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Everything posted by davidrj

  1. davidrj

    Setting up a web site

    Thanks all for the advice, having just reached the magic age where Her Majesty pays me to stay at home (although still working two days per week) I fancy a new project for days when it's too wet/cold to garden Don't want to host anything public yet, but a hotlink/HTML type application appeals. Lots of photography to do first
  2. davidrj

    Setting up a web site

    I've been meaning to set up a picture database of my coins for some while, none of the available software I've tried fits my needs - I collect world coins (albeit almost all penny sized) A friend suggested that setting one up using web design software may be more use, with the added bonus I could subsequently share my gems with a wider audience on line. Any advice much appreciated
  3. Most US coins have astronomic mintages, so minor varieties add interest and something for collectors to search out My view is if you can't spot a difference on a VF coin it's a minor variety
  4. I assume that the 1895 2mm was the first design that was abandoned some reason and replaced with the "normal" reverse used from 1895 to 1902(LT). The 1897 "Gouby X" is the odd one, never seen a picture of one in high grade.
  5. OK Scott, if my scanner was working properly I'd send you photos, but it's one of those where you need a ruler and the two coins side by side. 1) On the variety usually known as the '1895 2mm', the angle of the trident and the P of the word 'penny' are 2 mm. apart whereas on the standard issue they are 1 mm. apart; 2) The variety has a slightly lower tide, but on neither type is the tide a particularly prominent feature and on worn examples it may have disappeared altogether. This is what gives rise to the variety's other name of '1895 low tide'; 3) The word 'penny' is much more scrunched up on the variety and has noticeably smaller spacings than the word 'one'; 4) Britannia is actually very slightly smaller and neater on the 2mm. making her look slightly more elegant. Hope that answers your question. Scott, there's a nice 2mm 1895 here 1895 2mm
  6. Now that is a very minor variety and no mistake. ?? why should this be considered a minor variety? totally different die - higher tide, shield much closer to the rim, P of Penny to a gap rather than a tooth Do you consider the 1902 low tide minor? Another puzzle though.. why does it exist just for 1897 and in such low quantity
  7. Unlike bun pennies, that later reverse just doesn't seem to arouse enthusiasm.
  8. davidrj

    On the subject of forgeries...

    Not just classics - undated 20p :-(
  9. davidrj

    help required

    Looks a bit like Wellington to me - similar portrait here wellington token
  10. davidrj

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Finally went for £931.45, not bad for 99p start! way out of my league, so another gap remains unfilled
  11. davidrj

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    This one's interesting 1860 penny - LCW below foot 99p start currently at £825 with 5 days to go
  12. davidrj

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Hopefully this may prevent the daily recycling of junk on Ebay new Ebay rule
  13. according to Tony Clayton's site metals used for coins there is a German medal in Uranium, Osmium much too hard & brittle
  14. davidrj

    1895 Penny

    just bought this on ebay (seller's picture) Wide date not listed in Michael Gouby's book I'll post a higher res picture once I have it hand
  15. davidrj

    Royal Maundy

    Er no, it's a one-off thing, each pensioner gets as many Maundy pence as the age of the monarch. see Wiki Maundy Not sure why she got the crown and the 50p (?silver proofs??) D
  16. davidrj

    1895 Penny

    My thoughts too, all the wide date seem pretty scarce, I have a 96 and a 99 both fair, couldn't resist this one whether they will attract a premium in future who knows David Yes I bought a Fair '99 from the 'Bay, only to find, when I stating trawling through a heap of Veil Head pennies taken from circulation late-60s, that I already had one, and had had it for around 40 years my 1897 Gouby reverse x (high sea) lived in a coffee jar of duplicates for 40 odd years!! Work is hectic at present, but after May I have promised myself time to sit down with Gouby's new book and trawl through the rest.
  17. davidrj

    1895 Penny

    My thoughts too, all the wide date seem pretty scarce, I have a 96 and a 99 both fair, couldn't resist this one whether they will attract a premium in future who knows David
  18. davidrj

    1895 Penny

    my snipe was 20th bid .. £26 David Just as a matter of interest David, was it touted by the vendor as a wide/unusual looking date, or just put up as an ordinary 1895 ? No just 1895 VICTORIA OLDHEAD PENNY ALMOST UNC
  19. davidrj

    1895 Penny

    my snipe was 20th bid .. £26 David
  20. Quite! I have a small collection of battered copper from the French Revolution, I often wondered who handled them and what events they witnessed. No romance in a collection of silver proofs in my view :-) David
  21. I collect pennies, and similar 30mm copper and bronze worldwide, and yes, I like date runs and die varieties I tend to go for GVF/NEF if I can = I like real coins that actually entered circulation, and I can pick up without donning gloves Mine is a hobby/fun collection, rather than an investment portfolio
  22. davidrj

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I liked this one 1852 penny
  23. I'm no expert, but my attempt would be KAROLUS FRA **** no idea on last four letters :-)