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Everything posted by davidrj

  1. davidrj

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Can't see this staying at 99p for long 1869 penny I sure I can't afford iy David
  2. davidrj

    1882 London Mint penny ?

    The big interest in collecting was in the years prior to decimalisation, there could be another surge if we ever decided to join the Euro David
  3. Doesn't have the feel of fire damage, no heavy oxidation
  4. davidrj

    1882 London Mint penny ?

    Not with any enthusiasm, but then if I look at my accumulation of pennies collected in the 60's, I have very few post 1894, "modern" except H & KNs didn't interest me at the time. I wonder how current bronze clad steel will look in 100 yrs time, will they rust with age? David
  5. davidrj

    1882 London Mint penny ?

    So if we took £20 in sovereigns back to 1869, would we get value exchanging for current bronze or silver? the chances of finding anything scarce would be low - no 1869 pennies, probably the majority would be 1862/3 So let's think in reverse, what current circulation coins would you salt away for your great grandchildren? David
  6. davidrj

    1882 London Mint penny ?

    I want a TARDIS for Christmas David
  7. davidrj

    1882 London Mint penny ?

    Not Gospel of course, new varieties are being found all the time If 1949 has this in hand then close microscopic examination of that smudge under the date is needed. If he is thinking of purchase then alarm bells should ring if anything over the standard price for an 1882H is asked for David
  8. davidrj

    1882 London Mint penny ?

    I've blown up your picture and I see a slight smudge wher the H would be I don't have the books next to me. seem to recall 1882 no H has a different die combination, so Hi res scans both sides please Fingers crossed for you! David
  9. davidrj

    The Euro

    A question for those who live in Euroland. 10 years on, how many coins have crossed national boundaries? I've found some nice ones in unexpected places, but then I only visit tourist hot spots where folk are spending cash from previous holidays Have, for example, German collectors carried out any surveys of what's currently in circulation? David
  10. davidrj

    The Euro

    No problem with me David
  11. Yes I agree, just slapped two on the scanner last night, in response to your intervention. Bottom one is the first reverse I was unaware till now of the difference in the date alignment with the border beads, and I'm assuming for now that these are consistent in the George V series... another trawl through the duplicates box beckons David
  12. Hopefully this one is better. What does the edge look like - any line indicating a join? Possibly grafted with a private issue, similar to "double headed" pennies ?Masonic David
  13. 1913 dates there is a difference in spacing and the relationship of numerals to border beads, but font is essentially the same to me David
  14. Noticed this is now on Ebay 1913 odd 3 can't see it making £50 David
  15. Hard to tell, can you do a high res scan? David
  16. davidrj

    Useful links (members posts)

    Best known examples of French coins from 1795 to 2001 Collection ideale David
  17. davidrj

    Saucy tips :-)

    For amusement only Chilli Sauce David
  18. Have to agree, 19th C French bronze medals are superb
  19. davidrj

    The Euro

    I have to ask, a day out in Finland, anything in particular Scott? Or a cheap flight? Sounds like you were on the same itinery I was on a fortnight ago Scott. Baltic cruise - Oslo,Copenhagen, Tallin, St Petersburg, Helsinki & Stockholm Got a very nice Maltese €0.50 in Helsinki, probably from someone on the same cruise in the same tourist shop! I'm interested to know what the mix is away from the holiday destinations. Looking for commemarative €2 coins would be more fun than our hunt for £2s
  20. davidrj

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    How does a bronze penny get to this colour?? 1923 S.African penny
  21. This was the chap who also designed the infamous Lusitania medal Brilliant artist, but lacking in humanity in my view David
  22. Hideous! Nazi propaganda It isn't Nazi Prop David, its dated 1920, its a Freemasons medal, check the eye on the REV I stand corrected, but demonstrative of attitudes in Germany post WWI I thought I recognised the style - it's by Karl Goertz see Goertz medals K262 The Watch on the Rhine This medal was Goetz' protest for the arrival of black colonial French troops to occupy the Rhine territory. Most certainly a ploy by the French to humiliate the Germans, Goetz was obviously livid with the action. Here we see his vitriolic response over several 'reported' rapes and sexual excesses by these occupying troops. History now shows that these fears were unfounded and reports of rape were more exception than rule. This does not remove the fact that this 'infamous' iconography still overshadows Goetz' entire oeuvre. David
  23. Another one I've never heard of, be interested to see the pictures Thanks for the info David I hope that this picture is clear enough, Thanks! Filled die???? It was the 1934 I was commenting on
  24. Another one I've never heard of, be interested to see the pictures Thanks for the info David I hope that this picture is clear enough, Thanks! Filled die????