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Everything posted by azda

  1. That had me curious as well Peck
  2. http://www.sixbid.com/browse.html?auction=1533&category=32449&lot=1384964 (null)
  3. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Another DNW coin i looked at but passed by due to the grafitti but the grade seems to have changed since it was posted to the new seller http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/221552619165
  4. azda

    Alex Salmond

    Unlike the BBC bias Peck? The Beeb ain't perfect, not by a long chalk, but I'll believe them over some FB chancer any day of the week. Then we'll have to agree to disagree
  5. azda

    Alex Salmond

    Unlike the BBC bias Peck?
  6. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I love finding coins that i've tried to buy at auction amd see the mark ups http://www.sixbid.com/browse.html?auction=1349&category=27657&lot=1238007 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/221553295891?ru=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fsch%2Fi.html%3F_from%3DR40%26_sacat%3D0%26_nkw%3D221553295891%26_rdc%3D1
  7. You obviously have'nt noticed the price Tag
  8. azda

    Alex Salmond

    And these are the scum who were rioting in Glasgow last night
  9. azda

    Alex Salmond

    Unforzunately i cannot agree on the vote rigging. I think it was the biggest stitch up of all time
  10. azda

    Alex Salmond

    1 million failed to vote yesterday, i would have expected much lower than that considering the prize
  11. azda

    Alex Salmond

    Surely most of Westminster should be out of jobs then as they seem to be failing everyone on everything
  12. azda

    Alex Salmond

    Alex Salmond's full resignation statement: "I am immensely proud of the campaign which Yes Scotland fought and of the 1.6 million voters who rallied to that cause by backing an independent Scotland. "I am also proud of the 85 per cent turnout in the referendum and the remarkable response of all of the people of Scotland who participated in this great constitutional debate and the manner in which they conducted themselves. "We now have the opportunity to hold Westminster's feet to the fire on the "vow" that they have made to devolve further meaningful power to Scotland. This places Scotland in a very strong position. "I spoke to the Prime Minister today and, although he reiterated his intention to proceed as he has outlined, he would not commit to a second reading vote by March 27 on a Scotland Bill. That was a clear promise laid out by Gordon Brown during the campaign. The Prime Minister says such a vote would be meaningless. I suspect he cannot guarantee the support of his party. "But today the point is this. The real guardians of progress are not the politicians at Westminster, or even at Holyrood, but the energised activism of tens of thousands of people who I predict will refuse meekly to go back into the political shadows. "For me right now , therefore there is a decision as to who is best placed to lead this process forward politically. "I believe that in this new exciting situation, redolent with possibility, Party, Parliament and country would benefit from new leadership. "Therefore I have told the National Secretary of the SNP that I will not accept nomination to be a candidate for leader at the Annual Conference in Perth on November 13-15. "After the membership ballot I will stand down as First Minister to allow the new leader to be elected by due Parliamentary process. "Until then I will continue to serve as First Minister. After that I will continue to offer to serve as Member of the Scottish Parliament for Aberdeenshire East. "It has been the privilege of my life to serve Scotland as First Minister. But as I said often during the referendum campaign this is not about me or the SNP. It is much more important than that. "The position is this. We lost the referendum vote but can still carry the political initiative. More importantly Scotland can still emerge as the real winner."
  13. azda

    Alex Salmond

    Should Salmond resign if it's a No? Oh, hang on a second ...Personally i don't see the need for him to (and yes i've seen the news) its his Intention to step down shortly, but as has been written here a few posts previous, 7 days is a long time in politics
  14. azda

    Alex Salmond

    The government says it wants to reform the barnett formula, its the government that should be reformed as none of them are doing anything for anyone
  15. azda

    Alex Salmond

    Only London matters Peck, its the centre of the universe
  16. azda

    Alex Salmond

    The SNP side was paid for by the Euro millions lotto winters who won 186 million, so that won't come from the taypayers pocket. The 3 amigos visit and the Bird they use to Write some shite on a piece of paper however i cannot say who will pay for their jaunt
  17. azda

    Alex Salmond

    Well looks like Scotland needs some new kneepads. Cannot believe they voted for more foodbanks and more cuts and a privatised NHS, absolute idiots
  18. azda

    Alex Salmond

    There will be no sweetners Rob, Westminster want to screw Scotland for more money taking away 4 Billion a year meaning a few more foodbanks opening, prescription fees etc all having to be paid for and bending over and generally getting buggered by Westminster as usual. It seems English Masters once again and not neighbours as we Hopes for. Idiots is all i can say
  19. azda

    Alex Salmond

    You mean the sole inhabitant of the isle of McTaggart didn't get out of bed and along to vote until 8.00pm? It was Falkirk, there is about 50,000 there
  20. azda

    Alex Salmond

    Nick you seem to be forgetting 1 slight detail, we'll still be a part of the Union for another 18 months until you boys sort oot the new flagg etc and Westminster amd edinburgh have ironed oot the details. I love how Snotty people can get and how they think it takes 24 hours for 4 countires to sort out a bit of a mess. P.s 1 Polling Station is now closed at 8pm due to its 100% turnout
  21. azda

    Which one to choose?

    £400 for a common date halfcrown?
  22. azda

    Alex Salmond

    Its a Nervy day all round. Should Cameron resign should the vote be a yes? Would there be a General election in The Rest of the UK?
  23. azda

    Alex Salmond

    I believe there will be a vote on the monarchy should we gain independence, but as Ametrica did'nt retain them i'm sure Scotland won't, but we'll see what happens from tomorrow onwards, nothing is a forgone conclusion either way