: 1876 Penny no-H Faint H there IMHO - Light is hitting top serif of left hand upright, spot that and you can just make out the H David