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  1. azda


    0% if held for 365 days in Germany, nearly $100k per bitcoin, gotta love the doubters above, big boys playing now, we should correct soon though. The btc ETF has been spectacular, but sooner or later comes the supply shock and the rocket.......Love my Tulips, the biggest player in the world playing and its a Tulip, the'y been buying like it's gonna run out, major hedge funds own nearly 1 million btc, that's gotta be some Tulip
  2. azda


    Actually, in some places you can pay your taxes with bitcoin 🤓
  3. azda


    Doubtful it will see zero with hedge funds now entered into the area. In fact one CEO hedge fund manager got booted for not entering inTO THE BTC ETF, but now it will never go to zero as there’s trillions, not billions available.
  4. azda


    And the trade so far is still running
  5. azda


    This I charted today, green box was the target, right now I'm still in the trade
  6. azda


    I remember not long ago there was a discussion about crypto, someone mentioned something about it going to zero. Now with Blackrock and several other hedge fund managers pumping their endless trillions into bitcoin I just wonder what his feeling is on it now. I have been inactive buying as I've been making money in crypto, buying spot bags plus leverage trading, my biggest win to date was a 3000% gain on a 40x long trade that I did, don't get me wrong, I'm no guru, but no dummy either, learning is all part of the fun, just like it was when I started out collecting coins. I have a goal in crypto, I've doubled my input so far, but will be back when the frenzy calms down and I've had enough. P.S, to whoever it was that thought it was going to zero, pension funds have been unlocked and are able to buy, that's where the trillions come from, I also expect bitcoin to hit 6 figures this year. Ciao for now
  7. https://www.gbnews.com/money/money-news-cash-bank-england-digital-currency-latest
  8. The whole point of a cashless society IS to make sure you’re NOT anonymous. Govts will control your bank account and if they don’t like what you’re buying then you won’t be able to pay for it, Legrade said as much when asked about going digital.
  9. My coronation 5 coin set waiting for me in the UK.
  10. No, the mint wiped them after striking like the 1902s before putting them into their boxes, seen a lot of 1902s with details grades due to this
  11. Yet it’s used by the Govt as a propoganda arm, therefor not impartial
  12. Personally think this could come back as a details grade with those REV hairlines, just. my opinion, it’s always a lottery with NGC.
  13. Can someone ID this 1874H REV for me please