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Everything posted by azda

  1. Politisions are politisions because of their own self inerests. Don't think because the politisions for their own self interests are panicing and want the UK to stay whole that the people give a hoot.If Scotland really want to seperate, the English should be given a vote. Turnout would be very low but it would be a land slide result. Landeslide result? You Sound like a Tory Gary because you are telling me something that you don't REALLY know, facts are what is required and not myth, feel free to give me facts.
  2. Just so we are in agreement about the NHS, this is cuts/proposed cuts to English hospitals
  3. Looking through this thread its easy to see the perception of the English contigent of Scottish independence. Some say we should be grateful for English rule (lol, really?) still have'nt seen 1 good arguement as to why Scotland should stay. A majority seem to think we should, so i'd like to hear/read why, then when you have nothing to argue about, think why Westminster are so keen to keep a firm grip of Scotland, off you go, lets see what you have
  4. Sorry but how many roads have you driven on in Scotland? You Quote the NHS and Railways Systems, ermmmmmmm i assume the NHS in Englamd is all honky dorey and the Railways fares in England are much lower than Scotlands to to their over use? Hahaha come on, these Systems are buggered not because its a specific nations, but because Government after Government has pissed all over what was once a great System and has been ruined by Westminster and not by Scotland, why, Tiny Scotland has free prescriptions so our system seems to be running ok, do you pay for yours? Of course you do, and as stated before, Scotland pays more tax than we receive back yet we have free prescriptions, maybe you should be asking your government why instead of blaming Scotland for what exactly lol?
  5. Yet More Dirty tricks (or an attempt at least) by the establishment you are obviously not wanting Scotland to leave http://wingsoverscotland.com/playing-with-fire/ I wish they'd just let Freedom of choice prevail instead of resorting to this BS
  6. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/191111646910?ru=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fsch%2Fi.html%3F_sacat%3D0%26_from%3DR40%26_nkw%3D191111646910%26_rdc%3D1 Check where it came from
  7. Investing in Scottish businesses in Scotland and ploughing money into long term solutions for the oil dryimg up is another opportunity. NO country on this planet should think oil is going to last Forever, more fool them if they think it will. The post there by copper123 just shows some of the arrogance by some English towards the Scots with his quote "we've took all what we have, now throw them to the lions" statements like that just makes me want independence more so that Westminster can go and bleed you dry and see How you like it when they're raping your payslip for double the tax. Roll on September
  8. And just on the small topic of oil. There is enough oil off the Scottish waters for many a year to come yet, so lets look at Dubai who has maybe 5-10 years worth of reserves left, they seems to be doing quite well with hpw they are going to Cope without oil, they're Building an infrastructre with their wealth when the fields run dry. The other thing i noted is that none of you commented on the fact that Scotland has in fact been subsidising England, strange that (NOT)
  9. England or rather Westminster is actually shitting themselves copper123 that Scotland in fact DOES gain Independence for the very reasons that you have quoted, the raping of our land, the over Taxation of our people so that ENGLAND could flourish and Westminster tells Scotland that they're doing us a favour. You'll feel the shit hitting the Fan if we become Independent due to the Black hole in tax that you'll all have to cover due to the quaffing Tories bleeding your country dry.
  10. The last Scottish king of this name was Alexander III. He was the last king of the House of Dunkeld and reigned from 1249 to 1286, and was, surprise, surprise the son of Alexander II. So, Mr Salmond would become Alexander IV - sounds better than King Salmond I, with Queen Sturgeon alongside him.Not sure why you'd think a commoner would become a King Dave, i'm sure IF Scotland were to gain independence whoever was the Leader of said Independent country would certainly not become a King or Queen, perhaps president, but certainly not royalty.
  11. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Go on........put a bid in
  12. Here you go Girls and boys, some more light reading for you all http://wingsoverscotland.com/the-historical-debt/
  13. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    You could also take way the N in SHINE and add a T and the description would be perfect
  14. I would hate to live in London, i think it would strangle me, i like a bit of open air instead of seeing buildings and traffic everywhere.
  15. If i'm not mistaken, it was always going to be the case as he states that his work would be done, i say it would only have just begun. The finicial leakage would be from England surely with a rather large tax hole to fill as it won't come from Scotland, this is why Westminster is sweating, because its going to Have to plug a large defecit and taxing an already exhausted population won't go down well
  16. No Rob, he's also campaigning for the 4 Million polish immigrants
  17. Salmond said he would immediately reaignif Scotland won their independence back, so his image would definately not be on the coimage.perhaps the famois Churchill 2 finger salute would be more appropriate, we could optimise the space on the coin with just 1 finger perhaps
  18. A flat in Munich will set you back 350k a house will cost 500k minimum and above
  19. A flat in Munich will set you back 350k a house will cost 500k minimum and above
  20. http://youtu.be/pMcxI2CegWw Watch all the way through, tears of laughter were Rolling down my face by the end of this (null)
  21. azda

    My Goodies Have Arrived

    Its a decent coin but not a coin i want to bid on, i put quite a few on my watch list, this was one of those
  22. azda

    My Goodies Have Arrived

    Lol, its from the upcoming DNW sale, its also in my watch list, lot 152 if i'm not mistaken
  23. If anyone is interested, i'm selling off everything on mine and my buddys ebay account, he's also had a belly full of the arseholes that frequent the site. Here's a link to one of he auctions, just browse the rest, there's some half decent stuff in there. I'm not done collecting, just with ebay. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/131151706362?ru=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fsch%2Fi.html%3F_sacat%3D0%26_from%3DR40%26_nkw%3D131151706362%26_rdc%3D1